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No.1 Supreme Warrior by Moneto

Chapter 3594
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The stones were around half the height of a person.

A warrior needed to stand on the stones to test their compatibility. There were nine crystals on the stones, and they

would light up based on how compatible a person was with the corresponding laws. However, the stones were not

that efficient.

A warrior might not get their results immediately standing on it. They needed to wait for a while, sometimes up to

five minutes. Many warriors were waiting to be tested, and there were only sixty-six stones, so it caused a massive


Thankfully, everyone knew that causing trouble would only waste more time, so everyone wisely queued up. The

plaza was incredibly large, but the line spanned until the outside of the plaza.

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Looking at the many people in front of them, Rudy widened his eyes, “How long will we have to queue up for? It’s

not moving that quickly either. I feel like we’d be lucky if it gets to us in ten to twelve hours.”

Jack nodded, looking into the distance. The stones looked like they were only the size of a nail from where they


He sighed, there was nothing to say about their situation. They were forced to queue up obediently.

Jack stood in front of Rudy.

Rudy had not planned on queuing up, but there was no reason not to take the test. He did not need to pay for it


The two of them stood at the back of the line for the thirty-seventh stone. Rudy looked over and did an estimation

in his heart.

There were at least a thousand people in front of them. He took a deep breath. There was a lot of noise around

them, and it filled his ears. Rudy felt annoyed at that. After being with Jack for so long, he started to hate noisy

environments as well.

After the two of them started queueing up, neither of them spoke. It was because both of them felt like they would

not be able to hear anything even if they spoke anyway. Everyone seemed intent on chattering nonstop.

A man with a mustache shook his head and said, “If I fail here, I’ll go to the other side immediately! I wouldn’t try to

test myself again! Stop wasting your time…”

“Do you think the stones would lie to you? If you can’t, then you can’t! You’re so far away from getting the pass as

well, only two crystals lit up! What’s the point of queueing up again? I think you’re just refusing to accept the truth!”

The person that was being spoken to looked a bit ugly. His features all seemed out of place. One of his eyes was

bigger than the other, and his mouth was even slanted. The ugly man sniffed in disdain.

He shouted, “What do you know?! Once you stand up there, you’ll know why I wanted to get tested again!”

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The mustache man scoffed and looked at the ugly man. It was obvious that the ugly man was just trying too hard.

He narrowed his eyes and said, “Stop trying to twist things. If it’s really as you say, then wouldn’t more people

queue up again? You’re the only one being stubborn!”

The ugly man clenched his teeth, visibly angered at those words.

He said in a low voice, “Just shut up! The test of compatibility needs both your body and spirit! During the test, I was

distracted by others and didn’t manage to activate my soul, that’s why I only got twenty percent! If you were me,

you’d be unhappy as well!”

The mustache man laughed, saying in disdain, “Stop trying to come up with weak excuses for yourself! If you can’t,

then you can’t! Even if you take the test again, the results would be the same!”