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Return of the Prodigious Son

Chapter 68
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When Li Ruoshi called, her voice trembled.

How could she not tremble? If she had no money in her pocket, she would have no confidence. Three hundred thousand yuan was a huge compensation. It was not enough to pay for the car repair money even if Guo Liang sold himself.

Zhou Tian was talking with Li Ruoxue in the bedroom. After receiving Li Ruoshi's call, he frowned slightly.

This sister-in-law really knew how to find a good time. He was going to sleep with his wife soon. Maybe there would be a breakthrough tonight.

"What happened?" Zhou Tian asked.

"Brother-in-law, Guo Liang crashed into a car. The other side is a luxury car, and they want us to pay 300,000 yuan!" Li Ruoshi said anxiously.

"Where?" Zhou Tian asked Li Ruoshi where she was and hung up the phone.

Because the bedroom was very quiet, Li Ruoxue also heard what Li Ruoshi just said, and she was also anxious at this time.

"Let's go and have a look." Li Ruoxue looked at Zhou Tian and said urgently.

After all, it was his sister-in-law who asked him for help. How could Zhou Tian ignore it? "Let's go." Zhou Tian and Li Ruoxue went out of the villa.

At this time, Li Ruoshi and Guo Liang were frightened by Wang Bin.

The key point was that Wang Bin's eyes were too scary. He stared straight at Li Ruoshi and wanted to eat her whole.

"Brother, it's too much, isn't it? Can you use so much money?" Guo Liang looked at Wang Bin with a bitter face.

Wang Bin didn't even bother to look at Guo Liang. He was deeply fascinated by Li Ruoshi . If he didn't get this little beauty immediately, he would have had trouble in his heart.

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It was not Wang Bin's fault. Li Ruoshi was indeed beautiful.

"What are you talking about? Do you know what kind of car it is? Mercedes-Benz G! Do you think you can repair your stupid Jetta?" The fat man next to Wang Bin becimpatient and scolded Guo Liang.

Guo Liang didn't dare to quarrel with them. He was scolded to the point of embarrassment.

"Childe Wang, don't waste ton them. Let this guy pay for it quickly. If not, let this little girl accompany you. Hahaha!" Another boy next to Wang Bin started to laugh.

Li Ruoshi was furious when she heard this. She knew that the three of them had bad intentions! "Watch your mouth. Don't say anything!" Li Ruoshi glared at the guy who had just spoken.

"Hey, little girl, you are quite hot-tempered! If it weren't for Childe Wang's sake, | would fucking slap you to death now!" "Yes, Master Wang likes you, or I'll cut you two!" The fat man also scolded with cold eyes.

Wang Bin's face was full of obscenity. At this time, he waved his hand, indicating that his two companions should stop scolding.

"Haha, what do you think, beauty? As long as you accompanytonight, you don't have to paywith 300,000 yuan, okay?" Wang Bin walked up to Li Ruoshi and asked with a sneer.

Li Ruoshi was about to explode. How could she meet such a person? "Shut up! If you do that again, I'll call the police!" Li Ruoshi said angrily.

Wang Bin's interest was aroused when he heard that. He greedily swallowed his saliva and said, "Tut tut, I, Wang Bin, have played with all kinds of women, but | like spicy girls like you the most. It's delicious!" After that, Wang Bin immediately held Li Ruoshi in his arms and raped her.

"What are you doing!" Li Ruoshi was angry and ashamed, struggling desperately.

Guo Liang couldn't stand it. His girlfriend had been teased on the street. What the hell? He was about to rush over, but the fat man next to Wang Bin stopped him immediately. "Think about how to compensate for the loss. If you dare to touchagain, | will kill you!" Guo Liang immediately gave in. "That's right, this guy is really a coward." At this moment, Wang Bin was holding Li Ruoshi in his arms and was about to kiss Li Ruoshi's face, with a smirk on his face.

Li Ruoshi screamed and struggled desperately. She was about to be kissed.

"Stop!" At this moment, a deep voice was heard.

Wang Bin was startled. He looked in the direction of the voice, and there was a look of disdain on his face.

Because he saw that he was getting out of a BYD.

In Wang Bin's view, what kind of background and ability could he have if he drove a domestic car worth thousands yuan? Did he want to meddle in other people's business? The person who cdown was Zhou Tian. Soon, Li Ruoxue also cdown and followed Zhou Tian.

Seeing her younger sister being bullied like this, Li Ruoxue was really angry.

