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Savage Love On His Wheelchair

Chapter 829
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"It's late, this matter will be discussed here for now!" With that said, Wilson didn't wait for them to have a chance to speak and closed the computer directly.

Seeing this, Rosemary put a faint smile on her face and placed the noodles in front of him, while she herself took a bowl of less and ate it.

"Just have discussed with Marcy and them, decided to leave tomorrow to go to Cloud City, in order to cause unnecessary trouble this ton the two of us to go, Edmund and Chen stay here to deal with the company's affairs and sdetails of the wedding follow-up." Wilson said as he ate his noodles.

"Just decide, | have no problem with it!" It's almost New Year's Eve, and there's a lot going on inside the company. | heard that the company holds an annual meeting every year, and this year is no exception! "Eat up! Finish eating and rest early!" Since Su Zihan left, John's heart is completely dead, originally promised to chere with Rosemary, but who knows that on the way Rosemary something can not come, so he had to let him calone.

John wondered why Rosemary had asked him to cto this place called Bandwon Village to find a family named Lucas.

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When he reached the entrance of the village, the car could not drive forward, so John had to walk into the village.

"Young master, wait here, I'll go ask!" "Good!" The driver, David, quickly ran towards swomen standing not far away, and in a moment David was seen smiling and coming this way.

"Young master, those people said Lucas lives at the far side of the village, just go in along this Andy!" "Let's go!" The two ctogether in front of a very ordinary brick house, and John's eyes were soon drawn to a two- or three-year-old boy in front of him.

When David followed his young master's gaze to look at the little boy who was playing with a stone, a mouth is almost stuffed down an egg.

God, how this little boy looks exactly like their young master, it is simply the sas a mold carved out.

John couldn't help but walk towards the little boy, who looked up and saw John, suddenly scuffing his way towards the house.

Not long after, a woman of about forty years old cout from inside.

As soon as the woman saw John, she hurriedly shouted inside, "Old man, cout, there are guests coming!" "You must be John, Mr. Sawyer!" "You know me, sister-in-law?" Looking at the lady, John asked.

The woman smiled, took out two cups and poured a glass of water for each of them and handed it to them.

"Thank you, sister-in-law!" "Of course we know you, and we can say we've been waiting for you for a long time, and thought you weren't going to have this baby?" At that moment, a stout man cout from inside and was excited to see John.

"Mr. Sawyer!" "This big brother, why did you all just say you've been waiting forfor a long time, and listen to your tone as if you knewa long tago!" He remembered that he didn't know the couple in front of him, but didn't understand why they were so excited to see him.

"Mr. Sawyer, how cyou're the only one here, where's Miss Harris?" "Are you talking about Daisy?" "Yes, it's Miss Daisy, originally she agreed with us to cover to see Star for a month, but this month has already passed five days, she still hasn't come, Star has been clamoring for her mother for the past two days!" "Mom?" John looked at the little boy clutching the corner of the woman's coat, at the face that resembled his own nine times, did Daisy not remove their child in the first place? "Yes! Didn't Miss Daisy tell you that he had a child for you?" "Yes! When she first cto the door of our village with a big belly, very wretched, she begged us to help her give birth to this child and to help her carry it well." Looking at the little boy leaning in the woman's arms, it took a while before she said, "She left in a car accident!" "How did that happen?" Lucas and his wife obviously did not expect things to be this way, and both could not help but feel sorry for the girl.

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The couple told John about Daisy's birth here in general. John didn't think Daisy didn't abort their baby at first, but secretly gave birth to it. Looking at the little boy in front of him, John held him tightly in his arms and left tears of sadness.

"Mr. Sawyer, this was given toby Miss Harris before she was alive again, saying that if one day she was no longer alive, she would give this letter to you!" Lucas handed him the letter, John opened it, and the beautiful handwriting slowly presented itself to him.

"John, by the tyou read this letter | will be gone, | don't know what way to say goodbye to you, after thinking about it, | chose the oldest way to write a letter! | know that what | did to you and your aunt and uncle is very excessive, even because of my selfishness my departure, let uncle left you, all because of me, | do not ask for your forgiveness, because | no longer have any face to ask for your forgiveness. The child in front ofis our son, the reason why | lied to you that | took the child actually | have a bitterness, whether you havein your heart, and whether you believe it or not, my Daisy heart has always loved you. Finally, | hope you can promisenever to mentionin front of the child, | do not deserve to be his mother, and finally, you helpto say sorry to my sister, | am sorry ......" When reading this letter, John didn't know whether to be happy or sad! Happy because she finally understands that what she did was wrong, sad because she understood too late.

John gave the Lucas couple a check for a million dollars to thank them for taking care of their child and for taking Daisy in, and then returned to C City with the child.

| was planning to visit Rosemary with the children, but the maid said Rosemary was not at home.

Aorkokokokok Rosemary and Wilson arrived at Cloud City by plane, and Anthony was already waiting there as soon as they got off the plane.

"Young master!" "Anthony, it's been a long time!" Once you see Anthony, Rosemary will think of him and Sunny that touching love, although the middle experienced sminor twists and turns, but the ending is really enviable.

"Hello The Great Young Lady! Sunny has been talking about you every day and askedto wait for her to say hello to you!" "Counting the days, Sunny should be giving birth soon!" Anthony nodded slightly and said, "The due date is at the end of the month!" Seeing his respectful appearance, Rosemary couldn't help but laugh lightly, "Anthony, I'm not Wilson, don't treatlike you treat him, let's just be friends and be casual, okay?" After that, Rosemary said to Wilson: "We'll find a hotel in Yuncheng tonight and go to Bailinzhai in the morning!"