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Rejected by the Beta, Claimed by the Alpha

Chapter 51
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Chapter 51
Jaxon was uncomfortable with the request. Nat after observing the way Alpha Baron kept his lustful gaze on his mate. It was
prudent to share since Rowena would lose nothing, should she heal those warriors but knowing the kind of person Alpha Baron
was, he could not take chances.
Alpha Baron had not earned Jaxon trust and at this moment, it made the situation dicey for him. “Why should I when we are not
allies?” Jaxon asked seriously, Alpha Baron gulped. Indeed, they were not allies so Jaxon was not obligated to help him in
any way.
Moreover, Alpha Baron had done some things out of anger including spreading bad rumors about the Snow Mountain pack when
Charles was in charge. He had vowed to the other packs who were not in callaboration with the snow mountain pack that he
would never sign an allegiance together. Puting all those things together put hun in a fix.
“I tried before but by then, Charles was in charge and he wasn’t interested. If that is what it takes, I am ready to sign an
allegiance with your park. Alpha Baron pleaded. The life of his warriors was the strength of his pack.
Also, the girl he was looking for was a worthless omega and as soon as his warriors were up on their feet, he could tell Jaxon
that she fainted and died. There were untraceable poisons so he could use any of those.
Jaxon scoffed. He has been trying his best to get most of the packs together and this was a great opportunity. However, he still
had to make sure that Alpha Baron understood the terms of what he was signing up for.
“Going into an alegiance with you would have certain conditions. Are you willing to meet them?”
Jaxon asked seriously. He knew that the allegiance put every pack involved on their toes and they vehemently swore to be of
good behavior. In Alpha Baron’s case, he would even have to work on his quest for women and stay away from rogues as well.
Alpha Baron thought twice. Not having found his mate, he could not promise to stay away from equally single girls. However, as
an Alpha, his warriors were his priority.
“I already know the conditions and I am willing, if given the opportunity, Alpha Baron said seriously, thinking that Jaxon was even
easier to deal with than Charles Jason was a man of few words so he would constantly drive to the point and not beat about the
Jaxon realized the seriousness w
with which Alpha Baron wanted the allegiance and knew that Rowena would indeed have to go to the Star pack with a team of

doctors Remembering how Alpha Baron looked at her earlier, he felt that he had the duty to put things straight for the Alpha
Baron to not give the excuse that he did not know
Then first I have to warn you. That girl you are talking about is my mate, and soon to be Launa, Jaxon revealed
Alpha Baron froze at the information, recalling his promise to Clara. Something did not add up from what jaxon was saying and
Alpha Baron tried to get clarity. If he dared to lay a hand on the mate of another Alpha, then that was an endless war and among

the Alphas, Jaxon was the toughest and most ruthless of them all
It was better to be on his side than to be his enemy. Alpha Baron did not intend to go into this deal blindly. No matter what. he
had to do his part by asking the serious questions and if Jaxon refused to honor them with the right answers, then that would not
longer be Alpha Baron’s Exult. He would have done his best to investigate the matter seriously.

“Alpha Jaxon, I think you are getting it wrong. The girl 1 am asking about, the rumor said that she was an onega.” Jaxon soiled
but it did not reach his eyes. He knew that already, Alpha Baron was looking down on the same woman he needed help from. He
could only hope that with time, things would change out how other packs treated their untegas. “Rumors have a way of travelling
very fast but they also lack depth. I will advise that you don’t take your decisions based on rumors next time. The invitations are
yet to be sent out but since you are already here, then her it is.”
Jaxon beckoned for Alpha Baron to sit back in the sofa he sat before whiles Jaxon sat on the next one. They were not facing
each other since the large LED screen was already facing them Jaxon revealed patiently,
“My Luna would be corouted in two weeks and yes, she is from an omega birth. It doesn’t change the fast that I love her and will
kill any man who casts a lustful glare at her, his tone turned ice cold with a solemn warning at the last part, it made Alpha Baron
sliver slightly from fear.
He could still feel that something was wrong with the snow mountain pack. How could a mighty Alpha like Jaxon be so proud of
an omega mate? Alpha Baron did not understand. He confusion only grew.
If the girl with the healing ability was Alplin Jaxon’s soon to be Lama, then what about the one he was lirting with a while agu?
The one in his room? Jaxon was jirver one to like many women. Also, it gave Baron hope that he had the chance to have this
woman who gave his licari brat weird rhytinas.
“Alpha Jaxon, il what you are saying is true, then what about the beautiful wonun your returned with a while ago?” Alpha Baron
asked accusingly. Jaxon smiled. He knew that Alplan Barun did not know and was interested in Rowena Jaxon would send the
necessary warning ahead of time before launching an attack if anyone dared to give Rowena a second look.

“The woman you just saw, is Doctor Rowena Stone, a famous doctor from Canada. She is soon to be Lana De Rowena Clinton.
Chapter 31
His simple wards were self-explanatory but because of what Clara had said, Alpha Baron could still not believe it. He felt that
Jaxon was not understanding his request and the particular girl he was looking for. Omegas went through so much, it covered
their beauty. This woman was like a rose, blooming red and attracting all the bees.
No, that woman could never be of an omega birth Alpha Baron refused to accept or understand what Jaxon was trying to point
out to him.
“Please wait, Alpha Jaxon. I heard about Doctor Rowena stone from Canada. She never lost a patient..” he paused. It was not.

wonder he felt that he had known the woman from somewhere. He had seen her on the news but that was in her doctor’s coat.
She looked more beautiful in person that on TV.
However, he was becoming afraid. If this was the girl Clara talked about, then he was doomed to start with. Not for once, did he
match the two names to be the same. “Do you mean that Dr. Rowena is not completely human?” He asked seriously. The
famous Doctor Rowen Stone belonged to the human world so was Jaxon saying that his mate was human? Then how could she
be an ontega? Alpha Baron wanted to understand
Seeing the confusion on his face, Jaxon decided to take his time to explain things to his better understanding. Afterall, what he
wanted was for Alpha Baron to change, for which reason he needed to ensure that Alpha Baron understood everything. “No. She
is our kind. You see, she had a very painful life as an omega and the moon goddess blessed her with a good man who happened
to be my brother but he rejected her because he already had Clara” Jaxon did not intend to add the part about Rowena’s father’s
sacrifice. That was a secret to him and maybe, some key pack members.
“When I was returning from Canada, I met her on the way when she was leaving. She was my second chance mate but due to
pain from the past, she never wanted to come back. It was very hard to live without her far right good years and we had to trick
her to return to this park and to me.”
Alpha Baron was too shocked by what he was hearing. It sounded as if Rowena was destined to be mated to only the brothers of
the Clinton family.
“So you see, her eight years in Canada, brought her the fame you heard about but over here, she discovered that she had more.
Now, do you understand everything now?” Jaxon asked seriously.
Alpha Baron was raking his brain and forcing it to understand what Jaxon had just told him. “If I understand what you are saying,
then Rowena is the woman I am looking for and she is also your mate.”
Jaxon nodded his head, happy that Alpla Baran finally got the understanding of the picture he has been painting all this while.
“Now that you have the understanding, do you still want to go ahead with signing the allegiance?” He asked solemnly. there was
dead strice