Pa! Li Ruoxue quickly approached Wang Bin and slapped him hard in the face! "Oh my god!" Wang Bin was so angry that he rolled his eyes. He was Childe Wang from the provincial capital. When had he ever been beaten like this? He was about to get angry, but when he saw Li Ruoxue's appearance clearly, his anger immediately decreased by more than half.

It seemed that he had cto the right place. Why were the girls here so beautiful? Wang Bin muttered in his heart, but he was still embarrassed after being slapped three times in public.

Letting go of Li Ruoxue, Wang Bin slapped Li Ruoxue in the face! Anyway, he had to get his dignity back, so he had to slap her in the face.

Unexpectedly, before his palm could land on Li Ruoxue's face, his wrist was grabbed by a big hand.

Pa! Zhou Tian grabbed Wang Bin's wrist with one hand and slapped Wang Bin with the other.

"Damn it!" Wang Bin had been beaten up one after another, and he was completely furious.

Clap clap! Zhou Tian slapped him twice in the face, which stopped Wang Bin's following curses.

"lI warn you, don't talk nonsense in front of me." Zhou Tian's cold voice sounded.

Wang Bin was really shocked by the momentum of Zhou Tian, so he didn't dare to scold him anymore.

"How dare you hit Childe Wang? Are you out of your mind?" The fat man roared fiercely at Zhou Tian, and then rushed over with another boy.

Wang Bin also cto his senses at this time. Three against one. How could he be shocked by this guy? He was about to hit Zhou Tian, but unexpectedly, Zhou Tian suddenly grabbed him by the neck! Of course, Zhou Tian could not sit still and wait for death. He knew that Guo Liang was just a coward and would definitely not count on him.

Now that he was outnumbered, he would be at a disadvantage if he didn't take action.

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At the stas he grabbed Wang Bin's neck, Zhou Tian stretched out two fingers of his other hand and clasped them on Wang Bin's eyeballs! "Don't cover here! Otherwise, I'll dig out his eyeballs!" Zhou Tian snapped.


The fat man and another kid panicked and did not dare to take another step forward.

Fights were always like this. Whoever dared to kill, would have the advantage. If they did not, they would only be at a disadvantage.

"Boy, do you know who he is?" The fat man asked, staring at Zhou Tian.

"Haha, who is he?" Zhou Tian smiled coldly.

"Young Master Wang from the provincial capital! If you know what's good for you, let him go and beg him to forgive you. Otherwise, you'll have to think about the consequences yourself!" The fatty threatened Zhou Tian.

"Don't talk nonsense in front of me. You two, squat down and hold your heads with both hands!" Zhou Tian shouted. At the stime, he tightened his fingers.

"Squat down quickly. Do you want to kill me?" Childe Wang panicked and shouted.

The fat man and another boy were also frightened. Knowing that they had met a tough guy today, they squatted on the ground with their heads in their hands unwillingly.

Li Ruoxue was stunned. She found that her man was really not as useless as she thought.

"Wow, Guo Liang, look. My brother-in-law is also quite sharp when he is anxious." Li Ruoshi, who had recovered from the shock, whispered to Guo Liang and hid aside.

Guo Liang curled his lip and said disdainfully, "Humph, what a sharp man! He is your good-for-nothing brother-in-law. He can't do anything right. | think this Young Master Wang of the provincial capital has a powerful background. If he is beaten by a good-for- nothing, we will have to pay more money." "You're right..." Hearing this, Li Ruoshi was also embarrassed. After all, the poor would not compete with the rich. How could Zhou Tian compete with the Young Master of the provincial capital? They whispered to each other, and Zhou Tian also heard it.

At this moment, Zhou Tian could not help but feel annoyed. He had stepped in to help them, yet they were still making such sarcastic remarks? Zhou Tian did not even have tto think about it.

"Dude, let's have a talk. If you gouge my eyes out, you can't live anymore." Wang Bin warned Zhou Tian nervously.

Zhou Tian snorted and said, "Do you want to talk nicely now?" "Yes, my car was broken. There must be an explanation, right? You will be scared to death. You can't repair it for at least hundreds of thousands of yuan!" Wang Bin shouted with a sense of superiority.

Hearing this, Li Ruoxue was also very worried.

If the car wanted to be repaired, it would cost hundreds of thousands of yuan. Where could she get so much money to pay for it? Just as Li Ruoxue was worried, Zhou Tian patted Wang Bin's face and said with a cold smile, "Is it hundreds of thousands of yuan? Look how arrogant you are."