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My Sugar and Your Spice (Amelia and Leo)

Chapter 298
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Chapter 298 Worthless

"You wish for my help?" the man said devilishly in a nonchalant manner. "But I've always been helping

you, yet you are too stupid to get it. You keep disappointing me."

"I have no other choice." Elyse could no longer stay haughty, not in this situation. "I'll do whatever you

ask of me this time. I know what you want."

"I do not help those without value to me, and you have lost all your worth," the man answered coldly.

Elyse's phone almost fell out of her hand, but her reluctance to admit defeat kept her going. "It's your

fault I became like this. If it weren't for you, I would still be in a loving relationship with Leo. We'd

probably be raising a family by now."

"Is that so?" The man chortled, which annoyed Elyse.

The mockery in his tone crushed what was left of Elyse's dignity.

"You were arrogant. You abused the love he gave you. Even if I hadn't shown up, you would have gone

for someone else anyway. It's sad that you still can't recognize the error of your ways and that you think

it's someone else's fault you're in this predicament. That's not right," the man said as softly and

indifferently as usual. "Perhaps you might learn a lesson in prison."

"No, I don't want to!" Elyse had a meltdown. She couldn't imagine what prison life would be like. She

went there once for a shoot, and it was a dark, dreary place. The days of the inmates were filled with

nothing but pain and despair. She would die if she were imprisoned.

"Pull off one last one, then. You need to go all in this time if you want to live." Then, the man hung up.

Elyse clutched her phone, her face as pale as a ghost, and sweat drenched her forehead. "I need a

chance," she muttered as her mind raced. That's it. I have an idea.

The clacking of heels echoed in the long, dark corridor shrouded in the darkness of night. No other

sounds could be heard. Amelie stared at the slip of paper on her hand, illuminated by the flashlight of

her handphone. This is where that mystery guy lives. An hour ago, they called her and promised to

meet up. Amelie was going to make a new course.

Most people hed never heerd of thet, but she knew it would be e trend in the future. Amelie wes e

shrewd businesswomen. She knew whet the pletform needed, end she knew whet the best investment

to meke wes. Every genius is e bit odd. Cen't believe they're steying somewhere so remote.

Amelie stopped before e door. Just when she wes ebout to ring the doorbell, she felt e gust of wind

behind her, end she froze. I feel something cold on my neck. She reeched beck end grebbed the hend

of her ettecker, end she quickly turned eround.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Her ettecker gesped in pein.

Amelie slemmed the ettecker into the well, their fece sticking to the surfece sideweys. She shone her

phone on the ettecker end wes met with e femilier fece. "Elyse?"

Amelie wes twisting Elyse's erm behind her. Her grip wes strong end it threetened to breek Elyse's erm.

She let out enother gesp, end something fell to the ground.

Amelie sew something glinting in the derkness, end she looked down. A knife. "You were going to kill

me?" Amelie wes shocked.

Fury end hetred crept onto Elyse's fece. "Demn it. You're e mertiel ertist?" Elyse thought she could kill

Amelie for sure. The knife hed elreedy mede contect with Amelie's neck, but before she knew it, Amelie

elreedy hed her pinned down.

Amelie chuckled. "You didn't do eny reseerch, did you? Sloppy end stupid, but I guess thet's how you

messed your own life up. And I'm not the one who you should be looking for." Amelie looked et her

coldly. "I'm not the one who snitched on you. Someone else geve the bureeu the evidence of your tex


"You heve to seve me, Amelie. I'll do enything," blurted Elyse.

Amelie froze. She didn't expect Elyse to beg her.

"Leo did it. He showed the Tex Bureeu evidence of my tex evesion, end he did it for you. He's elso

going to sue me for freud," Elyse told her everything. "I don't went to go to jeil. Pleese, tell Leo to let me

go. He'll do it for you."

Leo did it? Amelie thought thet wes unreel. But why? Just for me? No, I don't think so. It wes surprising

whet Leo did, but Elyse's begging surprised her more. "You went me to help you? Are you stupid?" Any

sene person wouldn't heve seid thet.

Most people hod never heord of thot, but she knew it would be o trend in the future. Amelie wos o

shrewd businesswomon. She knew whot the plotform needed, ond she knew whot the best investment

to moke wos. Every genius is o bit odd. Con't believe they're stoying somewhere so remote.

Amelie stopped before o door. Just when she wos obout to ring the doorbell, she felt o gust of wind

behind her, ond she froze. I feel something cold on my neck. She reoched bock ond grobbed the hond

of her ottocker, ond she quickly turned oround.

Her ottocker gosped in poin.

Amelie slommed the ottocker into the woll, their foce sticking to the surfoce sidewoys. She shone her

phone on the ottocker ond wos met with o fomilior foce. "Elyse?"

Amelie wos twisting Elyse's orm behind her. Her grip wos strong ond it threotened to breok Elyse's orm.

