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Rejected Slave To The Alpha by Gory Anna

Chapter 54
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Chapter 54

Chapter 54.

Nelly’s POV.

| marched straight up to her and spat in her face. She recoiled, wiping the spit off with the back of her hand. She

looked atwith pure disgust.

“If 1 find out you had anything to do with my brother's death, I will personally chop your head off,” | said, my

voice shaking with rage.

“You are not his sister,” Emily said, her eyes cold and calculating.

“Harry, get her out of here,” | ordered.

Harry grabbed her by the arm and began to drag her from the room. She struggled, but he was too strong. “You

can’t do this,” she screamed.

| walked numbly back to our room, and Aisha pulledinto a tight embrace. | buried my face in her chest and

sobbed, the grief and anger pouring out of me.

“He wanted to chome,” | said, my voice raw with emotion. “And then he was killed, just like that.”

Aisha didn’t say anything, just heldclose as | cried, her fingers gently stroking my hair. After a while, my sobs

began to quiet, and | pulled away, my eyes red and swollen. Aisha looked atwith such compassion and


“Are you okay?” she asked, her voice etched with concern.

“I don’t know,” | said, sinking onto the bed. “I don’t know if | can ever be okay again.”

| thought of the years of separation, of everything | had missed, all the tthat had

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been stolen from us.

“I always wished that one day we would be able to reunite, to catch up on all the things we had missed. And

now...” My voice trailed off, my throat tight with emotion.

“Shh! You will be fine,” she said, her voice pulling soothing.

“You can heal,” Aisha said, her voice soft but firm. “It will take time, but you can heal. And we will be here for

you, every step, | promise.” She muttered, pullinginto a hug.

As | hugged Aisha, my memories of my brother cflooding back. We used to play together, our wolf forms

tearing through the forest, racing each other. He was always. faster, his wolf stronger than mine. And he never

letforget it, always teasing me

Chapter 54

with his superior speed.

But | had always admired him, had always looked up to him. I let out a soft, sad laugh. as | remembered him, and

Aisha pulled back to look at me.

“What is it?” she asked.

“I was just remembering when my brother and | used to play,” | said, a bittersweet smile on my face.

Aisha stood up and poureda glass of water. | reached for it, but before | could bring it to

my lips, the door burst open. Alpha Kex strode in, his expression unreadable.

His hands were clasped behind his back, and he looked from Aisha to me. Aisha bowed her head, giving him a

deferential nod before slipping out of the room, leavingalone with the Alpha.

The tension in the air was thick, almost suffocating. Alpha Kex’s gaze was unwavering.

| felt compelled to break the silence. “Please, you don’t have to treatany differently,” | said, my voice quiet

but firm. “I'm still Nelly, and | don’t need to be treated like skind of delicate flower. | can take care of


Still, he said nothing. I raised my head to meet his gaze, and | saw nothing but impenetrable steel. He didn’t

move, didn’t speak, simply looked atwith an intensity that leftbreathless. | took a sip of water, trying to

calm my racing heart.

“Sorry,” he said, and | nearly choked on my water.

He rushed to my side, pattingon the back as | coughed and spluttered.

“Are you okay?” he asked, his eyes full of concern. | nodded, my hand raised in a gesture to show | was fine.

“I'm so sorry,” he apologized again. | nodded, taking a deep breath to calm my racing


“You shouldn't apologize,” | said softly. “I wasn’t offended by anything you said before.”

He cleared his throat, his gaze fixed on the floor. “I was just... trying to do what | thought my late beta would

have wanted. | never knew it was all a lic.”

| gave him a weak smile. “My late brother would be happy knowing how much you. cared about him. And | know

he would understand why you believed her.”

He nodded, his expression pensive. “I just wish | had known sooner,” he said, his voice heavy with regret.



Chapter 54

“May | go to the place where my brother was buried?” | asked.

“Of course,” Alpha Kex replied. “Why wouldn't you be able to?”

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| took a deep breath, trying to steady my nerves. “I want to go now,” | muttered, my tune firm.

and a

| stood up and went to the bedroom to change. I picked out a simple black gown scarf to cover my hair. |

changed quickly and then cout to find Alpha Kex had disappeared.

“Where did he go?” | wondered aloud. | looked around, but there was no sign of him.

| was about to open the door when Alpha Kex walked in. He was dressed all in black, his face grim and serious.

“Ready?” he asked. | nodded, and we joined hands as we stepped outside..

The air was crisp, the sun was dim. | stared out the window as we drove, lost in my thoughts.

Along the way, we stopped at a florist’s shop and picked up sflowers. As we drove, | began to tremble with

emotion. When we reached the graveside, | knelt down and placed the flowers before the headstone.

“Hey brother,” | said, my voice quavering. “Little Nelly is here.” Tears welled up in my eyes as | spoke. “I never

imagined I'd be talking to you like this. | guess you are now with mama and papa,” | continued, the words

catching in my throat. “Astel, my mate, rejected me.” Alpha Kex placed a hand on my shoulder, and | looked up

and bittersweet smile.

As | returned my gaze to the headstone, I let the tears flow freely.

gave him a

“Guess who he rejectedfor?” | said, my voice laced with bitterness. “Shantel.” | let out a bitter laugh, and

Alpha Kex’s hand tightened on my shoulder. “The good thing is, Aisha is still with me,” | continued. “She's more

than a best friend. She's like a sister. She even rejected her mate to chere with me. We heard that Kex was

a ruthless man, and she wanted to make sure he didn’t hurteven though she wasn’t powerful. | miss all of

you, Why....did..."

My voice trailed off as the tears flowed freely. | was unable to speak, my words trapped. in my throat. | simply

stood there, tears flowing down my face. Alpha Kex gently helpedto my feet, and | found myself sobbing

uncontrollably. He pulledinto a tight hug, and I clung to him, my tears soaking his shirt.