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Secretary’s Secret Lover by Zayla Quinn

Chapter 297
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Chapter 297 That Face!

Miranda’s chin hurt so much that it almost broke under the force.

Miranda’s forehead was covered in thin sweat. Her heart skipped a beat because Jamie was so cold

and ruthless.

Miranda managed to stop her tears from falling down her cheeks.

Jamie carefully examined the woman’s face. Why did Miranda look so similar to Ellen? Because of her


Both of them had slanted eyes. The only difference was that Ellen carried a sense of arrogance in her

gaze. She refused to show any sign of weakness when the odds were against her..

Miranda started making a living at a young age and developed an obedient personality.

Her eyes were beautiful, but they were full of flattery and obedience.

Miranda was the most similar and the least similar to Ellen.

Miranda endured for such a long time that her chin was almost crushed by the man.

Before she could plead, Jamie looked down and let go of her, dispirited.

Miranda collapsed, her heart pounding.

She was glad that she hadn’t done any plastic surgery on her chin. Otherwise, it would have broken.

The man sat upright with his legs casually crossed.

He ordered in a cold voice, “Pour me some wine.”

Miranda trembled as she poured the wine. The man drank one cup after another.

The wine had a strong aftereffect.

The man drank so much that his vision became blurry. The woman in front of him was increasingly

similar to the one lying beside him every night.

He called out vaguely, “Ellen…”

This was not the first time Miranda had heard this name.

The first time Jamie bought her service, he asked her to stay by his side and stared at her in silence for

an entire night.

Jamie didn’t let her laugh, cry, or make a sound.

From that time, Miranda knew that she looked like that woman when she didn’t make any sound.

When the man looked down, Miranda noticed that he had deep eye sockets, long eyelashes, and a

neat brush cut. He exuded charm.

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Jamie was attractive. No one doubted that.

He was way out of Miranda’s league.

But in every woman’s dream, there was a Prince Charming, who would save them in a dangerous


Miranda poured another glass of wine and handed it over.

Jamie did not take it. He half-opened his eyes.

He saw Miranda’s complexion. The woman carried an irresistible charm. Jamie lowered his head and

drank from the glass in her hand.

Miranda turned around to pour another glass.


Jamie threw the glass out.

Then he reached out, grabbed her neck, and pushed her down. Their position changed. Miranda was

right beneath him.

Everything happened in a split second. Miranda was scared, staring at the man with her eyes wide


Jamie’s cold expression disappeared as he leaned towards Miranda and said hoarsely, “Ellen, Ellen.”

He didn’t say anything else except for the name.

He kept repeating, one time after another. His voice was hoarse and sexy.

The drunken man had so much affection in his eyes that no woman could resist.

Although he was calling another woman, Miranda got lost in his affection.

Miranda didn’t mind that she was a substitute.

Unable to sense the danger, Miranda stretched out her hands, wrapped her arms around the man’s

neck, and leaned forward.

There was only a finger’s distance between them.

They exchanged breaths.

The unfamiliar fragrance made Jamie frown.

This unfamiliar smell didn’t belong to Ellen.

Jamie pushed the woman away and got back to the sofa, rubbing his temples.

Surprised, Miranda did not want to miss this rare opportunity.

If she slept with Jamie, she would no longer have to serve those stinky and fat old men.

Perhaps, Jamie would take her away and leave here.

She plucked up her courage, undid the buttons, and revealed her tender skin.

Then, Miranda knelt in front of Jamie.

As soon as she reached out, Miranda heard the man bellow.

“Get lost!”

Miranda froze on the spot.


The wine glass flew past Miranda’s cheek and shattered on the LCD screen behind her.

The man opened his drunken eyes, but his voice was so chilly.

“Get out!”

Jamie’s expression was so terrifying that Miranda’s legs went weak.

Having no time to do her buttons, she crawled out.

Miranda was kicked by Jenny the moment she got out.

“Bitch, do you think you can leave here just because the man favors you?”

“Jenny, I didn’t think so. I didn’t.” Miranda crawled on the ground, shivering all over.

“You should have known better. It’s time to wake up from your sweet dream!”

Jenny took out a stack of bills and threw it on Miranda’s face. “The losses tonight are all on you. Pay off

the debt! Otherwise, you will suffer.”

Seeing the astronomical figures, Miranda was so scared that her tears burst out. She kept pleading.

“Jenny, this is my fault. I beg you! Please forgive me.”

Miranda couldn’t pay back the debt even if she worked until death.

“You asked for it! Don’t be too greedy. You could have just been an escort girl. But you are too greedy!”

Jenny showed no empathy. “He doesn’t belong to such a lowly woman like you.”

If it hadn’t been for Miranda, who dreamed about leaving here, Jenny wouldn’t have had so many


In the clubhouse industry, one couldn’t afford to offend the big shots.

Even if Jamie caused so much trouble, Jenny was still nice to him.

Jenny looked at Miranda’s innocent face and scoffed, “If you became his lover, you would be even

more miserable.”

Jamie was a man who could share his bed with the corpse every day. Miranda was no match for him.

Miranda was dragged away by the security guard.

Looking at the man’s handsome face, Jenny still felt that, just as everyone else said, the attractive man

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was a bit gloomy and terrifying.

Jenny shook her head and left as if a ghost was chasing after her.

When Jamie came out of the clubhouse, it was late at night.

His mind was fuzzy. He was so dizzy that he couldn’t walk properly.

Leaning against the car, Jamie lit a cigarette and called Jack.

“Pick me up.”

He had to go home and sleep with the woman.

Hanging up, Jamie looked up at the sky and saw the big, round moon, which was the same as the night

when Ellen left.


A slender figure appeared and got into a blue luxury car.

Jamie froze, as his cigarette dropped to the ground.

That face.

That face!

The man rushed out like a torpedo.

The blue luxury car started and drove far away. Jamie chased after it desperately.

Jamie was not sober now. If he had been sober enough, he would have found that the woman was

driving the car slowly enough for him to catch up.

Every time he got near enough, the car would speed up.

Finally, he tripped on the ground as he was out of strength. His knees were bruised.

He struggled to support himself and get up. But due to the hangover, his vision was blurred.

The blue car stopped.

When the door opened, a woman stepped down, her legs slender. She walked towards him in high


The woman stopped in front of him.

Jamie was lying on the ground with his face down. He opened his eyes, sizing the woman up from her

slender legs to her charming face.


He didn’t call her the second time. Jamie shook his head, trying to tell if this was an illusion.

Was it true?

The woman didn’t show up in his dream for five years.

Ellen was so cruel that she didn’t even want to enter his dream!

The man knelt at the feet of a woman like a pious follower.

The woman opened her red lips.
