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My Wife Is a Superstar (Ning Tan)

Chapter 905
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Chapter 905 I Am In Trouble

At nine in the morning, Lu Jingyuan was rudely woken by the alarm she set.

She was, however, too sleepy to open her eyes that she fell back on the bed and dozed off again.

About five minutes later, the alarm rang once more.

Yet, she was still exhausted and needed more sleep.

The earliest time Lu Jingyuan usually woke up was ten in the morning. Having to get out of bed an hour earlier was

too dreadful for her.

Then again, it was a must to wake up earlier since she was starting work soon. She was now the deputy CEO of a

property development company under Nanshi Corporation. While it was not necessary to turn up for work on time

every day, it was not very appropriate for her to arrive at the office in the afternoon either.

Hence, there was a need for Lu Jingyuan to adjust her routine gradually.

It was her first attempt that day, and obviously, having to wake up early was simply a disaster since she was

extremely lethargic.

Eventually, Lu Jingyuan got out of bed after the alarm rang for the fifth time. By then, it was already nine twenty-


Although she was only earlier by thirty minutes, that was already a considerable achievement to her.

Walking out of the room in her pajamas and her hair hanging loose, she saw a man sitting on the couch playing


The phone was on loudspeaker, and jarring attacking sounds filled the atmosphere.

“How did you come in?” Lu Jingyuan shrieked.

Nan Xing was focused on playing his game and did not even spare her a glance. “You're awake? I heard your alarm

ringing nonstop. How amazing. You can even treat that clamorous alarm as a lullaby, huh?”

“I'm asking you how you came in here. Who let you into my house?” Lu Jingyuan yelled.

“Gorgeous, this is a hotel, not your house. Oh yes, pack your luggage. You'll be moving to your new accommodation


At this point, Nan Xing finished a round of the game and cursed angrily at his loss.

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“But this is my room. How did you come in here?” Lu Jingyuan fumed.

“I got the hotel attendant to open it for me. This hotel belongs to my family. He wouldn't dare disobey my requests.

Besides, I am your husband.” A nonchalant look crept up on Nan Xing's face.

“Whose husband do you think you are? You're mad. Get out. Since I'm staying here, this is my personal space. How

can you barge in as you wish? Do you not know the rules?” Lu Jingyuan snapped.

“Well, you shouldn't say that. I made a promise that I'll treat you well in front of your brother. I am a man of my

word. You said I'm not your husband, but at the very least, I'm still your boyfriend. There's nothing wrong with me

coming into your room. You don't have to freak out like this. Besides, there's no reason you forbid me from stepping

into your room when I send the kids to school every morning. Since I've already fulfilled my responsibilities as a

husband, don't you think you should play your role as a wife too?”

Upon saying that, Nan Xing got up from the couch and strode toward her.

Lu Jingyuan had just gotten out of bed and hadn't had time to freshen up or put on any makeup. Nevertheless, her

pretty face and exquisite features still shone through, and to top off that, she was also giving off a languid yet

seductive vibe.

Gazing at her fair neck, Nan Xing felt slightly aroused.

Lu Jingyuan crossed her arms over her chest and retreated warily. “Stop right there! I will castrate you if you dare

come any closer!”

Nan Xing, of course, was not falling for that. “Who are you trying to scare? I didn't grow up a scaredy cat.”

“You have to respect me, Nan Xing. Otherwise, you'll be dead meat if I tell my brother about it!” Lu Jingyuan


“Am I not respecting you? I merely want to smell your scent. But to be honest, you do look very charming right


As much as Nan Xing felt something for Lu Jingyuan, he would never force it on her. He was merely joking around

with her.

But if anything, he had put in a lot of hard work in waking up early and sending the kids to school every morning

while Lu Jingyuan got to sleep in.

Despite so, Lu Jingyuan was adamant about keeping a distance from him to the extent that she would even stop

him from holding her hand. This had undoubtedly annoyed Nan Xing somehow.

