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My Sugar and Your Spice (Amelia and Leo)

Chapter 345
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Chapter 345 We’re Not That Close

Amelie did not allow the server's hand to touch Bria, though. She ran forward and flung the server's

hand away. "Is this how the restaurant treats its customers? We paid for a meal, but security had to

kick us out?"

If the server had stuck to using words, Amelie would not have stepped in. However, there was no way

she would allow the server to lay a hand on her daughter.

Hearing that, the server stared at Amelie in shock. When arguing with Bria, the server spoke arrogantly

since she felt the kid was an immature coward. Nevertheless, being caught red-handed by Bria's

parents caused a humiliated look on her face.

Still, the server's shocked expression only lasted a few minutes. She soon regained her initial

confidence as she held her head up high. "What's wrong with kicking you out? I can kick you out for

violating the restaurant's rules!"

"Please show me the rules then. I want to know exactly which rule states that customers are to be

served according to how much they spend." Amelie was someone who relied on her words to make a

living. There was no way the server could win in an argument. One sentence was enough to render the

server speechless.

Suddenly, the server's arrogance immediately vanished. "Even if it is not written down, it is an internal

ruling. You should be dining in the main hall, not a private room. How are we meant to earn a living

otherwise?" the server eventually stammered after a long pause.

"There were two groups who didn't book a private room, and they were seated first," Bria immediately

responded in a loud and clear voice. "Tables 32 and 45 were also tables of two!"

Since Amelie knew Bria was a well-behaved child who wouldn't deliberately block a doorway, she didn't

immediately lecture her.

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Hearing that made Amelie's pupils shrink.

The server was surprised by how good Bria's memory was and cleared her throat in panic. "They did

not order from a coupon site and are in a rush. Of course, they would be seated first. Since you

ordered off a coupon site for a discounted meal, you should know that means you must wait. If you

don't want to wait, you could come at another time. Why would you wait until peak hour?"

"Who said we're not in a hurry?" Bria shot back. "We are in a greater hurry than they are! Also, when is

it any of your business when we come, Mrs. Waitress? Did you even state in your terms and conditions

that buying off a coupon site means waiting?"

She had inherited Amelie's genes, for she was as good at arguing as her mother.

The term "Mrs. Waitress" seemed to shake the server in anger, though, and Bria's arguments had her

at a loss for words. Her face went pale as she silently tried to come up with an answer.

"Forget it. Let's eat somewhere else." The other customers had long lost their patience and walked out

the door.

Seeing that, the server immediately dashed over and bowed low. "I'm so sorry for the poor experience,

sirs. Why don't I upgrade you to a better room? Please don't go."

"They haven't paid, yet you're upgrading them to a better room. What about us? We've already paid.

What are you going to do, Mrs. Waitress?" Bria would not back off since she was in the right.

The server was too money-minded that Bria intentionally emphasized how old she looked.

Seeing that her daughter could handle herself, Amelie silently stood to the side.

"I—" The server's face immediately turned red. She had never imagined she would one day be spoken

so rudely at by a three or four-year-old. Moreover, she was on the verge of crying from embarrassment,

especially since it happened in front of other customers.

Meanwhile, Amelie was watching the entire time with cold eyes.

If the server had served others first, she might have stepped in to help the server. However, the server

also insulted Bria. That meant the server needed to be taught a lesson.

Bria held her chin up high and her hand behind her back as if she was speaking in class. "My teacher

said humans are all equal. It is wrong of you to look down on us. If you think people who buy off

coupon sites are that bad, you can stop offering discounted meals. If you offer it and ignore us for

buying it, you're being a bully!"

The server silently stared at Bria in shock. It was not her first time giving customers who bought off

coupon sites poor service, but her first time being rebuked like this.

What kind of freak was Bria? She had spoken with such a silver tongue that she sounded like she had

much experience.

"That's something even a kid knows. Are you so out of touch that you don't know that, Mrs. Waitress?"

Bria was ruthless.

There were a lot of customers around them. If this went on, the other customers dining in the restaurant

would be affected. When Amelie saw that customers were waiting to be served, she stepped forward.


"What's going on?"

Amelie had not finished speaking when she was interrupted by a woman's voice.

The crowd turned around to look at the speaker.

They watched as a face familiar to Amelie walked over on a man's arm.

The woman was well put-together with a perfect smile that made her seem so different from the angry

woman in the Walsh Family. It was Michelle Walsh.

The man she was with was not a stranger to Amelie either. In fact, he was a very familiar person. She

could have recognized him even if his handsome, stern face had been charred. It was Leo.

Even though they were only walking in with linked arms, it was still evident that their relationship was

no ordinary friendship.

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Minutes earlier, at the skating rink, he had been the man who had tried to get close to Amelie by acting

miserable. However, now he was flirting with another woman.

Suddenly, a cold smirk silently spread across Amelie's lips.

"Miss!" Hope flashed on the server's tearful face when she spotted Michelle. "These two customers are

from the coupon site. They think I'm being unfair to them because I had them wait, so they blocked the

doorway and forbade other customers to enter."

The server was not a fool. She knew some things could not be said, so she left a few details out of her


"Oh—" Michelle slowly said as she turned to look over.

Amelie's face was blocked from Michelle's vision by the server and the other two customers, so she

only saw Bria. Since she had never seen Bria, she naturally did not know who Bria was.

However, she had to appear generous since Leo was watching. Thus, she said, "It does not matter if

they bought discounted meals. If there are no tables in the main hall, give them a private room."

"Alright," the server hurriedly said with a nod. Since the boss had spoken, she naturally could not


The server then turned to Amelie and Bria. "This way, please."

"Not interested!" Bria roared in anger while she glared at Leo.

She was much more disappointed in her father than Amelie was. To think she had tried so hard to help

him get back with Amelie because she thought he had gotten better. Soon, her eyes turned red as she

swiftly ran away.


Leo had been busy with a phone call and only looked over when he heard Bria's voice. The anger and

misery gleaming in her red eyes made him go numb as he instinctively went after her.

Amelie ran over and stopped him with a cold glare in her eyes. "Do not touch my daughter, Mr. Alston!"

She then ran out after her.

"Leo—" Michelle uneasily called out when she finally spotted Amelie. Suddenly, she realized what had


As everyone was watching, he tugged his arm away from her hand. "We're not that close, Miss Walsh."