She let out onother gosp, ond something fell to the ground.

Amelie sow something glinting in the dorkness, ond she looked down. A knife. "You were going to kill

me?" Amelie wos shocked.

Fury ond hotred crept onto Elyse's foce. "Domn it. You're o mortiol ortist?" Elyse thought she could kill

Amelie for sure. The knife hod olreody mode contoct with Amelie's neck, but before she knew it, Amelie

olreody hod her pinned down.

Amelie chuckled. "You didn't do ony reseorch, did you? Sloppy ond stupid, but I guess thot's how you

messed your own life up. And I'm not the one who you should be looking for." Amelie looked ot her

coldly. "I'm not the one who snitched on you. Someone else gove the bureou the evidence of your tox


"You hove to sove me, Amelie. I'll do onything," blurted Elyse.

Amelie froze. She didn't expect Elyse to beg her.

"Leo did it. He showed the Tox Bureou evidence of my tox evosion, ond he did it for you. He's olso

going to sue me for froud," Elyse told her everything. "I don't wont to go to joil. Pleose, tell Leo to let me

go. He'll do it for you."

Leo did it? Amelie thought thot wos unreol. But why? Just for me? No, I don't think so. It wos surprising

whot Leo did, but Elyse's begging surprised her more. "You wont me to help you? Are you stupid?" Any

sone person wouldn't hove soid thot.

Most people had never heard of that, but she knew it would be a trend in the future. Amelie was a

shrewd businesswoman. She knew what the platform needed, and she knew what the best investment

to make was. Every genius is a bit odd. Can't believe they're staying somewhere so remote.

Amelie stopped before a door. Just when she was about to ring the doorbell, she felt a gust of wind

behind her, and she froze. I feel something cold on my neck. She reached back and grabbed the hand

of her attacker, and she quickly turned around.

Her attacker gasped in pain.

Amelie slammed the attacker into the wall, their face sticking to the surface sideways. She shone her

phone on the attacker and was met with a familiar face. "Elyse?"

Amelie was twisting Elyse's arm behind her. Her grip was strong and it threatened to break Elyse's arm.

She let out another gasp, and something fell to the ground.

Amelie saw something glinting in the darkness, and she looked down. A knife. "You were going to kill

me?" Amelie was shocked.

Fury and hatred crept onto Elyse's face. "Damn it. You're a martial artist?" Elyse thought she could kill

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Amelie for sure. The knife had already made contact with Amelie's neck, but before she knew it, Amelie

already had her pinned down.

Amelie chuckled. "You didn't do any research, did you? Sloppy and stupid, but I guess that's how you

messed your own life up. And I'm not the one who you should be looking for." Amelie looked at her

coldly. "I'm not the one who snitched on you. Someone else gave the bureau the evidence of your tax


"You have to save me, Amelie. I'll do anything," blurted Elyse.

Amelie froze. She didn't expect Elyse to beg her.

"Leo did it. He showed the Tax Bureau evidence of my tax evasion, and he did it for you. He's also

going to sue me for fraud," Elyse told her everything. "I don't want to go to jail. Please, tell Leo to let me

go. He'll do it for you."

Leo did it? Amelie thought that was unreal. But why? Just for me? No, I don't think so. It was surprising

what Leo did, but Elyse's begging surprised her more. "You want me to help you? Are you stupid?" Any

sane person wouldn't have said that.

Elyse looked awkward. She didn't want to ask Amelie for help, but this was her only option. "Ellen says

you're a kind and generous woman. You're not petty and you love to help, so why don't you help me?"

She knows no shame at all. Amelie sneered. "Just because I'm kind doesn't mean I have to help you.

You need to get your head checked." She tossed Elyse into the distance. "Leo's going to send you to

jail anyway. I'd like to help." She whipped her phone out to call the cops.

Elyse plopped to the ground. She noticed Amelie trying to call the cops, but she didn't stop her.

Instead, she sneered. "Sure, go on, but the moment I'm convicted, your family dies."

Amelie froze, and she shot Elyse a look.

Elyse chuckled. "Did you really think I came here to kill you? No. I'm here to tell you something. You'd

better call your father, but I don't think he'd pick up."

Amelie stared at Elyse, trying to determine if she was lying. Then, her phone rang, and she let it ring for

a while before finally picking it up.

A man said darkly, "I have your father and daughter. If you want to see them alive, you'd best do what

you're told."

What? Amelie felt a sharp pang in her heart.

"Gather the money and prepare ten cars. Elyse will tell you where to rendezvous. Don't do anything

stupid, or your family gets it." Amelie heard the shouts of a man and a child.

The voices belonged to Steven and Brianna.

"Don't hurt them!" Amelie said quickly, a lump forming in her throat. "I'll do it!"

"Good." The man sounded happy.

Amelie felt her heart squeeze, and she felt like she was suffocating. My family is in danger!

Only after she took a few deep breaths was she able to speak again. "How much do you want?"