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No Way Back by Anna Mac

Chapter 249
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Chapter 249

Two days passed in the blink of an eye.

On this day

Hugh personally came to Jane’s apartment to pick her up.

Hugh sat in the back seat and looked at Jane, who was dressed casually His lips curled up. “Don’t give

yourself too much pressure, Janie. Well, I don’t think what said just now is necessary for you”

“There’s really unnecessary I’ve said that in the Croft family, I only care about your feelings. As for the

others? I don’t

give a ***”

As the number one hacker in the Darknet, Queen naturally had the right to say that

Not to mention that Jane had two world renowned-oh no, three world renowned senior brothers

If the Croft family dared to lay a finger on Jane, not only her men, but her senior brothers would also not

let them off.


Jane’s words melt Hugh’s heart. A warm feeling rose from his chest and surged through his entire body.

Involuntarily, he reached out and gently rubbed the back of her hand.

His joy was written all over his face.

“Alright, Hugh Croft, stop looking at me like that. I always believe that giving should be mutual. One can’t

take everything without giving anything in return.

“You do this for me and I do that for you. Isn’t that a good way to maintain a relationship?”

Jane pinched Hugh’s cheek and smiled brightly.

When she was reborn from ashes, she had never imagined that she would be able to find love. Having a

second chance in life to find true friendship and family was already a blessing.

And she even found the love she didn’t have before.

Jane did not reject it.

If she and Hugh were destined to be together, she would gladly accept the arrangement of fate.

As for the storm they would have to face after being together, that was what the Crofts should be afraid

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of, not Jane

It was at the Croft Residence.

Upon arrival, Jane looked at the manor that occupied the entire mountain in front of her.

The decoration was grand and magnificent.

Anyone who saw it would be amazed.

It was located in the suburbs of Stormton City, but the amount of money spent on it was jaw-dropping.

It looked as if an ancient king had turned up in his territory.

The Croft family could certainly afford to buy lands in the mountain in the city.

But if they built a manor downtown, they wouldn’t be able to enjoy the greenery, fresh air, and stay away

from the hustle and bustle of the city.

The door opened.

A man that looked like a butler came forward.

He spoke respectfully

“Mr. Hugh, Miss Jane Fowler. Mr. Croft has prepared a special viewing spot for you.”

The wrinkled eyes behind the single eyeglass that had seen many people sized up Jane silently.


Jane said flatly.

Walking side by side with Hugh, Jane followed the butler to an antique building and stepped onto the

second floor. Through a window, they could see the living hall below.

“If you need anything, I’ll be right outside.”

The butler bowed politely and left, closing the door behind him.

Jane sat down in a relaxed manner. The air was filled with a faint sandalwood fragrance that smelled

good. “Hugh, does your grandfather really ask me here to watch what will happen to Luna?”

“Sometimes, even I don’t know what he is on his mind”

Hugh pursed his lips.

After all, Victor was the previous head of the Croft family.

His old age had equipped him with a lot of experience and knowledge to deal with various situations.

For this “grandfather” who handed the Croft family over to Hugh and who was related to him by blood,

sometimes, Hugh was completely clueless about what he was thinking.

Because of this “mystery”, Hugh was a little afraid of him.

In the Croft family, there was no such thing as family warmth.

If they wanted to survive, they had to treat even their grandfather and parents as enemies.

“Let’s wait and see then, Jane said

Soon, all the “actors and actresses” arrived.

The first one entering the room was Victor.

Dressed in a suit, he had his hair combed back. He touched the jade ring on his thumb with one hand

and smiled radiantly.

He did not look like he was going to punish his granddaughter at all. Instead, he seemed to want to

discuss where they are going for an outing today.

But Jane could feel the malicious aura circling him.

Just by the way Victor carried himself, she could feel that countless lives had been taken under his

smiling face.

The head of the Croft family was indeed worthy of his reputation.

Others arrived one after another.

The first branch sent Ford, Michael’s eldest son, who had previously met Jane in the barbecue


Wearing a suit, he bowed respectfully to Victor before stepping to one side.

The third branch called Marlon over. That was what Jane didn’t expect.

With a sulky face, Marlon entered the hall with his head lowered. After greeting the elders, he stood

timidly at the side. Jane leaned closer to Hugh and whispered, “Marlon looks reluctant. Why is he here?”

“You know him?”

Hugh looked at Jane bitterly, exuding a dangerous aura.

Being one of the Crofts, Marlon also inherited the family’s outstanding DNA. He was young, handsome,

and had at privileged status as the Crofts.

Right, he was a “love rival” one should be watch out for.

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Hugh didn’t know Marlon and Jane had met with each other before.

Besides, they looked quite close. Jane even called him by his name.

“Hugh, don’t get jealous. Or I’ll beat you up.”

Jane covered her face in dismay. Being with such a jealous bossy man, she felt that she would have a lot

to deal with. in the future.

Hugh snorted coldly. “They probably decided it by drawing lots. Uncle Matthew’s family can’t see blood.

“I always think that this guy has bad luck. He always gets himself in trouble.

*Tsk tsk, how unlucky”

Jane mourned for Marlon for a few seconds.

But she did not know Hugh’s special attention to Marlon made the latter even more unlucky.

Marlon suddenly felt that someone was staring coldly and menacingly at him.

He couldn’t help but tremble and his hair stood on end.

He looked around carefully.

“There is no one.

“***, why do I feel like I am being watched by some fierce and dangerous man?

“It is like the first time I met Hugh when he became the head of the family.”

The second branch of the Croft family couldn’t escape blame. Raymond, Diane, and Layne brought Luna

to the living hall.

Luna looked terrible. She had lost almost half of her hair. The corners of her sunken bloodshot eyes were

black and covered with bruises.

The bridge of her nose seemed crooked, and her face was as pale as a ghost.

When she arrived at the hall, she seemed to know what was awaiting her and was filled with despair until

she saw Victor.

“Grandpa, I know I was wrong. I’ve realized my mistake. I really do.

“I shouldn’t have disgraced our family. Grandpa, please! Spare me this time! Just this once!

“I won’t do it again!”

Luna could only hold on to her only hope of survival.

She kept begging, crying, and kowtowing to Victor