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Shadows of Destiny: A Tale of Liberation

Chapter 1749
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Chapter 1749 Victor immediately agreed to Renee's demands. If he kept fussing about that issue, he was afraid that his shameless tricks would be exposed. "Just ask me whatever you want. I'll tell you if I know," Victor answered cooperatively.

Renee nodded and fished out Stefan's photograph. "Have you seen him?" "Him?" Victor looked at the man in the photograph with an admiring gaze.

"Isn't that Stefan Hunt, the president of Hunt Enterprise? I'm sure everyone in Beach City knows him. Aren't you asking the obvious?" "Yeah, anyone who watches TV or plays with their phone will know who Mr. Hunt is."

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"This woman asked such a boring question after so much trouble. I think she's here to wreck this place!" Like Victor, the other people gathered there teased and mocked her.

Renee clenched her fists and suppressed her anger, explaining, "1 mean, have you seen him here for the past three days?" "The past three days..." Victor hesitated briefly, then shook his head.

"No, there would have been an uproar if such a big guest came to Osk Casino.

You wouldn't have to ask—everyone here would know." "Then, was he ever seen in the nearby casinos?" Renee urged, refusing to give up.

"You should go and ask them. How

would we know?" Victor waved dismissively. "Okay, everyone, fun's over. I need to get back to work." "You're lying!" Renee stopped Victor.

"You know something, but you just don't want to tell me!" Osk Casino was one of the very best casinos in Beach City. If there were any special people or affairs in the nearby casinos, Osk Casino would know. If Stefan had appeared in any of the casinos, Osk Casino would know unless... Victor was purposely hiding something.

""Miss, this society is very dangerous, but this casino follows the rules.

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Although you're making a scene, we won't be rough towards you...

However, if you keep pestering me, I'll get my security guards. Then, you can't blame me for bullying you if you get hurt," Victor warned Renee.

Generally, there were all kinds of people in casinos, so the security guards had to be tough in order to subdue any troublemakers. If the security guards got involved, Renee could not defeat them given her fragility, but she couldn't just give up like that since she had gotten this far.

She caught up to Victor and grabbed his arm, then whispered, "Mr. Reed, I'm not here to make a scene. I just want to know where he is. Tell me where he is, then I'll go." "I told you I don't know!" Victor jerked his hand out of her grip impatiently, and Renee almost lost her balance.

"Didn't I make myself clear? I don't know anything, so there's no point in you asking me." He was not ignorant, but he was afraid to admit that he knew. Even if he knew, he had to grit

his teeth and claim he didn't.

Renee was good at judging people, so she knew that Victor was hiding something from her. Enraged, she snarled, "You admitted you lost, but you refuse to fulfill your end of the agreement... Don't blame me for being rude then."