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Savage Love On His Wheelchair

Chapter 1136
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The Grant Group.

Group internal documents leaked, a large number of senior volof the company inside the secrets jumped to another company,

an instant let Lu's into a great crisis.

In an instant, the Inteand the news were full of stories about The Grant Group.

Wilson has been busy, this matter has made The Grant Group lost an unknown amount of money.

Rosemary was watching TV at hwhen she saw the news and sat up in a hurry.

Hastily picked up the phone, want to call Wilson to ask what's going on, but thought he must be busy now even to take a breath of

time, plus even if you ask, know can not help, and finally edited a message sent out.

However, Rosemary quickly remembered another person and hurriedly put the call through.

"William, are you with Joseph right now?" As soon as the call was answered, Rosemary spoke in a hurry.

"It's me." Joseph's voice cover the phone.

Hearing that it was Joseph, Rosemary froze for a moment, then reacted and hurriedly opened her mouth to ask, "Joseph, what is

happening to the company? Why did the news say that the company's secrets were leaked, and the news said that the company

would soon go bankrupt, is that true?"

She is really worried now.

What if something really happened, what would we do?

Before so big things happened are not as serious as now, now Wilson just cback, this kind of thing happened, is those people

are rushing to Wilson.

If that's true, shouldn't it have been a better tfor you to take over before?

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What Rosemary didn't expect was that all this had actually been in the pipeline a long tago, but at the teveryone didn't

know how Darren was actually hurt, and the timing wasn't ripe, so it stopped at that juncture.

Now Wilson's appearance is the sas dropping a tbomb on their side, and the longer this bomb drags on, the more

dangerous it is, and those people will naturally start jumping to the wall.

"Pretty much, but Rosemary, don't worry about it, Wilson will fix it." In fact, the exact reason he did not know what happened, and

even if he did, he would not tell Rosemary.

Even if she is told, she may not have to be able to help.

That's all he can do to comfort Rosemary now.

Rosemary hung up the phone, anxious.

Suddenly remembering something, | picked up my bag and was about to go out when Isaw Sean coming in from outside.

"Where are you going?"

"Something happened at Wilson's company, and | want to go to the office."

She actually wanted to go to Judy, maybe she would have something to offer.

Sean cforward and took the bag from her hand, looked at her with a speechless face, pulled her to the sofa and sat down, said

with a disgusted look, "Do you trust your husband that much? If he couldn't even solve such a crisis, then he wouldn't be the

Wilson that everyone knows, not to mention that your husband is not as simple as you appear to be, so just stay at hand

finish solving your own business first."

"What can | have going on right now?"

With him by his side, even if the sky is falling, there is also her top not.

"That stupid sister of yours was taken away by the police, are you sure it's none of your business?"

As the words fell, Rosemary jerked to her feet, looked at Sean with an ugly face, and said, "When did this happen?"

Since the launch was perfectly over, Rosemary thought Karen's suspicions had been cleared, after all those days of no movement

from The Flower family, and she thought Sean had taken care of things.

"Half an hour ago, her little assistant said so."

At that, Rosemary hurriedly took out her cell phone to call Wilson, but suddenly thought that he was already busy and dizzy at the

moment, and if she told him what was going on, it would only make him more anxious.

After thinking for a while, Rosemary hung up the phone again. It seemed she had to ask her uncle for help.

Taking out her cell phone, Rosemary quickly dialed Adrian's personal cell phone, and the call was soon answered.

"Uncle, it's me, are you busy?"

At this moment in the office of the president of W, major officials are standing below to Adrian reported, when heard the phone

ringing thought the moment, the people have sucked in a breath of cold air, secretly for that caller pinched a sweat.

Because at the moment their president is angry, handsface black as the bottom of a pot, gloomy and frightening.

"Not busy, something wrong?"

Once the words were out, the crowd couldn't help but rub their eyes and ears, and looked at their own Mr. President incredulously,

not daring to imagine that the gentle tone was coming from the mouth of their Mr. President at the moment.

A few more attentive people soon discovered that their president not only had a gentle tone, but also had a faint smile at the

corners of his mouth, and his eyes were doting with every word he said.

"Okay, I'll have someone take care of it right away, don't worry, be obedient yourself over there and pay attention to your health."

"Okay, bye!"

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Hang up the phone, Adrian handsface floated a Tammy smirk, turned away.

Adrian turned around and saw his subordinate's mouth that could almost be stuffed with an egg, his eyes flashed a coldness, and

just now when answering the phone is completely a sky and a ground.

"Okay, that's enough debriefing for today, you guys go out first!"


Smell, the office of all people as if wearing a wind turbine general, instantly did not a shadow, God knows just how timely that call

came, or they all have to continue to stand there to be criticized it.

Hanging up the phone, Rosemary turned to Sean and said, "Sean, go withto the police station!"

"From the looks of you, it seems you don't need my help?"

Sean took a bite from the apple on the table and said vaguely.

"What else? Didn't you say you'd help Karen take care of this before? Why was Karen still brought in by them?"

At that, Sean did not comply, with a wronged expression, said: "You are wronging me, | have indeed found evidence to prove her

innocence, but your husband said not to hand it over for the tbeing, saying something about letting us watch a good show."

"You mean to say that Karen was taken and Wilson knew about it?"

Looking at him, Rosemary asked incredulously.

Sean nodded and said, "Yeah!"

"But why, don't you guys know that this will be very damaging to Karen's reputation? Not to mention that Karen is still a girl?"

Rosemary couldn't help but raise her vola few notches as she listened.

Sean shrugged and said, "That's out of my hands, I've done what | promised you anyway, and as for the rest, it's out of my
