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Scars Of A Broken Bond by Calv Momose

Chapter 1084
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“I’m telling the truth,” Camden maintained.

Observing Sabrina’s reluctance, Camden adopted a more earnest tone.

“You don’t aspire to become an actress, do you?”

Sabrina hesitated briefly before nodding. “I simply wish to evade the relentless scrutiny of

reporters and netizens. I don’t desire to be the center of attention.”

Camden embarked on a persuasive argument, “In reality, your apprehension is somewhat

unwarranted and of minimal consequence. Our team is adept at handling such matters.

What are the intentions of those paparazzi? To profit, correct? As long as you provide them

with financial incentives, they’ll refrain from intruding into your personal life. Consider the

recent plight of stars who’ve fallen from grace. Was it the result of paparazzi exposure?

No, it was invariably the actions of others. As long as you abide by the law, what can the

paparazzi and online denizens do? Their disparaging remarks stem from their own


Sabrina sensed something peculiar in Camden’s argument but couldn’t quite pinpoint it.


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Camden proposed an enticing compromise, “How about this? Engage in a single scene

first. If you genuinely find it unmanageable, I won’t press the matter further.”

Sabrina deliberated for a moment before conceding, “Very well.”

“Very well, then,” Camden exclaimed with an air of enthusiasm as he rose from his seat,

procuring a script with alacrity. Swiftly, he thumbed through its pages until he pinpointed

Sarah’s role. “Here, have a look at this,” he invited.

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Sabrina accepted the script, her eyes scanning its contents with meticulous care.

In the narrative’s denouement, the hero grievously wounded Sarah. As she teetered on

the precipice of death, a poignant exchange unfolded between her and the male lead,

laying bare the origins of her character.

Following this conversation, Sarah gently closed her eyes, her thoughts drifting back to

days gone by.

The early chapters of Sarah’s life were marked by profound hardship.

Born of a human parent and another of fox lineage, she entered the world in human guise

but bore fox-like ears. Abandoned in the rural hinterlands, she suffered maltreatment and

ostracization at the hands of villagers who branded her a monstrous aberration. For years,

she roamed aimlessly, only finding solace when she was taken under the wing of an

elderly man.

The elderly gentleman hailed from meager means and Sarah, frail and emaciated, bore

the brunt of bullying and mockery from her peers, who shunned her company.

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On one occasion, following a particularly cruel episode of bullying, she sought refuge at a

secluded watering hole, her heart heavy with sorrow.

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A kind spirit, a girl of her own age, approached her.

Unlike the other children who partook in the bullying, this little girl had always observed

from a distance, refusing to engage in the torment.

Drawing near to Sarah, the girl extended a sweet offering, a piece of candy. Sarah’s

astonishment was eclipsed only by her profound gratitude. In that moment, the little girl

was forever etched in Sarah’s heart as someone truly exceptional.

One fateful day, an enigmatic faction of assassins materialized within the Cultivation

World. In their malevolent wake, they left a trail of bloodshed, extinguishing the Lives of

innocent villagers and forcibly abducting Sarah along with a group of defenseless children.

Along their grim journey, they did not hesitate to dispatch a few unruly youngsters,

casting an ominous pall of dread upon all in their grim procession.

Upon passing a certain place, the enigmatic black-clad figures paused to rest, securing

Sarah and her young companions to a sturdy tree.

Suddenly, Sarah’s vulpine ears perked up, their innate sensitivity attuned to distant

footfalls. Gifted with heightened senses, she possessed the ability to hear and perceive far

beyond the ordinary.

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