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No Strings Attached

Chapter 21
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Chapter 21 Clara tilted her head back, locking eyes with him. Her gaze was icy, her eyes rimmed with the faintest hint of red.

“What if | am? Are you going to straponto an operating table and get rid of it, Mr. Bayes? lan’s expression darkened as he stared at Clara’s gaunt cheeks for an eternity before he finally spoke Why wouldn't you tellsomething this important?” A bitter laugh escaped Clara. “Would you wantto tell you early just so you take out child away as soon as you can? Is that it?” “Clara, can’t you just listen tofor once? lan’s grip tightened on her chin Her eyes, misty with unshed tears, met his “Mr. Hayes, you're about to marry someone else and start a family Even if | were with child, would you even care?” lan bit back a sharp retort as he stared at her defiant face. No matter how much Clara struggled, he hold firm to her wrist and started walking towards the maternity ward.

Clara tried to break free, but lan’s uncompromising voice stopped her. “Don’t worry, I'll make sure you have the best obstetrician.” Her already shattered heart ached more at his words lan was taking Heidi, the woman he loved, for prenatal care, all the while planning to terminate her pregnancy.

If she hadn't miscarried, wouldn't it be an even greater agony just for her unborn child to be discarded by its own father? With these thoughts swirling in her mind, Clara closed her eyes in despair She jerked her arm free. “Don’t trouble yourself, Mr. Hayes. I'm not pregnant” She took a few steps back, glanced once more into lan’s inscrutable dark eyes, and turned to leave But before she could get far, she was swept off her feet. lan’s deep voice rumbled next to her ear “Are you afraid of getting checked? Or do you plan to secretly have the baby and then ride on its coattails into the Hayes family” Clara struggled to free herself. “lan, you don’t deserve to be a father! Putdown!” Ignoring her protests, lan carried her into a hospital room. Only then did he notice how much thinner Clara's face had become. “I thought you were capable of taking care of yourself. How cyou've let yourself go like this since leaving me? Can you even stand to look at yourself?” His cool fingertips brushed her cheek, his voice growing huskier. “I told you, cback to me, and all your troubles will disappear.” Clara let out a cold laugh. “That day will never come!” As she tried to rise, lan’s firm hand pressed her back down. Their argument was interrupted by the sound of Clara's phone ringing. She answered it immediately, her voice transforming from icy to warm in an instant “Anders.” “Clara, | cby to visit your dad, and I've brought your favorite cheesecake. Where are you?” “Thanks, Anders. I'll be right there.” After hanging up, Clara glared up at lan. “lan, | don’t have tfor your games. Letgo lan’s dark eyes seemed to frost over, his tall, commanding figure pinning Clara firmly to the bed “Clara, as long as | don’t agree to a breakup, you can forget about being with any other man!” His voice was as chilling as the grave, his breath scorching. Before Clara could react, his lips claimed hers in a searing kiss. The moment their lips met, a wave of familiarity swept through her, straight to her core Clara tried to fight back, but lan’s hold was unyielding. His fingers gripped her chin as he kissed her with a 1/2 Chapter 21 possessive frenzy. Their breaths entwined, and the memories of their past wild times played in lan’s mind like a relentless film.