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Shadows of Destiny: A Tale of Liberation

Chapter 1735
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Chapter 1735 "We'll know once we find the owner of the eyes," Xavier muttered, putting his hands in his pockets. He felt that it was easy to find such a person, but it was odd that they hadn't found anyone at all even after a worldwide search... and Jovan had found them instead.

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"It looks like we have to ask Jovan." Leia decided she needed to speak to Jovan. After such an eventful day, she was tired and wanted to head upstairs for a rest. As she was halfway up the stairs, she recalled something and turned to Xavier. "Is there any news about Stefan?" "Not yet." Xavier sounded hopeful as he said, "But no news is good. | believe that Stefan has a plan." "I hope so." Leia clenched her fists and said angrily, "He'd better have a good explanation for my bestie! Ren needs him the most right now, but he's not here. I'm sure Ren won't forgive him, and neither will I. If | see him, I'll beat him up!" "I hope you'll have the chance to do that..." Xavier's gaze was unreadable as he said softly, "Well know soon." Once Leia had left, Xavier fished out his phone and made a call.

"Mr. Stuart, I've made the necessary arrangements. When should we start?" The person on the other end of the line was the leader of a gang. It had been three days since Xavier last contacted him, and he was eager to jump into action.

"There's no rush. My friend just had an eye transplant and is still weak, so we shouldn't scare her. We'll revisit it once she's feeling better," Xavier instructed him. 2 "Okay, Mr. Stuart. We'll act once you give US the order.” The gang leader was very respectful towards Xavier because of the substantial reward Xavier had given him.

"Is there any follow-up on the other matter?" Xavier asked finally.

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"We thought we saw Mr. Hunt in Glory Casino, but it was so chaotic there that we can't be sure it was him.My men are still looking into it.

I'l inform you right away if we get any updates," the man answered honestly.

"Okay." Xavier ended the call and said confidently, "I don't know why you're hiding, Stefan, but I'm going to force you out into the open.Since you make us every day, I'm going to have to do something mean in return." He had a way to make Stefan appear; It was risky, but he was certain he'd get the results he wanted.