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My Talented Babies & Genius Wife

Chapter 978 Regina's Child Won't Survive
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Regina called the doctor, fortunately, she only had a slight pre-eclampsia miscarriage, as long as she recuperated well, the baby would not be seriously affected.

Although the doctor said it would not be serious, the frequent abdominal pains that she had been experiencing lately still made Regina feel unsettled.

She asked the doctor to give her a thorough check-up. The first few tests she did were all fine, but later on, during one of the tests, the doctor's face slowly becgrave.

When Regina saw the doctor's face, she immediately guessed that the baby in her belly was in a bad condition.

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She spoke anxiously, "Doctor, is there something wrong with the baby inside my belly?" "Miss Wells, the fetus in your belly has severe cranial underdevelopment, it is likely to be an anencephalic child!" The doctor's eyes were filled with compassion as he looked at Regina, "Miss Wells, | suggest you get rid of this baby!" "What do you mean? The child in my belly is severely cranially underdeveloped? No! How is this possible?" Regina initially repulsed this child, because the thought of it made her think of its father, Simon.

But now that she really heard the doctor say that she had to remove the baby from her belly, it was still hard for her to accept.

"Doctor, please examineagain! There is no way my baby is cranially underdeveloped! It's not possible for it to be an anencephalic child! Doctor, this child is my life, | can't live without this child!" Regina got up and she clutched the doctor's hand with trembling hands, "Doctor, please, please save my baby! Doctor, you know that this is my child and Simon's. Simon is no longer alive and this is his only bloodline! | can't let it die!" "Doctor, help me! Please help me!" "Miss Wells, take it easy, it's not that I'm not willing to help you, but, | really can't help you." The doctor sighed heavily, her eyes were full of pity as she looked at Regina, "Miss Wells, you can't keep this child, if you insist on keeping it, even if it is born, it won't survive!" "No! | don't believe it!" Regina's eyes were filled with tears as she shook her head vigorously, "I can't believe that my child would die like this for no reason! | can't believe | would lose my baby!" "Doctor, can you please save my baby? I really can't lose it!" "Miss Wells, don't do this! You're only hurting your own body!" The doctor couldn't bear to see Regina, a pregnant woman, in such desperate pain, she held Regina up, "Miss Wells, | hope you can make an early decision, otherwise, the bigger the baby is, the more damage it will do to your body." "No! | can't lose my baby! | can't lose it!" Regina screamed hysterically, she still could not accept this reality.

"Doctor, at my last maternity checkup, you guys said my baby was healthy, it is almost four months old, how could it suddenly turn out to be undeveloped! Doctor, help me, please help me, no matter what, | can't lose my baby!" "Doctor, this baby is my life, I've already lost Simon, I really don't know how I'm going to live without it!" Regina would be so sad, only a very small part of the reason was because of she was the mother, more importantly, it was still because she was afraid that after losing this child, the Fitzgerald family would sweep her out of the house and Kieran would never let her go off the hook.

The doctor's compassionate eyes were puzzled, "Miss Wells, if you care so much about this child, why do you still drink so much strong alcohol? This child's deformity may not be a direct result of your drinking, but drinking alcohol is not good for the child after all." "I..." Regina was blocked from speaking by the doctor, her eyelashes fluttered like butterfly wings before she sobbed.

"Doctor, | don't want to drink, but after Simon left, it was really hard for me, | couldn't control myself." The doctor didn't know how to continue to persuade Regina, "Miss Wells, you'd better make a decision as early as possible and cfor surgery!" Tears flowed down from the corners of Regina's eyes, suddenly, she closed her eyes and let out a long breath of relief, her eyes were full with determination.

"Doctor, my child is not deformed, my child is extraordinarily healthy." Regina wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, no longer in a state of panic as she had just been, she was back to her high and mighty.

Ignoring the doctor's shock, she continued, "Doctor, tomorrow you will receive a transfer of one million in return for my child, safe and sound." The doctor looked hesitant, "Miss Wells, you're askingto lie!" "Doctor, it's just a well-intentioned lie. Grandma is too old to withstand such a big blow, and | don't want her to wait with great expectation for this child to cinto the world, only to end up with an empty joy." "But Miss Wells, sooner or later Joanna will know about the child's deformity, we can't keep it under wraps!" "We can try our best!" Regina spoke up excitedly, realising that her tone was too impulsive, she said to the doctor in a softer tone, "Doctor, I'm begging you. My grandmother has not been feeling well lately, and | really can't bear to let her suffer such a big blow. | will look for the right tto tell grandma in person." Seeing how determined Regina was, coupled with the appeal of the one million, the doctor finally nodded, "Alright then, I'll assthat this child is as healthy as ever." Receiving the doctor's promise, Regina nodded in satisfaction.

Her pale face slowly regained its redness.

This child, after all, was going to die, but even if it did, she had to make the most of its use, in that way, he would die for good! Freya, go to hell with my child! After Kiki's funeral, Freya was immersed in grief. She would have preferred that she had been the one to die, and she wanted Kiki to live.

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But no matter how much she wanted to die for Kiki, there was no way to bring her back.

Kieran didn't have much tleft, she couldn't keep drowning in her own grief, so she had to develop an antidote for the withering silence so that he could live.

In the afternoon, Freya received a delivery.

She hadn't bought anything online recently, but sometimes she received things from her friends, and she didn't think much of it.

The maid carried the courier directly to Freya's room, and after she cout of the lab in the afternoon, she went back to her room and opened the courier on the table.

When she saw what was inside the large cardboard box, she almost screamed out loud.