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Savage Love On His Wheelchair

453 Maybe quietly waiting for you is a confession to you
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"That's right, in case you run into someone with a wrong mind, it won't be a problem!" After hearing Wilson's words, Joseph also felt it was too unsafe to leave the three of them alone on the shore.

"How about this, you three are responsible for what you eat tonight, I'll stay with them to collect sfirewood, and when you cback you can make a fire!" Edmund, who had been silent on the sidelines, spoke up lightly.

He doesn't really like diving anyway, so he might as well stay on shore and be an escort.

"Good, with Edmund up there, you should be able to rest easy!" William put one hand on Wilson's shoulder and said playfully.

"Get your paws off me!" Wilson said coldly as he pushed his hand away.

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"Well, it's getting late, let's hurry up and get ready!" "Joseph, be safe!" Karen, who had been sitting next to him without speaking, suddenly walked up to Joseph and whispered.

"Don't worry, I'll be back soon!" "Mmm!" Joseph stroked Karen's hair with a look of doting in his eyes.

Joseph, who has not felt the warmth of hfor twenty years, the arrival of Karen is undoubtedly a complete filling of the longing he has always had for home.

For Joseph now, Karen is like his own sister, as long as she is there, the family has warmth.

After a few words of advice, Wilson went down to dive with them.

Standing on the beach, with the wind blowing in her face, Rosemary looked at the sea that was connected to the sky and felt the desire to jump into its embrace.

Looking at the sea, Rosemary felt her heart open up with her eyes closed, as if everything around her was still, the sea breeze softly cutting through her hair, hearing only the sound of the sea lapping against the rocks, wave after wave.

"Rosemary, it's beautiful here!" Karen stood next to Rosemary, took a deep breath, and addressed Rosemary.

"Karen, do you like the ocean?" "Love it!" With her hands open, Karen wanted to feel the sensation of being part of a hundred rivers.

Turning her head sideways, Rosemary looked at Karen's appearance as if she was about to spread her wings and fly. She could guarantee that this sister of hers would becher pride in the future! Edmund, sitting under a coconut tree, just looked at Rosemary in silence, his eyes never moving from her body.

I like that you are quiet, standing there, no words, when the breeze blows slowly, that dazzling sunlight, like the March sun, like fire like tea, sprinkling a ground of sunlight, is your warmth, | like that you are quiet, looking through the glass, you are you, clean as white paper, so that people dare not touch, a slight sigh, how thas you, so clean and flawless. | like that you are quiet, that flying rhythm, driving your soul, towards somewhere else to fly, can not see your place, that is the evidence of the watch over, | like that you are quiet, even though you can not touch your hands, but it is as if on the end.

A soft sigh as if it were a lifet Deep in the soul It's you quietly The best confession to me! | Like You Quietly Looking at such a Rosemary, Edmund's mind thought of such a passage.

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Feeling a gaze behind her, Rosemary turned her head and saw Edmund looking at her with a faint smile on his lips.

"Edmund, what's on your mind?" "Nothing, | just feel that tflies, in a flash it's been a year since we met!" "Yeah, now that | think about it, it's as if those happenings were just yesterday!" Rosemary looked at Karen who was playing on the beach and smiled.

"Rosemary, are you still going back to the W?" "Well, | cback this tmainly to see my grandmother, and now that her health is no longer serious, it's tforto go back to work in a few days!" Looking at her, there are things | want to say, but | don't dare to say them! "I'm sure you know that Wilson is planning to move the company's headquarters to w country!" "I heard him say it last time, Edmund, can you helpto persuade him properly? Those companies are all founded by him in these years of hibernation in the darkness, if he moves to w country now because of me, if that person with a heart knows about it, his situation will be very dangerous!" "Rosemary, you should know very well Wilson's feelings for you, and you know his temperament very well, as long as it's something he has decided, even if we talk through it, it won't help!" For Wilson's character, Edmund knows too well, unless Rosemary is willing to stay, otherwise, he will not listen to their advice! Rosemary for Wilson this idea is very disapproving, not to mention her matter has not been investigated, take the initial mysterious person who wanted to put her to death, he is not until now have not been found? "Edmund, you know last year after Wilson's accident, Rita lived in, | once went to the cafe for dinner, happened to meet Chad, he said toon the way out, letbe careful of Rita, but from the information Wilson now has, | fell into the sea and Rita does not seem to have anything to do! " "Then how cyou didn't tell us about it in the first place?" "I didn't care too much at the time, thought it was because Chad was worried that | would be bullied by Rita, so he toldto watch out for her, and didn't think too deeply about it!" Rosemary spoke out slowly the doubts in her mind, she always felt something was wrong.

Wilson sighed softly, it seems with his guess is right, Chad is really for Rosemary moved.

All this tthey have been poor Chad close to the people and things he touches, but until now, nothing has been found.

But according to what Rosemary just said, the reason why Chad met with Rosemary coincidentally that day, that must be his deliberate arrangement, if he is correct, Chad must know about Rosemary's fall into the sea.

Looking at Rosemary, Wilson knew that if he were to say in front of Rosemary now that Chad might know all the truth about her crash, she wouldn't believe it! Although Chad is not a good man in the eyes of others, in Rosemary's eyes, Chad is a man who is outwardly hangdog, but is a very good man at heart.

After all, during Wilson's sleep, Chad did help Rosemary a lot, for Rosemary, Chad is her brother-in-law, Wilson's brother.

"Rosemary, there are sthings that if | tell you now maybe you don't understand very well, but | just want to say this to you, don't just look at the surface of everything, maybe a person who is good to you is your real enemy!" "Edmund, do you know something?"