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Outcast: The Alpha King’s Beloved

Chapter 362: A Successful Operation
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Previous chaperOutcast: The Alpha King’s Beloved, Chapter 362: A Successful Operation

Morgan’s POV: 

When the doctors came out of the operating room, I couldn’t hold back my panic anymore and rushed to the

nearest doctor.

“How is Amelia?”

My heart pounded violently against my chest, and my throat was tight.I held my breath in nervous anticipation for

their answer.

What if the doctors weren’t able to save her? I knew I couldn’t face reality if that were the case.I shut my eyes

tight, wincing in pain at the thought.

“The operation was a success.You can all rest assured that she will be okay,” the doctor announced.

“Wonderful!” I collapsed to my knees.

Unprecedented joy filled my heart to the brim and I no longer cared about anything else.I just wanted to express

my gratitude and threw my arms around the doctor.

“Thank you.Thank you so much.You saved my wife.I will never forget this!” I cried, choking with s**s.

“Please calm down, sir.”

The doctor patted me on the shoulder, his face flushed with a little embarrassment.

Only then did I realize that I was a bit out of line, so I quickly withdrew my embrace.

“The patient’s vital signs are stable, but she’s still very weak.She needs some time to recuperate.We’ll arrange for

her to be transferred to a special ward so that we can keep her condition under observation,” the doctor turned to

Anthony and reported briskly.

“I see.Thank you.You’ve done a good job, all of you.I will donate a generous amount of money to the royal hospital

as a way of saying thanks,” Anthony said nobly.

“I hope this will encourage you to keep doing your best.Please have only the best doctors watch over Amelia from

here on out.”

The doctor bowed respectfully to the king and said, “We’ll do our best, Mr.Jones.”

I looked at Anthony gratefully.I bowed to him too and whispered, “Thank you so much, Mr.Jones.Thank you for

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always being on the lookout for Amelia.And thank you as well, Mrs.Jones.”

I was too overwhelmed with excitement that I didn’t know how to express my gratitude properly.I kept bowing

towards the couple.

“Morgan, there’s no need to thank us.We’re only doing what we should do.After all, we were the ones who asked

Amelia to get close to Larry.” Anthony offered his hand to help me up.

Tears rolled down my cheeks uncontrollably.

How on earth could I repay these people? Anthony and Jennifer were really kind-hearted.

Just then, Amelia, who was still unconscious, was wheeled out on a gurney.I called out her name with tears in my

eyes, “Amelia! You’re going to be okay! I love you!”

I wanted to reach out to touch her, but on second thought, I held my hand back.

Instead, I quietly followed the medical staff as they wheeled Amelia into a special ward.

Everyone else followed closely behind me, but the doctor advised us to leave.

“Mr.Jones, the patient has just finished an intense operation and can’t come into contact with outsiders.We can’t

run the risk of her getting infected.”

Even though the doctor said so, I found it hard to hold myself back.

“Is there really no way I can see her, doctor? I just want to see her.I won’t touch her, I promise.”

The doctor frowned slightly as he was caught between a rock and a hard place.

“Well…I suppose it should be fine if you wear sterile clothes and go through the disinfection procedure, but…”

“Then let him go in alone,” Anthony said firmly.

“Morgan is the patient’s husband.I can vouch for him.He won’t do anything reckless.”

Hearing what Anthony said, the doctor stopped hesitating.

“Okay, I’ll make the necessary arrangements right away.”

Thanks to Anthony, I could finally see Amelia.This made me even more grateful to him.

In that moment, I made up my mind to repay him and everyone else who had helped me save Amelia.

After changing into the sterilized clothing and having my whole body disinfected, I followed the nurse into the

special ward.

“You can only stay here for half an hour, sir.Please contact us immediately if anything happens.” The nurse then

nodded politely and left.

I slowly approached Amelia’s bed.

She was still unconscious.

As I approached, I kept the doctor’s words in mind.Worried I might infect her, I didn’t dare to touch her.I simply

stood by the bed and looked at her quietly.I was just so thankful that she survived.I drew a long breath and

whispered, “I’m sorry, honey.I’m sorry I wasn’t able to protect you.You idiot, why did you take the fall for me? You

shouldn’t have blocked Larry’s attack.I could’ve dodged it myself.Anyway, don’t be afraid, honey.Mr.Jones has

issued an order to arrest Larry and now the entire kingdom knows that he’s a wanted man.It’s only a matter of

time before that fiend gets caught.”

My monologue was met with silence.

Amelia’s eyes remained shut, but I took solace in knowing she was going to make it.

“Honey, Roy and the others also hope that you’ll recover as soon as possible.We all admire your courage.When you

get out of here, we’ll all use healing magic to help with your recovery.”

I watched her chest rise and fall as she breathed steadily.

“I’m so glad that we met such good people.Now, we’re neither alone nor helpless.Anyway, don’t make me wait too

long and wake up soon, okay, honey?” I kept whispering to Amelia about how much I loved her.

lt wasn’t until my time was almost up that I left the ward reluctantly.

Clenching my fists, I prayed that Amelia would recover soon.

Cynthia’s POV: 

Roy and I couldn’t enter the special ward, but we still wanted to know how Amelia was doing, so we waited outside

the ward for Morgan.

When he finally came out, we hurriedly approached him.

“How is she?” I asked bluntly.

“She hasn’t woken up yet, but I know in my heart that she’s going to be okay.”

As Morgan spoke, his eyes were full of tenderness.

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They were also very red.

Obviously, he had shed a lot of tears, which made me sigh heavily.

“Of course she’s going to be okay, Morgan! I admire your love for her.I just know that God will bless the both of


I patted his shoulder in an effort to comfort him.

As soon as I finished speaking, I couldn’t help but burst into tears.

Oh, my God! What the heck was wrong with me? How could I cry in front of Morgan? I felt so embarrassed that I

hurriedly lowered my head to hide my tears.

Amelia was in a coma, and Morgan was already depressed.I shouldn’t have cried in front of him.I knew that would

just make the mood even gloomier.

“Here, Cynthia,”

Roy suddenly whispered, even though I turned my face away.I looked up and found that Roy was holding up a tissue

in front of me.I glanced at him and my heart skipped a beat.I quickly accepted the tissue and lowered my head,

feeling my cheeks and ears burn a bright red.

“Thanks, Roy,” I muttered under my breath.

Just then, Anthony and Jennifer approached us.

“Now that we know that Amelia’s going to be okay, you all should go back and get some rest.You’ve had a long day

and I know you’re all exhausted,” Anthony said.

“Everyone, please have dinner first.As our way of saying thank you, we have asked the chef to prepare a hearty

meal for you all,” Jennifer added.

“Thank you, Mr.and Mrs.Jones,” I replied in a hurry.

I wanted to retire to my room as quickly as possible because my mind was in a mess.

For some reason, whenever I looked at Roy, my heart would feel restless.I really didn’t know how to face him, so I

took this opportunity to take my leave.

Maybe seeing how much Morgan and Amelia loved each other made me think about my regretful past.

Roy and I had also once been a couple who loved each other deeply.

But things have changed since then.