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Revenge is Best Served… After Reborn

Chapter 485
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Chapter 485 "No matter what, Mr. Burke has to givean explanation today! How could you treat my daughter this way? Rowena was all set on marrying you and even lost a child because of you. Is this how the Burke family conducts themselves?" Mr. Briggs' rage couldn't change anything, and the room fell into a deafening silence.

The cold disdain in James' eyes sent a shiver down Mr. Briggs' spine.

"James, you promised to get engaged tobefore. Why... did Ms. Sophie say something to you?" Nichole immediately turned to Sophie, her eyes red with anger and despair. "Ms. Sophie, if I've ever upset you in the past. I beg your forgiveness! Please don't take my James away from me. I truly can't live without him..." Nichole's balance faltered, and she collapsed into Mr. Briggs' arms.

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Mr. Briggs barely managed to hold Nichole steady, but when he faced James, he couldn't muster the courage to speak his mind. He merely said in a deep voice, “Mr. Burke, given my daughter's condition, don't you think you owe us an explanation?" Everyone awaited James' clarification, only to see him holding Sophie's hand, stating, "I've never intended to divorce Sophie. As for the rumors of my engagement to Ms. Rowena circulating today, I am also eager to find out their source." After speaking, James glanced at Nichole and Mr. Briggs, who, guilty as charged, couldn't meet his gaze.

Indeed, he had thrown them a curveball. They assumed they had secured the Burke family's support and immediately cut ties with Ricardo.

Just to be safe, they even spread the news of the engagement and ensured the whole of Devonport was abuzz with tonight's dinner being James' engagement to Nichole. However, Mr. Briggs had forgotten that James would never succumb to such tactics Hoping James would go with the flow and marry Nichole was nothing short of a fantasy.

"What's going on? Wasn't Mr. Burke supposed to get engaged to the daughter of the Freeman family?" "I told you, Rowena was nothing but a mistress. Even when she was pregnant, she couldn't secure a place in the Burke family. Now that the child is gone, how could the Burke family possibly welcsuch a girl?" "I bet the Freeman family spread the engagement rumor themselves and were trying to force a confrontation. How ridiculous." The murmurs all pierced Nichole's ears. Meanwhile, the socialites and ladies who had been flattering Nichole had vanished to who knows where to enjoy the .

Only Jean, who hadn't had the chance to leave, stood by Nichole's side. Nichole, as if struck by a thought, suddenly said, "James, are you aware that Sophie slept with an older man during your separation? How could you reconcile with such a woman?" Nichole's accusation caused a stic Sophie raised an eyebrow. "Oh? And where exactly did you hear such a rumor?" Nichole immediately grabbed Jean's hand, pushing her forward. Suddenly, Jean was in everyone's line of sight.

With a ghastly pale face, Nichole said, "You recognize this person, right? She's a trainee at Aldridge Global! She saw you being picked up by luxury cars every night! Apparently, you stole the team leader's boyfriend and got into Aldridge Global through the back door. She can testify!" "Really? This is news to me." Sophie looked at Jean, smiling, and asked, “Miss Jean, is what she's saying true?" All eyes were on Jean.

Jean, always one to gauge the room, immediately put on a pitiful expression and said, “Ms. Rowena, how could you make up such things? When did I ever tell you any of this?" "You! You just said it, and they all heard it Nichole pointed frantically at the other socialites and saw that not one of them showed any inclination to support her

Sophie smiled gently. "Ms. Rowena, it seems you are not in your best state of mind today. My reconciliation With James had been settled long ago. Perhaps it's the recent loss of your child that has affected you mentally, leading you to speak nonsense." "I'm not talking nonsensel L..

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"Colt, would you kindly drive Ms. Rowena to the hospital for a check-up? We wouldn't want her to fall ill." Sophie's tone was so gentle that no one could fault her, yet it was clear she was insinuating that Nichole was delusional.

Mr. Briggs, protecting Nichole, declared. "I'd like to see who is gonna take my daughter away!" Just then, the door opened.

Chapter 485

A slim woman with a beautiful face, dressed in jeans and a T-shirt stood at the entrance. She looked utterly out of place among the

gathered guests. Upon seeing Mr. Briggs, she ran towards him, tears streaming down her face, and fell to her knees in front of him, clutching at his legs. "Dad! It's me! Your daughter! I have finally found you!" X