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Silly Bride novel (Winnie and Xavier)

Chapter 285
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Xavier knew about Josiah’s first love.

The two of them were such a great couple that both their parents approved of their relationship.

Some of Josiah’s friends advised him to keep a close eye on her during her time overseas, but he had

full faith in her loyalty and believed she would never betray him.

However, that woman ended up betraying Josiah’s trust in her.

“You know the kind of person Winnie is. She would never do such a thing. If she wanted to get rid of

me, she would’ve just told me about it. There’s no need for her to go to such lengths just to dump me.

Besides, this is all happening way too quickly. What happened to you took place over the course of six

months or so. Winnie, on the other hand, hasn’t even been gone for two weeks.”

Josiah let out a sigh in response. I haven’t thought about that woman in ages… So much time has

passed, and yet, recalling her betrayal still makes me feel somewhat uncomfortable.

He took his glasses off and massaged his forehead as he said, “Yeah, you’re right. I clearly wasn’t

thinking straight. Winnie isn’t the kind of woman who would do such a thing. She’d just dump you on

the spot if she ever got sick and tired of you.”

Huh? What did he just say to me?

Xavier shot Josiah a displeased look and asked, “Her? Get sick and tired of me?”

Josiah arched an eyebrow at him in amusement. “What, you think she’s unworthy of you? Just so you

know, there are probably tons of guys out there who would want her.”

It took Xavier every ounce of willpower he had to keep himself from kicking Josiah in the face. “Are you

one of those guys, then?”

Josiah shot him a fierce glare in response. “Are you kidding me? I would never set my sights on my

friend’s woman! What do you take me for?”

“I was just kidding. You should’ve seen that look on your face!” Xavier said with a chuckle as he

handed Josiah his phone.

He then pulled out his phone and gave Winnie a call, but there was no answer. He also tried sending

her messages, but she didn’t reply either.

Although Xavier appeared calm and composed on the outside, Josiah noticed him rewriting his texts

multiple times before sending them. That was a clear sign of uneasiness.

“Calm down, Xavier. It’s probably night time where she’s at. I’m sure she’ll reply your messages when

she wakes up tomorrow,” he said reassuringly.

“Yeah, okay.” Xavier nodded and put his phone away. “I’ll be heading back to the office now. Just let me

know the results when they’re out.”

“All right. Make sure to get enough rest, and try to stay in a good mood if possible,” Josiah reminded

him as they stood up together.

Stay in a good mood, huh? Xavier frowned. “I’ll try my best to.”

Right then, Louis came running into the office. “Ah, Mr. Fairchild, there you are!”

Xavier’s frown deepened when he saw the anxious look on Louis’ face. “What’s wrong?”

Louis shut the door behind him as he replied, “An experienced journalist from Yartran published a news

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article about Mrs. Fairchild. Due to the journalist’s high level of credibility on an international scale,

people have been bombarding our Public Relations Department with phone calls since the article was

published. We have no choice but to address the situation. The Public Relations Department is

awaiting your instructions, Mr. Fairchild.”

Xavier nodded. “We’ll just say it’s a baseless accusation.”

Louis was a little shocked as he had yet to tell Xavier about the contents of the news article. “D-Did you

already know about that?”

Xavier wasn’t exactly in a good mood to entertain him. “What do you think? Just do as I say! We will

only make one firm response to this incident. Remember, we have more important work to do. We don’t

have time to be addressing such issues.”

“Understood!” Louis had been wondering if that incident was true at first, but Xavier’s response told him

everything he needed to know.

Good thing there’s no issue with Mr. Fairchild’s marriage! I know all too well how his mood can directly

affect those working for him!

However, the Speiser family in Yartran didn’t take too kindly to the news article.

Wilhelm, especially, got really mad when he first saw what Helen wrote.

Us inviting Winnie over for dinner was supposed to be a private affair! I can’t believe Helen followed her

and took pictures of her! I put in lots of effort to erase Winnie’s information from the Chanaean network,

but then Helen just uploaded those pictures to the internet! That woman has gone way too far! She

must be punished for her insolence!

Emily, on the other hand, advised him against going after Helen.

“You can file a complaint against her through the proper channels, but you mustn’t resort to your

underhanded methods. Remember, she has a very impressive background, so those methods aren’t

going to be very effective. It could also ruin our family’s reputation.”

Wilhelm was furious. “D*mn it! She’s lucky she didn’t get a clear shot of Winnie’s face. Otherwise, I

would have her head on a silver platter! There’s something I don’t quite understand, though. Where did

Helen get the information about Winnie being engaged to Nathaniel? She mentioned something about

our families planning their marriages a long time ago.”

“About that…” Emily gave it some thought and said, “I think that actually did happen.”

“What? When did this happen? How come I’ve never heard of it? Who decided that? Does Winnie

know about it?” Wilhelm asked with a frown.

“Oh, Wilhelm… Calm down, will you? You asked me so many questions that I don’t even know which to

answer first! I know you’re protective of your sister, but you should also be a little more considerate

toward your grandmother!”

Wilhelm was quick to apologize. “I’m sorry, Grandma. I just got a little worked up because Winnie is like

a real sister to me. I still remember how she looked when we first brought her home. She looked pitiful,

and yet, she was able to warm all of our hearts.”

Back then, Wilhelm had some issues with his health. Everyone was extremely depressed because of it,

and he even wanted to commit suicide at one point.

However, Winnie calmed him down and reignited the flames of hope in his heart. He treasured her so

much that he treated her like his own sister.

