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Rebirth To Be The Revenge Queen

Chapter 664 Selena Is A Social Media Celebrity
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Chapter 664 Selena is a social media celebrity It was unexpected for everyone that the man had been able to hold back his true nature in front of Selena for so long without revealing even a hint of it.

Luke admired Selena for her intelligence and resilience.

However, he also had some dissatisfaction with Selena on an emotional level.

His boss had always been on a pedestal, putting in so much effort to pursue a woman who remained indifferent to him, always thinking of leaving him...

Perhaps Osvaldo could endure it, but Luke who grew up with him couldn't bear to see him so desperate and unable to get what he wanted.

"Lady Selena, you must always remember that you have a husband. In the future, you must think of him more when you act,” Luke didn't dare to be too blunt given Osvaldo's temperament. "Christ can use you and manipulate you this time, and there will be a second time in the future... no matter how gentle or powerful he is, he is still human and will have times when he can't control himself." Selena remained silent for a longer period this time. After a while, she said, "I understand.” After speaking, she hung up the phone.

Luke felt a bit sore in his cheeks as he watched her hang up.

He was already prepared to be beaten when he was about to say those words.

As someone who grew up with Osvaldo, Luke understood one thing better than anyone else.

Even if Selena was slow to respond to emotions, no one had the right to criticize her.

Osvaldo loved her too much.

He couldn't bear to see Selena upset, let alone allow others to mistreat her.

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He had just "advised" Selena and was now prepared to be beaten.

How could he be so spineless? Even though Osvaldo had been the most unfeeling and carefree man among all men for over twenty years...

In Rachel's villa.

Rachel was furious when Selena publicly called her a fool.

Just as she was about to find a way to retaliate, she saw Selena's clarification post.

Rachel stared at the post, and just as she was about to ask her agent to find a way to attack Selena, she saw the comment that Selena had posted.

Even though Rachel was used to being proud, she was still stunned by Selena's post, which was too truthful and straightforward for her.

After realizing it, her face twisted in anger and she let out a scream, "Damn it! This damn bitch! How dare she drag my sister into this?" Rachel's biggest card is Diana's value as a tool for the police.

She thought that as long as her identity was there, everyone who saw her would have to swallow their pride.

In the entertainment industry, no matter how big the capitalist is, they won't go against her.

However, she didn't expect that Selena would openly put the cause and effect of the matter on the table.

Her agent was also shocked by the situation.

She carefully observed the three Weibo posts that Selena had posted, considered from various angles the possible counterattacks, and then was somewhat horrified to find that Selena's three Weibo posts were too sharp.

No matter what Rachel does next, she won't be able to win anyone's trust.

Most importantly, for someone who dares to openly drag Diana out, how powerful is the force behind them? Can Rachel afford to offend them? She looked at Rachel's crazy appearance and suppressed her anxiety, saying, "Calm down first, what we need to think about now is where Selena gets the confidence to openly talk about the facts on the table..." Rachel roared, "Are the fans on Weibo all pigs? Just because Selena said something, they believe it? Can't we deny it?" The agent shook his head, "Selena's last sentence was too poisonous, we can't deny it, unless--" Rachel's manic gaze immediately turned cold, "Unless what?" After hesitating for a moment, the agent said, "Unless we can deny that Miss Diana likes that young master from the Anderson family..." As long as they deny this fact, they can overturn what Selena said from the root.

Otherwise, everything is in vain.

Rachel, an international actress, coming to Creephia University and taking a script from Leah, was abnormal in itself.

Leah and Selena have a grudge, Rachel joined Leah, blackening Selena, which in everyone's eyes was only natural.

Therefore, unless they deny the news that Diana likes the young master from the Anderson family, there is simply no way to explain the later events.

What's even more troublesome is that it may be too late to explain at this point.

Unless they can provide other more believable reasons.

But that's impossible.

They simply can't come up with any.

Rachel's face changed and turned pale. "No way!" she exclaimed.

Diana knew her personality and understood her almost pathological obsession with that man. If she denied it now, it would have an impact on her in the future...

Rachel shuddered.

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She gritted her teeth and glared at the Weibo post Selena had sent, her face twisted with malice. "If you come up with any other ideas, | don't believe | can't kill Selena!" And at this moment, the entire Weibo went uproar because of Selena's sudden three-sentence post.

Selena was an internet celebrity.

She was the only one who could make a Weibo post trend for various reasons every other day, but never burned out, and people never tired of watching her.

She wasn't a star or an internet celebrity. Strictly speaking, she was just a student at Creephia University, but on Weibo, she had nearly 70 million fans, all real followers.

Some people analyzed this and concluded that, ultimately, it was because Selena was too low-key.

She only made the things she did high-key, but she herself was very low-key.

Many journalists in Creephia University had tried to interview her but failed.

So many paparazzi, but no one had ever successfully taken a photo of her.

Except for this time, the photo that accused her of cheating.

On Weibo, she had also been in a state of inactivity for a long time. Every time she posted, it was only for less than a minute, and then she disappeared.

This made her fans beat their chests and feet all day long, shouting to ask when Selena would come online.

And this time, when she went online, her behavior of calling Rachel a fool immediately angered Rachel's fans.

If she had only done that, Rachel's fans might not have dared to speak up for her when they retaliated.

But Selena's last sentence before going offline gave them the courage to fight back against Rachel.