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Revenge On Love Rats After Rebirth by Olivia Marsh

Chapter 1211 Go Claim Your Lady!
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Chapter 1211 Go Claim Your Lady! Neve's words brought Constance back to her senses. She wiped away her tears and realized that it was not the time to cry. She needed to find a way to minimize the damage.

Constance reopened her phone and stared at Selena's graduation certificate. Suddenly, she noticed something was wrong.

"This seal..." Constance's eyes widened. "It's fake!" Neve was shocked. "What did you say?!" Constance carefully examined the red seal and confirmed that she was not mistaken. Suddenly, she was no longer despondent.

She gritted her teeth and sneered, "This is not the seal of Lab 717. It's a forgery!" Lab 717 was considered sacred in the eyes of ordinary people. Constance had shown off her acceptance letter to the laboratory countless times. Therefore, she was very familiar with the seal of the laboratory.

The seal on Selena's graduation certificate was obviously fake, with even the most basic handwriting being different.

Neve, however, was traumatized by the revelation and doubted, "It's unlikely, right? Even if Selena is bold and reckless, she shouldn't lie about something like this... Otherwise, wouldn't she be exposed immediately by Lab 717?" But Constance's jealousy had clouded her judgment. She was not open to persuasion. With a cold expression on her face, she stood up, walked to the table, and took out her own acceptance letter.

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"What can't Selena do to clear her name?" Constance sneered. "| want to see how she can explain this big lie!" Constance took a comparison photo and uploaded it to her account for everyone to see.

"Before you criticize me, take a look at these two seals!" Constance wrote. "In order to avoid punishment, Selena shamelessly pretended to be a member of our Lab 717 and deceived everyone. Miss Turner, have you no moral bottom line?!" After posting, Constance stared at the screen, waiting for the scene of Selena being condemned by everyone.

At this moment, the people on Weibo who were crazily praising Selena were stunned by Constance's Weibo.

"What's wrong with this Miss Turner? Is she going crazy from being stimulated?" "Anyone with bit of brain knows that Selena couldn't possibly lie about something like this. Is everyone in Lab 717 dead?" [You can't say that. These two seals are indeed different! As we all know, Constance is a member of Lab 717, and her admission letter must be genuine. But Selena's, isn't it forged?!] [As a student of Hogwarts, | can tell you with certainty that the seal on Selena's diploma is not the official seal of Lab 717!] For a while, those who had seen the official seal of Lab 717 began to argue with the young girls who supported Selena, unable to determine the truth.

In the midst of the confusion, everyone began frantically tagging the official website of Lab 717.

Inside the Capital University laboratory, Black Crow looked at Constance, who had once again come out to cause trouble, with veins bulging on his forehead.

"So annoying!" Black Crow dialed a number with a murderous expression on his face.

The call was answered almost immediately, accompanied by excited shouting, "Doctor!" Black Crow said coldly, "Go to the website and claim your lady!" Then he hung up the phone.

At this moment, inside Lab 717, a young man looked at his phone, which had just been hung up, with a bewildered expression.

Go claim their lady? Had something happened to their lady? The young man's heart sank, and he quickly opened the website he had never seen before, only to be overwhelmed by a flood of information.

When he finally figured out what had happened, he had a look of despair on his face.

"Teacher!" The young man rushed into the room and burst through the door.

Inside, a group of bigwigs were studying experimental data, and they were caught off guard by the interruption. All of their faces turned extremely frightening.

"Olivier, if this isn't a matter of life and death, you're done for!" Olivier looked at his teacher's face, which was clearly very refined but now appeared somewhat ferocious, and swallowed hard.

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"Teacher, our lady has been beaten into jail by someone..." The atmosphere in the room suddenly fell silent.

Everyone's gaze turned towards him.

Bruno's anger stalled for a moment as he raised his hand to adjust his glasses and stared at Olivier. "What did you just say? Say it again!" Trembling, Olivier hugged himself tightly and whispered, "It's your girl... she was beaten and thrown into prison, waiting for you to claim her..." Bruno narrowed his eyes slightly and asked in a calm but intimidating voice, "Who did it?!" Under the deadly gazes of a group of bigwigs, Olivier swallowed nervously and spoke even softer, "It's... Lab 717..." Silence suddenly filled the air, causing everyone to feel uneasy. Bruno's eyes glinted behind his glasses, then he rolled up his sleeves and strode out, shouting, "Who did it?! Show yourself! | promise not to kill him!" Olivier hurriedly ran after him and hugged the enraged man, "Teacher, you are a gentleman with education and manners, how can you commit such violence?" Before Bruno could explode, Olivier quickly added, "Our lady is still waiting for you to claim her in prison. If you don't, she will be accused of leaking secrets and remain behind bars... When she suffers, won't you feel heartbroken?" The last sentence successfully hit Bruno's weakness. Olivier spent five minutes explaining the cause and effect to these experiment maniacs. After listening, Bruno sneered, "Go, apply for an account for me!" Everyone immediately started working to help the big shot who had never touched a computer before to apply for an account.

Olivier patted his chest while watching the group of people who were overly protective of their girl.

He silently mourned for the two idiots within the laboratory who had provoked the wrong person.

They had stirred up a hornet's nest! A beautiful girl stood behind him, watching the group of bigwigs who looked solemn and emotionless like research machines, their faces turning black in unison. At the same time, she became curious about the "lady" they were talking about.

"Is Lady Selena really one of the legendary graduates from the laboratory?" she whispered.

The owner of "Sacred Pearl" was too esteemed, and ordinary people dared not easily associate anyone with her. Moreover, in the subconscious minds of everyone, the owner of "Sacred Pearl" was stationed at 717 and could not possibly wander outside.