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My Talented Babies & Genius Wife

Chapter 1180 She Loves Mr. Fitzgerald at First Sight
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As he spoke, he violently uncovered the mask on his face.

When he looked clearly at the face under his mask, Freya was instantly stunned in place.

What a face it was! Looking at that face, she could vaguely see that he had a handssilhouette, but because his face was covered with crisscrossing wounds, his face looked as ghastly as an evil ghost.

Freya stared at the face for a moment, trying to find traces of disguise on it, but after staring for a long time, she still could not find any trace of make-up.

Freya's mind went a little blank for a moment.

Was her Kieran disfigured after falling off the cliff, or, was the man in front of her really just Layton? "Now, you still want to say that I'm your Kieran?" "Yes, you are my Kieran." Freya wiped away the tears at the corner of his eyes and spoke word for word, "No matter what you have become, there are sfeelings that can't be fooled! You are Kieran, my Kieran!" "Kieran, | will heal your leg, and I will heal your face!" "No need!" Layton expressionlessly put the silver mask back on his face, "I've long since gotten used to this face." "As for the legs ...... everything is as it should be." After saying this, he leaned back against the back of his wheelchair and closed his eyes, without the slightest intention of continuing to pay attention to Freya.

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Freya saw that he directly treated her like air, she did not continue to argue with him, she concentrated on his acupuncture, her heart secretly decided to support him unconditionally, trust him, and when he was done with what he wanted to do, they would take Alistair htogether.

Because he had to give Layton another acupuncture session in the middle of the night, Edward directly let Freya stay at the old mansion.

Her room, which was next door to Layton's room.

Melody was really extraordinarily enthusiastic, and just as she entered the room next door, she walked in right after her.

"Medical Fairy, I'm so bored! Will you accompanyto chat for a while?" Without waiting for Freya to say anything, Melody incomparably flopped onto the big bed inside her room and beckoned to her, gesturing for her to flop over with her.

Freya didn't like lying on the bed, so she just sat on the edge of it.

Melody didn't mind either, as she smiled and moved closer to Freya, "Medical Fairy, what do you think of Layton? Isn't my Layton handsome?!" "I know that Layton wears a mask all day and can't see his face, so you don't know if he's handsor not! Many people say that Layton wears a mask all day because he's disfigured, but my Layton is the most handsin my heart, even if his face is disfigured, he's still the most handsman in this world!" Freya did not open her mouth, but said secretly in her heart, even if her Kieran was disfigured, he was still the most handsman in the world in her heart.

However, although she didn't find any breakage in his face, she always felt that those unsightly scars on his face were all fake.

It was as if the muscle atrophy in his legs was also deliberate.

"Medical Fairy, in fact, | particularly hate arranged marriages! What an era it is now, to still have arranged marriages, it's disgusting to think about!" "So, when my father first toldthat Layton and | had a marriage contract, | was devastated, and | decided then that even if | left the Free State and fended for myself, | wouldn't marry Layton!" "Because everyone said that Layton was brutal, psychologically twisted and particularly, particularly scary! But after | met Layton for the first ta week ago, | suddenly felt that sometimes arranged marriages are quite good." "I fell in love with Layton, at first sight." Speaking of this, Melody was a little shy as she hugged Freya's arm, "Medical Fairy, do you think, I'm quite strange? Layton has a mask on his face and is still paralyzed, a normal woman could not, by definition, fall in love with him at first sight." "But | don't know what happened, the first t| saw him, | just felt that he was the one | was looking for in my life. Medical Fairy, do you think that this is destiny?" Freya didn't say anything, she just felt that it was really quite depressing to listen to another woman, recounting her love and admiration for her husband.

See, that man, he really doesn't let people worry at all times, and he's still out there cheating on the feelings of little girls! Freya didn't answer, and Melody didn't feel lost either, as she continued to say to herself, "I think, this is fate." "Medical Fairy, | heard that you and Cealan will be getting married soon? We will be in-law from now on, and | think our relationship as in-law will be very harmonious. Medical Fairy, | like you a lot." To be fair, Freya also thought Melody was quite nice, but no matter how nice she was, Freya couldn't really like her love rival.

She thought that the day Melody found out that she was Kieran's wife and that the Layton she had her heart set on was in fact Kieran, there was no way she would want to be friends with her.

Melody looked as if she was staying in her room and wouldn't leave. Freya didn't want to spend more twith her, but she didn't ask her to go out either.

After all, it was better for her to stay in her room than to go to Layton's room and make out with him.

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If he dared to make out with Melody, she would have to abuse him to the point of doubt when they returned to Arkpool City! After chatting with Freya for a while, Melody went to Layton's room.

Freya followed her out, looking at the locked door of the next room. She kept telling herself that she had to believe in Kieran's feelings for her, but when she thought of them being alone in the sroom together, her heart was still burning with the spain.

Freya knew that in such a hellish place, there were traps everywhere and she had to be extra careful with every step she took.

But the torment inside her was so unbearable that she could no longer restrain her emotions, which were close to breaking down.

The one who opened the door for Freya was Jonathan, who still had a wooden face, as if, that face, by nature, should not have any expression.

"Dr. Stahler, it's not yet tfor acupuncture, why are you here?" "Oh, I'm a bit uncomfortable today, I'm afraid | won't be able to get up in the middle of the night, so it's okay to have acupuncture once at this time." Freya said while surveying the inside of the room.

Layton's room was actually a two-room suite, and it was particularly spacious inside.

Normally, Layton lived in the room at the north end.

Seeing that Jonathan did not continue to stop her, Freya went straight to the room at the north end.

Just as she reached the door of the room, Freya heard Melody's delicate voice with an obvious pleasing tone.

"Layton, I've already put the bath water, let's go take a bath together, okay?"