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Savage Love On His Wheelchair

Chapter 1266
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"How is Gaby doing now?"

"Still in a coma, he was badly injured this time, it's lucky to get a life back, but it's up to him to wake up."

Doyle a man was talking, only to hear a thud from the side, turned his head and saw Karen was looking at them with a pale face.


"Doyle, is it true what you just said?"

Karen stared hard into Doyle's eyes, only to see him nod with difficulty, but how Karen wished he could tell her that she had heard

everything wrong.

"Then why didn't you tell me?"

If she hadn't accidentally overheard it today, would that mean they would have kept it from her for the rest of her life, and if he

really didn't wake up, he would never see him again for the rest of his life?

Looking at Karen, who was in tears, Doyle panicked for a moment and hurriedly consoled, "Missy, don't be upset, it's for your own

good that Mr. didn't lettell you."

"For my own good?"

At that, Karen couldn't help but take a few steps backwards and ask with a sneer.

Knowing that she had been asking for news of Gaby, knowing that she had told them that she would be the first to tell her as soon

as there was news of him, but in the end?

Thinking about it, Karen's heart ached so much she couldn't breathe.

Her heart ached at the thought that he might never wake up again.

"If it was really for my own good then he should have toldin the first place, if it was really for my own good then he should

have letstay by his side instead of choosing not to say anything, this is what you call for my own good?"

Doyle looked at Karen, who had lost control of her emotions, and hurriedly gave a wink to the man beside her, asking him to call


When Doyle didn't say anything, Karen remembered what they had seen yesterday, lifted the hem of her skirt and ran for the

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private hospital.


Doyle was worried that something had happened to her and rushed after her.

"Stand still, you can't go in without an order from the gentleman."

Karen was stopped by the guards at the door, Karen looked coldly at the two men in front of her and said, "Get out of the way!"

"Sorry, you can't go in without an order from the gentleman!"

"Do you know who | am? Get out of my way!"

"Sorry Missy, no matter who you are, you just can't be let in without an order from the gentleman."

Hearing their words, Karen reached out and fought with the two guards at the door, and when Doyle arrived he saw Karen being

restrained by the guards.

"Let go!"

Adrian heard their report and hurried over, and saw Karen looking at herself with a disappointed look on her face.

At that moment, Adrian's heart was as hard as if a knife had been cut into his heart one by one.

"Karen, are you all right!"

"Sorry Excellency, Missy ............"

Looking at the crimson scratch marks on Karen's white arm, her face was ugly.

In fact, they have been very careful, but in the end, Missy was injured.

"You guys go down first!"

Seeing that Adrian did not speak, Doyle said slowly to the two guards.

"lI want to see Gaby."

"Karen, listen to Daddy first to tell you that Gaby is now ......"

"lI want to see Gaby."

Adrian tried to explain to her that after all, Gaby's body was not fit to see anyone at all.

Most importantly, his brain suffered severe internal injuries, and although he has had surgery, Ryan says that even if he wakes up,

he may forget what happened before, and it is for this reason that he chose not to tell her.

However, | did not expect this child to be so stubborn, and | do not know who inherited this nature.

"What's going on?"

Judy and Rosemary hear the maid say that Karen and Doyle had a big fight and wonder what the reason is.

Karen's eyes kept looking at her father with all the insistence in her eyes.

Judy, standing by, watched father and daughter frozen in place with an anxious look on her face, especially when she saw the tears

on Karen's face, she was distressed to death.

"Are you sure you're really mentally prepared to meet him?"

Finally, it was Adrian who broke the mood of the scene and asked in a serious manner.

"I'm sure!"

Karen replied without thinking.

"Okay, since this is your choice, then Daddy respects you, but Daddy must remind you that you must accept the truth, no matter

what is behind it."

Speaking of which, Rosemary probably already understood what had happened and went to Karen's side and gently grabbed her

hand and softly reassured her, "Don't worry, it's going to be okay."

Karen then turned her head and nodded at Rosemary, but the tears flowed even harder.

"Cin with me!"

"Mr. Lt

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Adrian gave Doyle a reassuring look and then said to the others, "You all wait outside and just let her go in alone."


Watching them go in, Rosemary then looked to Doyle, who was standing by, and asked, "Doyle, what the hell is going on here?"

Doyle looked at them, sighed and said: "Gaby was ambushed on the way back from the mission, his injuries were very serious, we

rushed there when he was left hanging there with a breath, brought him back after Ryan resuscitated him inside for a day and a

night to finally pull him back from the hands of death, but his head suffered serious internal injuries. Ryan said his chance of

waking up is almost zero point zero one, even if he wakes up he can not remember who he is, Mr. worried Missy can not stand this

blow, so did not tell her, but did not think that today | talked to the monkey let her hear."

"How did that happen?"

It's no wonder Karen is so excited, it would be unbearable for anyone else.

"Rosemary, what the hell is going on here?"

Judy listened to the clouds, listened to half a day did not understand what they were saying, the only thing | know is that Karen

cares a lot about the man.

"Mom, remember Karen once asked you before if you would object if she ever fell in love with a normal person?"

"Are you saying that the man Karen likes is a bodyguard under Adrian?"

Rosemary nodded. Doyle saw Judy's face keep changing, seemingly struggling to digest the information at the moment, and a

vague worry flashed through her heart.

"Mr. Lt

Adrian led Karen to change into a sterile hospital gown and kept coming to the last room, Karen then saw a woman dressed in the

ssterile ward as them shouting respectfully at Adrian.

"Well, how did it go?"

The woman's gaze lingered on Karen's body for a second momentarily leaving, handed the notes on the table to Adrian and said,

"There are no symptoms yet, but his brain seems to be struggling to retrieve the lost memories and that memory seems to be

important to him."