Seeing as he was really concerned about Winnie, Emily decided to tell him what she knew.

“Lady Joseph and your mother are close friends. I believe the thought of having Winnie and Nathaniel

marry each other must’ve occurred to them at some point. Winnie may not have made herself known to

the outside world, but a lot of people are aware of us adopting a Chanaean girl many years ago. I’m

sure you’re familiar with the Huxley family tree, right? They had a Chanaean woman in it as well.

Nathaniel’s father used to support Chanaea when the world was at war back then. He saved countless

Chanaeans through the use of a church, and his heroic act touched the heart of a strong Chanaean

woman. The two of them then fell in love and got married afterward. Because they have Chanaean

blood in them, those from his generation onward are particularly fond of Chanaeans. Lady Joseph’s

son, Nathaniel, is especially into Aplothian women. That’s why your mother and Lady Joseph made a

verbal promise to have Winnie and Nathaniel meet each other. They wanted to see if it would be

possible for the two to get married. From what I’ve heard, Nathaniel refused to meet Winnie. Your

mother was planning on setting them up on a date, but she scrapped the idea when she found out

about Nathaniel’s refusal. Just like that, this whole arrangement was canceled and forgotten.”

Wilhelm frowned in displeasure after hearing that.

“So, you’re saying Nathaniel rejected Winnie? How dare he? Does he think Winnie doesn’t deserve

him? Does he not realize it’s the other way round?”

“Wilhelm, sweetie…” Emily didn’t know whether to laugh or cry when she heard that. “I’m simply telling

you what happened. Why are you getting so agitated? Bear in mind that the two of them didn’t know

each other. You wouldn’t like being forced to marry a woman you don’t even know, would you?”

“Hmph! I don’t like Nathaniel. He’s acting really interested in Winnie now, but where the heck was he

back then? He even rejected her! This is ridiculous!” Wilhelm protested angrily.

Emily patted Wilhelm on the back of his hand as she said, “That’s not the right mentality to have,

Wilhelm. Not only do you dislike Nathaniel, but you also dislike the man Winnie chose to marry in

Chanaea. His name is Xavier Fairchild, right? You seem to dislike him quite a lot as well. Are they both

really that disagreeable? Or do you just dislike any guy that comes close to Winnie in general? I know

Winnie is your sister, but she is also an independent individual. If she chooses to remain single forever,

then she will have every right to do so. If she chooses to get married, however, then she will someday

become a wife or even a mother in her own little family. As her brother, you are supposed to respect

her decisions and let her live her own life. We all need to learn to let go, Wilhelm.”

“I know, Grandma. Had Winnie not come into my life back then, I probably would’ve killed myself out of

despair. Because of that, I have very conflicted feelings toward her. We both know that we’re just

siblings, but if I had a daughter, I’d probably treat her the same way. I won’t stop Winnie from getting

married and having a family with the man she loves. However, that man must be capable of ensuring

her safety and happiness. Otherwise, I will never feel safe handing Winnie over to him. What if

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Nathaniel is only into Winnie because of her appearance? We all know that external beauty will

eventually fade away, and Winnie is no exception. As for Xavier, I don’t think he’s capable of keeping

Winnie safe. In fact, I’m concerned about him lusting over her because this means her safety is at risk.

I don’t approve of either of them. If anyone wishes to date Winnie, they will have to pass her test as

well as mine!” Wilhelm said seriously.

Emily understood that Wilhelm loved Winnie like a brother and a father.

Fathers tend to dislike their sons-in-law because they don’t like the idea of other men stealing their

precious daughters from them. That’s exactly what Wilhelm is doing.

With that in mind, Emily let out a sigh as she asked, “What do you plan on doing, then?”

Wilhelm replied with a frown, “I’ll let them know it won’t be that easy to marry Winnie! Those who dare

upset her are going to be in for a bad time!”

When the journalists interviewed the Speisers, one of them asked about Vivian being married to a man

in Chanaea. Being the spokesperson of the Speiser family, Wilhelm denied it.

Sure enough, that caused a huge uproar among the netizens when word got out about it.

Since the Speiser family had made an official statement denying the existence of that marriage, many

began to look down on Xavier.

They mocked Xavier for being unworthy of Winnie and for shamelessly refusing to admit he had been


Josiah nearly burst out laughing when he read all those nasty comments.

“Hey, Xavier! People have always thought of you as a domineering CEO, but now they’re calling you a

shameless gold digger! As if being disrespected by her family wasn’t bad enough, people look down on

you and ridicule you everywhere you go. Who would’ve thought the CEO of Fairchild Corporation would

one day end up like this, eh?”

Xavier rolled his eyes at Josiah and hurled a magazine at him. “You seem awfully happy about it!”

“Has Winnie replied to your texts yet?” Josiah asked as he put the magazine aside.

Xavier furrowed his brows. “No. I’ll go see her once I’ve completed this phase of the drug test. Just a

few more days to go… Tell Professor White to put his work on hold until I get back.”

Meanwhile, Winnie was enjoying the beauty and serenity of Mount Albeise.

She was completely oblivious to what was going on out there, so she couldn’t possibly respond to the


She dug out the cans of Sprite that she and Lawrence had buried at the summit. However, the can was

frozen solid and covered in a thick layer of ice, so she had no choice but to enjoy it with Lawrence

some other time.

During her time on the snowy mountain, Winnie was able to clear her head and figure things out.

Having come up with the solutions to her problems, she quickly made her way down the mountain to

put those thoughts into action.

Upon getting to the bottom of the mountain, however, she ran into a certain someone who shouldn’t be


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