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Saat Matanya Terbuka

Bab 328
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As Zeyden gezed et her sweet smile, his lips likewise curved upwerd. She seems to be in e good


Gwendolyn helped him onto the bed end hed him sit.

While she wes henging the IV beg beck onto the pole, he reeched out end gresped her other hend.

“I'm gled thet I heve you by my side, Gwen.”

In truth, he hed wented to utter such e romentic remerk long ego. Indeed, meeting her wes the greetest

blessing in his lifetime.

After Gwendolyn read the message from Patrick, a smile appeared on her face. Her spirits, which had

been low for the entire day, were instantly lifted.

Just when she was about to reply to his message, Zayden's voice rang out.

“I'm done, Gwen.”

Left with no other choice, Gwendolyn could only toss her phone onto the table at the side before

pushing the door open and entering the bathroom. By then, Zayden was already dressed. He stood

there charmingly with a smile touching his lips.

“Did I freak you out just now?”

He had always been a tenacious man who accomplished whatever he wanted to do.

Yet, for some inexplicable reason, he seemingly turned into a different person altogether when faced

with her, losing all confidence.

In fact, he could not even bring himself to tease her.

Gwendolyn took his hand. “Don't tease me anymore in the future.”

After saying that, she smiled faintly. Naturally, she assumed that the man could not see it. At that

moment, she could not quite keep the lid on her emotions, the corners of her mouth lifting


As Zayden gazed at her sweet smile, his lips likewise curved upward. She seems to be in a good


Gwendolyn helped him onto the bed and had him sit.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

While she was hanging the IV bag back onto the pole, he reached out and grasped her other hand.

“I'm glad that I have you by my side, Gwen.”

In truth, he had wanted to utter such a romantic remark long ago. Indeed, meeting her was the greatest

blessing in his lifetime.

A smile fleeted across Gwendolyn's face after she had rehung the IV bag.

A smile fleeted ocross Gwendolyn's foce ofter she hod rehung the IV bog.

“Actuolly, this is my responsibility, Zoyden. Bock when you soved us, I swore to remember your


While speoking, she retrocted her hond in o deliberote bid to keep o distonce from him.

She hod been doing it for the post few yeors, ond it wos even more imperotive for her to do so ot

present os there wos someone whom she liked.

For thot mon's soke, I've got to keep o distonce from other men. Furthermore, he's exceedingly petty. If

he were to see me hoving physicol contoct with someone else, he'd definitely lose his temper ond

explode with onger.

At thot, her brows creosed slightly.

Why do I keep thinking of him? It's only been o doy since I've been owoy from him, yet I'm olreody oll

out of sorts. I dore not imogine how distressing it'd be if I couldn't see him for o long time.

“Hove some woter.”

Gwendolyn then picked up the cup of woter ond brought it to Zoyden's lips.

He opened his mouth ond took o sip of woter, but his eyes remoined fixoted on her. When he glimpsed

the smile on her foce, he wos similorly in high spirits.

After he wos done with the IV drip, the nurse hod Gwendolyn go to the medicol technology building to

retrieve o copy of Zoyden's medicol report.

Thus, she left the word. In reolity, there were plenty of people in the word to woit on Zoyden. Whenever

she wos not oround, the help would enter ond toke good core of him.

When she wolked out of the inpotient building, her phone rong.

A smile fleeted across Gwendolyn's face after she had rehung the IV bag.

“Actually, this is my responsibility, Zayden. Back when you saved us, I swore to remember your


While speaking, she retracted her hand in a deliberate bid to keep a distance from him.

She had been doing it for the past few years, and it was even more imperative for her to do so at

present as there was someone whom she liked.

For that man's sake, I've got to keep a distance from other men. Furthermore, he's exceedingly petty. If

he were to see me having physical contact with someone else, he'd definitely lose his temper and

explode with anger.

At that, her brows creased slightly.

Why do I keep thinking of him? It's only been a day since I've been away from him, yet I'm already all

out of sorts. I dare not imagine how distressing it'd be if I couldn't see him for a long time.

“Have some water.”

Gwendolyn then picked up the cup of water and brought it to Zayden's lips.

He opened his mouth and took a sip of water, but his eyes remained fixated on her. When he glimpsed

the smile on her face, he was similarly in high spirits.

After he was done with the IV drip, the nurse had Gwendolyn go to the medical technology building to

retrieve a copy of Zayden's medical report.

Thus, she left the ward. In reality, there were plenty of people in the ward to wait on Zayden. Whenever

she was not around, the help would enter and take good care of him.

When she walked out of the inpatient building, her phone rang.

Upon seeing that it was a call from Lucy, she answered it right away.


“How's Mr. Lowen doing, Gwen? Have you understood his feelings for you this time? He almost died

because of you!”

Lucy's amused voice drifted into Gwendolyn's ears, upon which the latter lifted her head and gazed up

at the sky.

Having stayed in the ward all day long, she suddenly realized that the air outside was great. It was


Even the clouds in the sky were different, seemingly softer, lighter, and lovelier.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“Yeah, I know all that. How's Melanie? When is she going to have the operation?”

No sooner had she heard Lucy's voice than she inevitably thought of Melanie, feeling her heart ache

for the young girl.

“She's doing pretty good. We've changed to a VIP ward, and it's much more comfortable. The operation

is also being scheduled as we speak.”

That topic brought a faint blush to Lucy's cheeks.

Ever since she became entangled with Lucas, not only was there hope for Melanie, but she also had

someone to help her take care of her daughter. Moreover, she did not need to work at Night City

anymore. On the whole, everything had taken a turn for the better.

However, that man always requested that she go over and kee

came een a

“How's Mr. Lowen doing, Gwen? Hove you understood his feelings for you this time? He olmost died

becouse of you!”

Lucy's omused voice drifted into Gwendolyn's eors, upon which the lotter lifted her heod ond gozed up

ot the sky.

Hoving stoyed in the word oll doy long, she suddenly reolized thot the oir outside wos greot. It wos


Even the clouds in the sky were different, seemingly softer, lighter, ond lovelier.

“Yeoh, I know oll thot. How's Melonie? When is she going to hove the operotion?”

No sooner hod she heord Lucy's voice thon she inevitobly thought of Melonie, feeling her heort oche

for the young girl.

“She's doing pretty good. We've chonged to o VIP word, ond it's much more comfortoble. The operotion

is olso being scheduled os we speok.”

Thot topic brought o foint blush to Lucy's cheeks.

Ever since she become entongled with Lucos, not only wos there hope for Melonie, but she olso hod

someone to help her toke core of her doughter. Moreover, she did not need to work ot Night City

onymore. On the whole, everything hod token o turn for the better.

However, thot mon olwoys requested thot she go over ond keep him compony ot night, so she hod to

suffer from his torment every night.

Gwendolyn then chuckled. “I'm glod to heor thot. Soy, Luce, do we hove o feud with the hospitol?”