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Please Come Back, Honey!

Chapter 188
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Chapter 188

When he thought of this, Kaleb turned around and rushed into the house.

Tonight, he would stay by Yvette's side and not give her a chance to talk to Adam.

As soon as Kaleb entered the room, Zachary said to him, "You are the last one here. Since you are

late, you will have to drink three glasses at a go."

Kaleb didn't say a word; he raised his head and drank all three shots.

Zachary didn't react in time. He just wanted to make fun of Kaleb and had no intention of letting Kaleb

really drink that much.

On the side, Trevor frowned slightly and reminded Kaleb, "Are you sure you can drink these three

glasses of hard liquor?"

Because of his occupation, Kaleb did not drink alcohol, especially hard liquor. After all, he did not know

when he would be called for emergency surgery at night.

Therefore, Trevor and the others all thought that Kaleb's drinking capacity was just average. Moreover,

one's drinking capacity required practice. Trevor and Zachary had been in the business world all year

round, and they socialized a lot. Even if they couldn’t drink at first, they already had a lot of practice by


Sure enough, Kaleb raised his hand and pinched his forehead a little. However, he said bravely, "I'm


Kaleb was indeed a moderate drinker, but he was really angry just now because of Yvette and couldn't

hold back. He drank three glasses in one breath, but Yvette, who was beside him, didn't even look at

him. Instead, she smiled and said to Emma, "Quickly introduce me to the handsome guy."

Kaleb was speechless and wanted three more drinks.

Emma knew that there was a past between Yvette and Kaleb, but when she asked Kaleb last time if he

was interested in Yvette, he denied it.

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As such, Emma didn't care about the man's feelings and introduced Yvette to Adam, saying, "This is

Yvette, a doctor from the Psychology Department of Jonestown Hospital."

"Hello, Dr. Spencer. I'm Adam." Adam looked very charming when he smiled. With his looks and

charms, he really deserved to be an idol from a boy group.

"Hello." Yvette also raised her eyebrows and smiled happily. "It may be a little embarrassing to say it,

but I am indeed your fan."

No one stipulated that a 30-year-old woman couldn't appreciate a 20-year-old boy, and there were

many fans older than her. Otherwise, boy and girl group talent shows would not be so popular like now.

As soon as Yvette's voice fell, Kaleb said unceremoniously, "You know it's embarrassing, yet you said


Emma, Trevor, and Zachary knew about Kaleb and Yvette's past, so they were not surprised by the

man's reaction. However, Cerys and Susanna were shocked, and they both looked at Kaleb at the

same time.

In their impression, Kaleb had always had the image of a gentle and elegant leading doctor. He was

always polite, so why was he so rude to Yvette, who was a woman?

Yvette ignored Kaleb. She smiled, took out her phone, and said to Adam, "Can we take a picture


Kaleb's face turned completely dark.

This woman is really something!

Naturally, Adam did not reject Yvette's request. "No problem."

After Adam finished speaking, he walked to Yvette's side. Yvette then handed the phone to Emma and

asked her to take a photo of them.

Emma felt Kaleb's sorrowful gaze shooting toward her like a sharp sword. Nonetheless, she resisted

the pressure of his gaze and quickly took a few photos.

When taking pictures, Yvette and Adam were very close, and the smiles on their faces were bright, so

much so that Kaleb looked away in anger.

Emma had just returned the phone to Yvette after taking the photos when Adam suddenly grabbed her

and said, "Dr. Spencer, please help me and Emma to take some photos together."

This time, Trevor's face was the ugly one.

Is this party tonight for them to be starstruck and take photos?

Yvette agreed to it happily. Emma stood beside Adam, but he leaned forward a little and said, "It makes

one's face look small when taking pictures like this."

Trevor felt goosebumps all over his body and was annoyed by Adam.

These days, young people only knew how to please women all day long instead of doing proper stuff.

After Yvette finished taking pictures of them, she protested to Adam with a smile, "When you were

taking pictures with me just now, why didn't you step forward to make my face look smaller?"

Yvette's jealous look almost made Kaleb spit fire in fury. He sneered and said to Yvette, "Dr. Spencer, if

the hospital finds out what you're doing now, won't you be fired?"

Yvette met his gaze and asked, "What's wrong?"

"You're not acting proper." Kaleb wanted to say that she was not womanly, but he didn't actually say it.

Yvette's face was full of innocence. "Is there any rule in our hospital that says that doctors can't be fans

of stars? Besides, no one else has seen this, right?"

Kaleb opened his mouth but was speechless. D*mn, I am indeed her biggest superior, and I am the

owner of the hospital.

After Yvette finished fawning over Adam, the group took their seats, and the so-called party officially

began. Everyone ate and chatted.

The fire of gossip was burning in Susanna's heart. She glanced at Kaleb and Yvette next to her before

asking, "Dr. Walsh, Dr. Spencer, do you two know each other?"



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Two voices sounded at the same time. The one saying no in an upset tone was Kaleb, while the one

saying yes in a frank tone was Yvette.

Susanna said with awareness dawning on her face, "In that case, you should be acquaintances."

Moreover, there must be some romance involved with Kaleb unable to let go.

Yvette smiled and explained to Susanna, "Dr. Walsh and I both work in Jonestown Hospital, so we

naturally know each other."

As Yvette gave such an explanation, it erased her past with Kaleb and only acknowledged the current

relationship as colleagues.

Susanna spread her hands. "I see."

Seeing that Kaleb was angry all night, Zachary made things worse again. He looked at Yvette and

asked, "Dr. Spencer, can you tell me why you like Adam? Young boys these days are so attractive.

Those of us who are older should follow and learn."

Yvette praised Adam without hesitation, "He is handsome, has a good temperament, and has excellent

business ability."

"Thank you, Dr. Spencer." Adam's lips curled into a charming smile as he humbly accepted Yvette's

praise. "I will continue to work hard in the future."

In fact, Yvette was not overly praising him. Adam was one of the outstanding ones in his boy group as

well as among the artists of his age.

Although he started off just singing and dancing as an idol, he was now dabbling in acting, and his

achievements had also attracted much attention.

In the urban youth drama that he and Susanna just finished, his image in the drama made him popular

in the past summer, and his ability pushed him to stardom.

Kaleb snorted contemptuously as if all of them had strong business ability.

Among him, Trevor, and Zachary, which one of them lacked that trait?

All of them were leaders in their respective industries. How could Yvette say that Adam's business

ability was excellent? He was just singing and acting; there was no brain power needed.

What Adam had was not excellent business ability, but only excellent looks!

After Yvette finished fawning over Adam, the group took their seats, and the so-called party officially

began. Everyone ate and chatted.