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Sold as the Alpha King’s Breeder

Chapter 332
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Chapter 112: The Next Adventure


It was 7:00 in the morning, and the pale sunlight coming through the windows of the informal dining room

off the kitchen was doing nothing to help illuminate the room.

Thad woken to Troy readying the boys for the day. He was trying not to wake me, but my sleep had been

so shallow I had only been lingering on the edge of true sleep for several hours at that point. He was

taking the boys to Ingra so I could rest, for which I was thankful, but the hour between 6:00 and 7:00

proved to be restless and lonely.

I wasn’t the only one who hadn’t been able to sleep. Gemma was seated across from me at the round

table, stirring sugar into her coffee. Ernest was using his finger to swipe a taste of oatmeal against

George’s tongue, and to his left sat Rowan, and then Troy, who was talking in a low whisper over the

sound of coffee being sipped and silverware scraping against bowls of oatmeal with honey and cream.

Hanna was seated next to me, close enough that her shoulder brushed against mine as she reached for

what would be her third bowl of oatmeal. She had color in her cheeks, and her hair was pulled away from

her face in a tight ponytail. She looked rested, compared to the rest of us.

It was obvious no one wanted to talk about what had happened. But a stale silence lingered over the

table. I slouched, looking down into my untouched breakfast, and

wondered what the hell was going to happen next.

“If… theoretically, that is, you could shift into anything… not just a wolf,” Gemma began, her voice

breaking through the blanket of awkward silence, “what would you be?”

“Like an animal, or… object?” Ernest replied, momentarily taking his full attention from George, a spoon

covered in oatmeal just inches from the baby’s face. George grabbed the spoon with his chubby fists and

brought it to his mouth, giving me a huge, oatmeal-covered grin as I met his eye. I couldn’t help but smile

at how pleased he was with himself.

“An object?” Rowan eyed Ernest with suspicion, “Like what? A toaster?”

“You could make everyone a nice snack after battle-” Ernest quipped, which elicited a hearty laugh from


“Well, I think I’d be an eagle or an owl, for example. I’ve always liked owls,” Gemma said curtly, annoyed

that the men were ruining her game.

“I’d still be a wolf,” Rowan interjected, looking slightly peeved.

“Well, that’s no fun, Rowan. You wouldn’t want to be something like a bear or a mountain lion?” Gemma

brought her coffee to her lips, arching her brow at him.

“Who would win in a fight? That is the question. A wolf or a mountain lion?” Ernest was fighting to wipe

oatmeal from George’s face.

“Oh, a lion, for sure,” Hanna quipped, but the sound of her voice sent a hush over the table. None of us

had heard her

speak since what happened in the caves.

An awkward few seconds passed, and I felt heat prickling against my cheeks. Why could no one talk

about what happened? Even the “family meeting” led by Dad the night before had been silent, awkward.

Everyone was too tired or too stunned to add anything to the conversation.

“I’d be a beaver,” Troy said, pouring himself another cup of coffee. Rowan looked shocked. 1

“A beaver? Why on earth-”

“Because I’ve had too dam… much of this conversation this morning.”

Everyone looked at him. Troy’s eyes were shining with mirth as he waited for the group to catch on to his

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silly joke. Ernest sputtered with laughter, and Gemma rolled her eyes. It took Rowan a moment too long

to realize Troy’s ridiculous play on words, and the group immediately turned on him, saying he was the

toaster of the group now.

| settled back against my chair, holding my mug of coffee in my hands as I watched the conversation take

on a new air of ease. I caught Troy’s eye and smiled softly at him, hoping he caught the silent look of

gratitude in my eyes.

The conversation went on without me. After several minutes, Hanna leaned into me, whispering softly in

my ear.

“We need to talk,” she whispered. All I could do was nod.

Yes, yes we did.

The atrium was quiet, humid, and misty like usual. I was carrying Oliver in a wide circle, holding him

against my shoulder. The other boys were sleeping upstairs with Troy, who had retired from breakfast

with his heart set on a long nap, but Oli had been wide awake.