That was why he wanted to tease her and make fun of her.

Inching closer to Lu Jingyuan, Nan Xing could smell a faint female fragrance she was exuding.

“Hold it right there or things are going to get really ugly.”

Lu Jingyuan dared not move toward the bedroom as she was worried that Nan Xing would mistake it as her giving

him a hint.

Left with no choice, she retreated toward a corner of the living room. Recognizing that she had nowhere else to

move to since she had reached the windows, she pointed her finger at Nan Xing and began hurling warnings at him.

Intending to tease her by pulling a trick like pinning her against the wall, the man continued moving closer and

closer toward her.

Suddenly, Lu Jingyuan lifted her leg and swung it toward him without hesitation.

What the heck? Did she actually train in martial arts? I can't tell at all.

Expectedly, Nan Xing was well-trained too. After all, he was the son of a wealthy family, and equipping himself with

some basic self-defense skills was a requisite.

As Lu Jingyuan slammed her foot over, the man briskly grabbed onto it.

That was not all. Seeing that she missed the kick, she immediately sent a punch over.

Nan Xing dodged it again.

Little did he imagine that it was a feint. As he bent down to avoid the punch, Lu Jingyuan leaped into the air, swiftly

rode on the man's shoulders, and used her legs to lock his neck.

It was a judo technique, and being inept in this martial art, Nan Xing was stuck in a passive state and could not get

out of her grip.

Exerting force, Lu Jingyuan kept him completely under her control and pressed him onto the floor.

Nan Xing struggled and tried to put up a fight. Sadly, he could not free himself and ultimately gave up on resisting.

At this point, Lu Jingyuan was sweating a little following the wrestle, and the faint scent on her body was stronger.

Nan Xing reached his hand out to grab her waist, then gave it a gentle pinch.

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“You perv*rt!” Infuriated, Lu Jingyuan pressed her knee forcefully against Nan Xing's chest.

The man could barely breathe and was on the verge of suffocating, so much so that his face turned crimson.

“Let go of me. I was wrong.” Nan Xing had no choice but to admit defeat.

“What did you do wrong?” Lu Jingyuan questioned coldly.

“I-I shouldn't... have teased you!” Nan Xing was struggling to breathe.

“Do you still dare do it again?” Lu Jingyuan was still unwilling to let him go.

The man did not give a response. Instead, he abruptly closed his eyes and passed out.

“He's so weak? Nan Xing! Look at me!” Panic seized Lu Jingyuan.

I didn't exert my full strength. Why did he pass out? Could it be that he has some underlying health conditions? If he

dies just like that, I'll be in trouble! Even though I said he's flippant, I know he does treat me very nicely. How can I

kill him just like this?

“Look at me, Nan Xing. Please wake up.” Lu Jingyuan was getting overwhelmed by anxiousness.

Nan Xing held his breath, acting like he was no longer breathing.

Lu Jingyuan, who used to be an outdoor enthusiast, was adept at basic first aid skills without surprise.

After giving him a few compressions on his chest, she lightly pinched open his lips and began blowing steadily into

his mouth.

Unlike an actual kiss, there was no need for overly intimate contact between two individuals for a rescue breath

when doing CPR.

Unexpectedly, just as Lu Jingyuan lowered her head, Nan Xing abruptly stretched his hand out and pressed her

head. Under the sudden pressure, she planted her lips onto Nan Xing's.

By the time realization dawned upon Lu Jingyuan that she had fallen for the trap, it was too late. She was already

kissing the man's cold lips.

Nonetheless, Nan Xing was still unsatisfied. Applying more force on his hands, he pinned Lu Jingyuan down further

and deepened the kiss.

For a brief moment, Lu Jingyuan felt her mind turn blank. It took her some time before she snapped back to reality,

but when she did so and tried to retaliate, the man had already earned himself a satisfying, passionate kiss.