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Shadows of Destiny: A Tale of Liberation

Chapter 1843
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Chapter 1843 A plump boy kept jumping on the beach, trying to catch sfish but failing to get any. "This isn't fun at all!" The plump boy named Tubby grabbed the fishing tools and threw them onto the sand angrily. He grabbed his father's hand and wailed. "Why can't our family catch any fish? What are you both doing? If this goes on, we won't have any dinner. We might even be in last place! Hurry up and think of something!" "What can we do, son? We're not professional fishermen, so it's only normal that we can't catch any fish. Maybe there aren't any fish here either. Don't worry, we can get food from others later." Glenn Bardot, Tubby's father, was rather laidback about the whole thing.

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However, Camila Bardot, Tubby's mother, becrestless. She pinched Glenn. "How can you say that? The minute something becomes tough, you immediately give up! No wonder our boy is always lagging." Camila looked around and was surprised to see Adie catching a lot offish nearby. Camila said to Tubby, "Look at that boy- he caught so many fish! Why can't you catch fish like him?" "What's the big deal? I just wasn't being serious. If I am, I'll catch more fish than him." Tubby was always greatly jealous of Adie, and his envy only grew when his mother compared him to Adie.

While everyone was busy catching fish, Tubby ran to Adie and pointed at him. "Adie, are you catching fish alone? Where are your parents?" Adie was quietly waiting for an eel to leave its burrow. He looked up at Tubby with a glare, then whispered, "Speak softer. Don't scare away my eel." At that moment, Tubby noticed the eel slipping out of the stones. His eyes brightened and he quickly grabbed it. "It's mine! I got it first." Adie was not a boy who admitted defeat easily. He had been waiting for the eel to cout for such a long tbecause he had wanted to grill it for his mother and sister that night. He couldn't accept that Tubby had beaten him to it. "What do you mean it's yours? It's mine." Adie acted tough and said rationally, "I've been waiting here for around ten minutes and placed so much salt here to lure the eel out. Technically speaking, I caught it!" Then, he tried to snatch the eel away from Tubby.

When Camila saw the two boys, she hurriedly rushed over and yelled at Adie fiercely, "Whose ill-mannered child is this? How could you snatch others'things?"

"I'm not. I lured this eel out, so it should belong to me." Adie facean ome." Camila calmly as he spoke, not letting the eel go.

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"I saw you snatching my son's eel.

You're rude and you're a liar! Where are your parents? Let gg!".

Camila had long noticed that Adie's parents weren't around, and so she beceven bolder. She felt it was easy for her to handle this kid without any adults around.

"Mommy, he has a mother but no father. That's why he's so rude!" Tubby yelled eagerly, finally brave enough to bully Adie since his parents were here. What did you say? Say that again, I dare you." Adie sneered coldly.