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Revenge On Love Rats After Rebirth by Olivia Marsh

Chapter 1233 He is --
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Chapter 1233 He is -- In the blink of an eye, it was the day for Selena to leave the country.

It was late spring, and the morning weather still had a hint of coolness.

Osvaldo helped the girl button up the last button on her coat. Looking at the girl in front of him with a smile on her face, his gaze was gentle and doting. "Are you ready?" Selena smiled confidently. "Yes." Osvaldo's thin lips curved up, and he took her hand and led her outside. Behind them, Leia carried the luggage and followed along.

At this moment, the sky had not yet fully lit up. Just as Selena was about to get into the car, a clear and urgent voice suddenly came from the villa gate.

"Selena!" Selena heard the voice and just turned around, and she was suddenly hugged from behind.

She looked down and saw Hattie in her arms. The girl looked up at her with black eyes full of attachment and reluctance.

"Selena, you have to come back early." Selena touched the girl's hair. "Okay." Hattie let go of her this time and waved goodbye. "Selena, see you later." Obviously, the girl had come here early in the morning just to say this "goodbye" to her.

Selena smiled gently. "Goodbye." After that, she lowered her head and got into the passenger seat.

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Osvaldo stepped on the gas pedal, and the black sports car rushed to the airport like a bolt of lightning.

Because it was still early, Selena thought the airport would be quite empty, but when she arrived, she found that it was full of people outside.

As news had already spread that Selena was going to participate in a medical competition overseas, besides students from Capital University, many fans came here specifically to cheer her on.

"Go, Selena!" "We'll be waiting for your triumphant return!" Osvaldo held Selena's hand and walked towards the airport amidst the excited cheers.

Just before they were about to enter the gate, Selena suddenly stopped.

Osvaldo seemed to know what she was thinking. Almost at the same time that Selena stopped, he also stopped.

Osvaldo turned his head and looked at his wife with a deep and focused gaze. It seemed as if he couldn't see anything else in his eyes except for her.

Selena stood at the boarding gate, turned her head and looked at the excited and expectant faces outside the gate.

She saw Principal Chow standing among the crowd and the Cooke sisters waving to her in excitement. She even saw Winnie and Brian, all looking at her with expressions of excitement, nervousness, or anticipation, but without exception, their faces were filled with deep hope.

Selena suddenly felt a surge of emotion, knowing that this country and this nation would never disappoint anyone.

She lifted her face, full of radiance and said, "This time, | will definitely win!" After speaking, Selena turned around and smiled at Osvaldo, who gently and firmly held her hand and led her into the boarding gate amid the loud cheers from behind.

Earlier, Eduard and the others had already boarded the plane, watching the scene outside the gate through the window.

Zachary sighed, "Lady Selena's popularity is still as amazing as ever." Eduard smiled and held a box of milk, saying, "This is the treatment that the Turner family's lady deserves." They were the first to witness Selena'’s rise, watching the beautiful and slender girl go from being silent and bullied to where she is today in just half a year...

Osvaldo led Selena onto the plane in the gap of conversation, the plane quickly took off from the capital and headed for the medical holy land that every doctor in the world longed for...

Capital University.

Julian stood on the rooftop, watching the plane whizzing past overhead and soon disappearing into the distance.

Black Crow walked out of the elevator behind him, and the flapping of his black coat was audible in the cold wind.

He walked up to stand beside Julian and looked at the plane, now reduced to a small dot in the distance, and suddenly said, "White Crow." Julian didn't turn his head and responded with "Yes?" Black Crow spoke coldly, "The Medical League is your territory. You won't let anything happen to her on your territory, right?" Julian's already sorrowful and compassionate expression became even more intense, "Those people will definitely not let this opportunity slip by." It was not appropriate for Selena to go abroad at this time when it was just revealed that she was a 717 super genius.

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Although many people want to kill her in the capital, with the protection of the two major families, the Turner family and the Anderson family, as well as the deterrence of Zone Six, no one dares to openly touch her.

But once she goes to the Medical League, everything will be different.

Whether it's overseas or domestically, there are many people who want to kill her.

The research on the underground city virus vaccine has reached the critical final stage, and even a slight mistake could ruin everything.

At this time, Julian cannot leave Capital and return to the League to protect her.

He knows it's impossible but still does it, solely to help the Turner family regain their honor.

Such well-intentioned actions even disregard his own safety. If the Turner family disappoints her in the future-- Julian's eyes flashed with a hint of coldness.

Black Crow frowned, looking at him coldly.

Julian noticed his brother's displeasure and laughed, "But she won't have any trouble. That man is with her. How could anything happen?" Black Crow sensed the underlying meaning and asked, "What's going on between you and that man?" Although Julian didn't say it outright, Black Crow was keenly aware that there was an inexplicable connection between Julian and Osvaldo.

Undoubtedly, these two people knew each other.

Even if they didn't know each other, they had probably met before, and perhaps even had a falling out.

Julian smiled faintly, "I used to think that he was the only one who could help protect her within the Federal Empire, but now..." Julian looked up at the dark sky, where there was no longer a trace of the plane. "Maybe someone more suitable has appeared.” "Even if she can't reclaim her identity, as long as he's there, she is still the most unique and irreplaceable person.” Black Crow was stunned for a moment, and then his pupils slightly contracted. "He is..." Julian's eyes were deep, and his slender fingers pressed against his lips as he smiled. "Shh..." On the plane, Eden saw Selena boarding and subconsciously walked over to talk to her. However, Osvaldo's deep and eerie gaze fell on him first, catching him off guard.

In that moment of hesitation, Selena had already been led into the room by Osvaldo.