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Savage Love On His Wheelchair

402 Fortress of Solitude Surprise
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Watching them enter the abandoned castle one by one, Rosemary only then helped Marcy slowly walk in.

Marcy saw Rosemary's face a little heavy expression, big hand held her hand back, eyes looking forward, put his face close to her ear, said softly: "Vanessa, later on, no matter what happens, you do not leave me, understand?" "Why?" Rosemary stopped in her tracks, looked at Marcy very suspiciously, and asked.

"Jasmine Williams, come on!" "Good!" Marcy gave Lydia White a look, then turned to Rosemary and said, "Just remember what | said!" Nodding, Rosemary helped Marcy into the house with her doubts.

"Hey, is anyone there?" Boom ......

TAD coos” Suddenly there was a noise from not far away, which scared Miya into Tie Fung's body.

"Don't panic, everyone, don't panic!" Lydia White took a flashlight and slowly walked towards the place where the awkward sound was made, and suddenly a dark figure sprang out from inside ......

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"Meow ......" A wild cat suddenly leapt out from the place where the sound was just made and let out a scream.

Lydia White took a light breath, calmed herself, and then said to Miya, "It's okay, it's just a feral cat all the time!" "The old man used to say that where a black cat appears, there will be that kind of thing, I'm so scared, | don't want to be here, let's hurry back, OK?" Joy tugged tightly at Lydia White's shirt, her eyes full of panic.

When Miya heard Joy say that, she hurriedly conformed and said, "I don't want to stay here either, | want to go home!" "Have you two watched too many horror movies, where in the world is there any ghost, don't put yourself down, it's raining so much outside now, | don't want to go out and get frozen to death now?" The words fell, Tie Fung was ready to go upstairs.

"Tie Fung, they're just girls, it's only human to be scared, so don't bother with them!" "Hmmm ....." Glancing at Miya and Joy, he walked disdainfully to the side and stood.

"Everyone is already tired, Ice and | will go nearby to collect some firewood to make a fire, you guys will be responsible for cleaning the place up, Joy and Miya will help out on the sidelines!" Lydia White walked up to Marcy, looked at Rosemary and said, "Just take care of Jasmine Williams, and let us do the rest!" "Yes, thank you!" Looking at Lydia White, Rosemary nodded.

After the words were said, when Lydia White went out, everyone started to do their own thing.

Rosemary looked at them and always felt that there was something strange here, but what it was, she couldn't tell! Soon, Lydia White and Ice returned with a pile of branches, and in no time, the room was lit up.

Outside the house, from time to time, a burst of animal calls and bird calls, which makes the already eerie old castle seem even more eerie.

"It's getting late, how about this! Let's all take turns to start the vigil, in groups of two, Joy and Miya are less brave, so they will sleep in the middle, Tie Fung and Louise will guard the first half of the night, and Ice and I will guard the second half of the night, what do you think?" "We have no problem with that, it's a deal!" After Tie Fung finished, she and Louise walked outside to keep watch while the others began to sleep one after another.

Rosemary took a board from the side, put it on the floor, and then said to Marcy, "Marcy, take a nap!" "I'm not sleepy, you sleep first, I'll keep watch for you!" "You sleep first, I'll sleep later, your foot is injured, you should rest a little more!" Marcy looked outside just the same and then said to Rosemary, "Okay then! I'll take a nap then, call me in two hours!" "Okay, go to sleep!" Helping Marcy to lie down, Rosemary then sat aside and leaned back.

It was still raining heavily outside, and along with the sound of the rain dripping outside, Rosemary always felt as if something was about to happen.

Heidi was sent home directly by Fred, changed her clothes, looked at the rain falling outside, thought about Rosemary had not come back yet, and her mood also followed the irritation.

"Why is it so late and you haven't come back yet?" Glancing at the clock on the wall, it was almost twelve o'clock, why was Vanessa not back that late? Heidi is at ease, picks up her cell phone, and then makes a phone call to Fred.

Fred, who had just fallen asleep, was soon awakened by the ringing of his cell phone.

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Taking the phone, he said in a daze, "Hello, who is it?" "Fred, it's me Heidi, Vanessa hasn't come back yet, | was asking if Mr. Meyer is back yet?" Because she knew that there was no way Rosemary would stay out all night with Marcy, she was now worried if she had met something.

Fred, who was asleep and dazed, saw that it was Heidi on the phone and answered with a sentence or two.

"I think it's back!" Heidi on the other side of the phone was worried when she heard that Marcy had returned and asked urgently, "Fred, can you ask Mr. Meyer for me where Vanessa has gone?" Hearing the anxiety in Heidi's voice, Fred suddenly lost all sleep and sat up from the bed, comforting Heidi as he got up and went to Marcy's room.

Opening the door to the room and looking at the empty room, Fred's head buzzed as if he sensed something was wrong.

Immediately afterwards, Fred called Marcy and Rosemary respectively, and there was only a beeping sound on the other side of the phone.

Fred looked at the time, it was now late at night 12:30, if not encounter what, with Marcy's character, he would not have brought Rosemary back at this late hour.

"Heidi, Marcy hasn't come back yet either, don't worry yet, I'll go out and look for it!" "Okay, I'll wait for your call!" ECA Miya sleepily shook Joy, who was sleeping next to her, and softly shouted.

"Hmm?" Opening her eyes, Joy looked at Miya and asked, "What's wrong?" "I have to pee, can you walk me to the bathroom?" "Now?" Joy glanced outside, then did so, rubbed her eyes, took the flashlight next to Lydia White, and headed outside with Miya.

The empty old castle is like a Noida's maze, how to walk asif you can not go out.

Listening to the sound of crows outside, the two girls were already timid, and now that they hear the crows, their hearts are starting to get hairy.

"Miya, I'm so scared!" "Me too!" The two of them looked here and there, and when they came to a more remote place, Joy said to Miya, "This is it! I'l wait for you here, you first convenience!"