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Revenge On Love Rats After Rebirth by Olivia Marsh

Chapter 1217 She Won’t Come Out Tonight
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Chapter 1217 She won’t come out tonight The entire day had passed and so many people had tried to persuade her, but the Turner family's young lady still didn't budge.

The executives from Zone Two had already publicly announced that they would release Miss Turner without charge, but she remained inside. What could they do? If Selena didn't come out of prison for another day, the Research Institute and everyone who had detained her would be cursed and criticized by others. And most importantly, if they were to attract the group of world-class scientists from Lab 717... the consequences were simply unimaginable! It can be said that everyone in the Research Institute and Zone Two were anxious and desperate, trying every possible means to get Selena released from prison.

When Selena heard their anxious voices, she smiled, "No need. It's getting dark, it's time to sleep.” Patrick was thinking about how to punish Constance and the butler suddenly came in, "Young Master, someone from the Research Institute is here." Patrick's eyes flashed with a dark light.

At the entrance of the Turner family, the researchers knew why they were there. "Let them in," he said with a smile devoid of warmth.

Soon after, Henry and several high-level researchers from the institute walked in with him.

Their gaze swept over the hall, relieved to see only Patrick, without Oscar's presence. After all, no one wants to deal with a commander who is hard to read.

Henry looked at Patrick solemnly and said, "Mr. Turner, | won't beat around the bush. As long as you can get Miss Turner out of jail, the institute can unconditionally agree to one request from you." This was a last resort after realizing that it was hopeless to ask Selena for help.

Patrick sneered, "You didn't have that expression when you caught Selena.” Henry's face darkened at the reminder.

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If they had known that sending Selena to jail would lead to such severe consequences, they would never have chosen to side with Constance. But what's done is done, and regret won't change anything.

Their concern was evident in their efforts to protect Selena. If she didn't get out of jail tonight, 717's geniuses and lunatics would storm the H country institute tomorrow morning.

They'd have no shame left to save by then.

Henry took a deep breath and said, "Mr. Turner, you and | both know that Miss Turner doesn't want to come out of jail because she wants to use this as leverage to help the Turner family get something. We agreed to your request.” Patrick sneered, "Mr. Matthews, you're thinking too much. The Turner family won't use Selena to seek benefits." In other words, Selena's reluctance to come out had no ulterior motives. She just wanted to mess with them.

If it were a matter of benefit, Patrick would have brought her back without hesitation.

Henry and the others who followed him to the Turner family turned ugly at this point.

They hoped that the Turner family would at least be more flexible and give them room for negotiation.

Looking at the Turner family, who were unyielding, the researchers felt exhausted.

Henry looked at Patrick and said, "Mr. Turner, the Turner family should at least show some respect to Diego as he is about to return to the country. Are you really not going to give him any consideration?" Patrick was amused, "Mr. Matthews, are you forgetful? Who was the one who framed Selena?" Henry was taken aback, and then his face turned incredibly stiff. The others behind him also had dark faces and couldn't help but hate Constance for her audacity and wickedness, which had led the researchers to offend Selena to this extent.

Patrick saw the group and said coldly, "Tom, send them off!" The group from the research institute left with their heads down after failing to negotiate.

After they left, Patrick looked up at the darkening sky and frowned.

The butler stood worriedly, saying, "Young master, let's go and pick up Miss Selena. The prison environment is so poor, she won't be able to eat or sleep well." For the Turner family, their own daughter was more important than being angry with others.

Even if the Turner family was not happy, they had to admit one fact. The man from the Anderson family had really taken great care of Selena.

Selena's health had not been good according to her medical reports, but after six months of care, it had improved.

At this time, there could be no more mistakes.

Patrick thought to himself and said to the butler, "Get the car ready, we're going to pick up Selena.” As Patrick was about to leave, he suddenly saw Fraser walking in with Oscar in a wheelchair. Patrick greeted him, "Father." Oscar's deep gaze fell on his son's face, "She won't come out tonight.” Patrick's expression changed, "Why not?" It was difficult for anyone who really cared about Selena to let her spend the night in prison.

Oscar did not answer his son's question, but instructed Fraser, "Things have gotten too big, so keep an eye on her for the next few days.” Even with the protection of Zone Two, it could not guarantee that the environment Selena was in was absolutely safe.

After all, they had to guard against not only foreign assassinations, but also domestic threats.

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Fraser nodded and left.

At this point, Selena'’s safety was no longer just her own problem.

Capital University's laboratory, the underground virus vaccine, the genius mechanic of 717... none of them could do without her.

Patrick pushed Oscar's wheelchair forward and sent him back to the hall before asking, "Father, did you just go to see Selena?" Oscar shook his head and asked, "I heard that her medical talent is not inferior to your uncle's.” Patrick seemed surprised by the sudden change of topic and replied, "Yes, Selena studies medicine at Creephia University.

Although her surgical skills are not yet as good as my uncle's, she will not be inferior to him in the future.” This uncle naturally referred to Callum.

Although Selena was the heir of Capital University's laboratory, she did not seem to be good at viruses.

She had entrusted the research of the underground virus vaccine to the Black Crow and White Crow, as well as Joanna, and had not delved deeply into it herself.

Selena had been studying how to perform surgery with the materials left by Callum during her time at Capital University. No one knew how far the girl's surgical skills had progressed.

But when one thinks of the records Selena had created in the past... one knows that she will not be inferior.

Oscar lowered his eyes and pondered for a moment before saying, "She won't be in trouble, go and rest."