So, when I went down to meet up with Hanna, I took him with me.

He was wide-eyed as we walked around the atrium. He hadn’t yet gotten the hang of his hands, but

occasionally reached out to place a shaky fist on a monstera leaf, often startled by the warm and

dampness of its leaves. I watched him in awe, thanking the Goddess for his life, and mine.

Hanna was also walking around, no doubt gathering her thoughts. When we finally met in the center of

the atrium, 1 placed Oli in her hands, watching as she instinctively gathered him to her chest. He cooed,

snuggling close against the soft fabric of the sweater she was wearing, and promptly fell asleep.

“Maeve I think… I believe I could be pregnant,” Hanna whispered, her eyes downcast to the sleeping

baby in her arms. I swallowed, nodding as I took a seat in one of the wicker chairs.

“We could get you a test-”

She shook her head, a whisper of a smile touching the corner of her mouth as she looked down at me.

“No, it’s early still.”

“What makes you think that you are? Is this because of what

Tasia said?”

“Yes, and she was right. I’ve met her, our daughter. I have every reason to believe that what the old

woman from Lycenna, my great aunt, said is true… about the prophecy, about what this child will

become. I just don’t know what that will look like, exactly. I’m scared, Maeve. She… when I saw her in

my dream, when I was in the crystal cavern with Tasia, she was scared too. I’ve seen her twice, Maeve.

The first time…”

She proceeded to tell me about the dream she had the night she slept with Rowan. She had finally

reached the temple she had been dreaming about for years, standing on the shore just outside of its

entrance. It was not the temple of the White Queens, nor any temple familiar to either of us.

And she had seen Rowan, but he was much older.

“He was wearing my ring,” she said, holding up her hand to show me the band of jade on her ring finger,

“on his pinky. I didn’t have it yet, when I had the dream. But now…” She sat down on the couch opposite

my chair, tilting her head as she looked down at Oli.

“Why was he wearing it?” | asked, an uneasy feeling wrapping itself around my heart.

“I die, Maeve, at some point during our daughter’s childhood. I don’t know how, or why. But when I saw

them… when I saw our daughter inside the temple, she was crying. It was a funeral. Oliver was there,

but I didn’t know it at the time. He hadn’t been born yet in reality. But his eyes… and his hair… oh

Goddess, he will be the perfect mix of you both, Maeve. He was beautiful, and he will be close with my

daughter in the future, I believe. He was comforting her.”

Her words hit me like a brick wall. I felt somewhat sick to my stomach as I fought against the feelings of

dread bubbling through my system. “Have you told anyone else?”

“No, I haven’t.”

A silence passed between us. I eventually looked over at her, seeing her face expressionless, blank, as

though she had already accepted this as truth long ago.

She described the girl from her dreams, who had been a young teenager in both visions. Long, straight

white hair. Silver eyes flaked with the same color blue Rowan and I shared and lined with white lashes.

When I asked her if she thought the girl was a White Queen already, at such a young age, she shook her


“The vision I saw of you and Troy makes me think otherwise. You hadn’t yet become the White Queen,

Maeve, and you mentioned the boys were nearing twenty-one. I truly believe Rosalie will grow into old

age, and you as well. This girl, my daughter… she is what the old woman said she would be. The Moon

Goddess. She will be born that way.”

I swallowed against the absurdity of it but couldn’t shake the nagging feeling that Hanna was right.

“Did she know who she was?”

“When I was in the cavern with Tasia, before I brought the whole place down on her …. I dream danced,

hoping I’d see the girl again. She was there, and she was very upset. She told me I had to fight, and I

comforted her. I knew her name, Maeve, and she said she had never heard it said out loud before. She

told me to remember it, and that’s when I knew

what she was to me.

“I think… when she’s born, she’ll have no memory of these visions. I hope she does not. I want her to

grow up, be a child, play, and run, and laugh and not be burdened by the circumstances of her birth, of

her future.

