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Savage Love On His Wheelchair

Chapter 786
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"This jewelry set is really beautiful!" Karen sat in front of the computer looking at the design called "Sleeve Cloud" and it was as if the designer had given her life and shone brightly.

Evania crossed her legs and sat on a side sofa holding a cup of coffee, her slender fingers tapping on the cup, the hot air breaking free from the cup and hovering overhead, her long legs overlapping naturally, her eyes moving incessantly with Mayme's body.

People are looking at jewelry, but he is looking at people.

"When do you plan to go back?" "Huh?" The sudden comment pulled Karen from in front of the computer and looked at him for a moment before saying, "lI don't know yet!" It's not that she doesn't want to go back, but she doesn't know how to face Joseph after she goes back. In the past, there was her favorite Rosemary in C city, so she would be dependent on that side, but now Rosemary is gone, and her company Wilson helps her so well, she is not sure if she wants to go back.

Looking at her, Evania wiggled her lips for a while before she spoke, "If you decide to go back, you must remember to informfirst!" If he could he really hoped that this day would never come.

"Don't worry! If I'm going back, you'll be the first to be notified!" The two of them are like this, every tthey talk, they can not say a few sentences the atmosphere began to silence, if it is someone else I'm afraid would have shouted, but Karen will not, even if they do not speak to each other, can know what the other is thinking.

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At that moment, the computer host's sentence is like a huge thunderbolt from above directly on Karen's head, so that she stood there in a daze for a long tdid not cback.

"This tthe three finalists have been produced one after another, the most exciting moment is coming soon, letnow announce the final top three finishers Melissa, Miriam, the first runner-up, and Rosemary, the champion!" "The following three designers are invited to the stage to receive the award!" "Go for it!" Wilson patted her arm and said with a smile.

The result of this competition is a recognition of Rosemary's work, and the thought of being selected as a finalist in the global competition has not calmed her heart for a long time.

At the stime, Karen stood in front of the computer has been sobbing, slender white hand gently stroked the screen that smile like a flower face, her Rosemary did not die, she did not die! "Why are you crying?" Evania saw that she was out of sorts and got up from the couch to see her looking at a girl on the computer screen in tears.

"Rosemary is not dead, Rosemary she is not dead!" "Then you should be happy, why are you still crying?" Taking a tissue to gently wipe the tears from the corners of her eyes, Evania said heartily. Suffered them "Evania. | wouldn't be who | am today without Rosemary, and now that | know she's alive, I'm going right back!" "Even if you want to go back, that's tomorrow, it's already night!" Evania kindly reminded.

Stay with her for so long, always know that she has a hidden thing in her heart, but she does not say, he is not good to ask her, for fear that it will sting her.

"Vanessa, congratulations!" "Thanks!" In the evening, because two designers from the S Group were selected as finalists, the company held a celebration party for them.

Originally, Rosemary did not want to participate, but thinking that if she did not go, they would think she was playing a big game, it seemed a bit unjustifiable, so she had to follow them to participate.

"Vanessa, you and Melissa have done our company, and more importantly our design department, a great service today. We will never have to be looked down upon by other departments again." Rice from the design department was talking happily on the sidelines. As the assistant of the design department, they didn't know how many blank stares they received every tthey went out to do something.

"Look how happy you are!" Design Department inside several are just out of college, there is no heart, what you want to say is what.

Joseph and Wilson were chatting with the other guests, Rosemary felt a bit stuffy inside, so she went outside to the corridor to get sfresh air by herself.

"Rosemary?" "John, what are you doing here?" Turning her head, Rosemary saw John standing behind her, and after more than two years of absence, he seemed much older than before! John also did not expect to meet her here, before hearing them say that she died, he was sad for a long time, did not expect to meet her here.

"I'm here to talk about a contract, | haven't seen you for over two years, you're getting prettier and prettier!" "Thanks!" Rosemary tries to keep a certain distance from him, after all, their last encounter has already made Daisy misunderstood.

"Is he treating you well?" Looking at her, John's eyes flashed with a touch of sadness, if he had not been with Daisy, perhaps they would have had children by now.

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It will not be like this now, met with strangers in general.

"He's been good to me, thank you for remembering!" "Does it have to be like this between me?" John reached out to take her by the hand, but to his surprise Rosemary quickly dodged.

"It's good enough that | can stand in front of you and talk to you like this, what more do you want?" If it were the old her, she might not hold such a grudge, but now she's long gone from the one she was back then, and if he still wants to do something, she doesn't mind scrapping him.

Looking at Rosemary's slightly angry eyes, John sighed lightly and said, "I'm sorry, | didn't mean anything else, | simply wanted to know if you were doing well, that's all!" "Thanks to you guys, I'm doing great!" Rosemary replied very nonchalantly.

"Daisy and | got divorced two years ago!" When it comes to Daisy, John's eyes are full of anger.

"Didn't she love you very much? Why did you get a divorce?" She remembered that Daisy had been behind her back for John, but she didn't know how many times? Speaking of Su Zihan is a disgrace to The Sawyer family.

Oh ......

Speaking of this, John's mouth showed a bitter smile, said: "Today's The Sawyer family is no longer the Sawyer family back then, naturally can not keep her, my father because of the things between us angry hospitalized in the ICU, not long after leaving us, she was still pregnant with a child, originally thought she | thought she would helpto give birth to the child because we love each other, but | never thought she would not say a word to remove the child! "How did that happen?" Rosemary couldn't believe that Daisy had gone so far with John.

"If you run into her in the future, you'd better stay away, she's even scarier than before!"