“When I brought the cavern down, I knew there was a chance would die. But she hadn’t been born yet,

so I thought I couldn’ t die then, and then there was that shred of hope I held, that l’ d know her one


Hanna began to cry. I cried as well, my stomach in knots. Hanna had saved us all. We were free of the

turmoil of the last year, but not her. Hanna’s trials had just begun.

“We’ll love her, Hanna-”

“I know. I know she will be loved. But how am – she’ll be like me, Maeve. And so, so much more. What

am I supposed to


It was a question I couldn’t answer, and she knew it. She rocked Oli gently, his weight giving her comfort.

My heart squeezed to see it.

“What do you think Oli will become?” I asked, deciding for Hanna’s comfort I should steer the

conversation away from her theoretical daughter, despite the selfishness I felt.

She smiled down at the baby, sighing deeply. “A king. I think they’ll all be kings.”

“All of these children will inherit empires, Hanna. I can’t… I don’ t want any more children. If things had

been different with

their birth, maybe I’d consider it. But your child will be my heir.

“She’ll inherit the North, as the White Queen, when her time comes. She’ll be the daughter of the King of

the East, Hanna. She’ll be a princess. She’ll be the grandchild of Queen Rosalie, and King Ethan, unless

my Dad is serious about retiring so soon….

“She’ll be loved, and wanted. Who knows what her future will hold. But just know that we will love her,

and love you, Hanna.”

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Hanna looked up at me, tears glimmering in her eyes.

“You’ll take care of her-when I’m gone? Both of them, Rowan-”

“I promise.” My voice cracked as I fought to form the words. We locked eyes, the oath passing between

us, silently signed and filed away in the recesses of our minds.

“Hanna, the worst is over. Of that I’m certain. Tasia is gone. Lycenna has broken up. Carl is missing, and

I don’t believe he’ Il cause us any more issues. Your father is the King of the West, and ally. It’s the dawn

of a new era, and our children won’t know war… not like our parents did.

“We prevented a war ourselves, Hanna. You guided me and kept me safe while I found the stones. You

protected my mother when I couldn’t. You bring Rowan so much happiness.

I can’t… I won’t think of a time, I refuse to think of it, when I don’t have you, when we don’t have you

here with us. I won’t. It’s peace time, Hanna. You’re the Luna of Drogomor now. We have to let the rest


She nodded, reaching up to wipe her eyes.

“What’re you guys doing?” Rowan said, startling us both. He was sliding the door to the atrium closed as

he entered, noticing the forlorn expressions on our face. “Are you okay?”

I couldn’t help but smile as I glanced at Hanna. Her cheeks pinkened, a silent smile twitching on her own


“I’m going to take Oliver upstairs and check on Troy. I have a sneaking suspicion he’s not getting the nap

he was hoping for with Will and Charlie in the room,” I said with a little laugh, blinking away my own


Hanna rose, carefully setting Oli in my arms.

Tleft them alone, knowing full well that Hanna was going to tell him about their daughter.

And I knew with my entire heart that Rowan was going to be nothing but the happiest he had ever been

upon hearing the news.

Troy was leaning over the side of the bed, dark circles under his eyes as he had a hand on Will’s belly

while he tried to change Charlie’s diaper with the other. Will was fussing, struggling against Troy’s touch.

“Need some help?” I quipped, closing the door behind me with my foot as I entered our bedroom. Oli

opened one eye, vexed by his brother’s fussing that had just woken him up.

Troy gave me a look, his eyes slightly red from lack of sleep.

“How about I take the kids down to see Ingra for a while so we can both get some sleep?” I offered. Troy

sighed, nodding his head.

“We‘re taking her with us to Avondale. I already talked to her about it.”

“Hmm… you’ll have to fight Ernest and Rowan for her, I think.”

“Rowan? What use does he have for a nanny?” Troy narrowed his eyes at me.

“Hanna’s pregnant, but you can’t say anything yet!”

“Are you even supposed to be telling me this?” He laughed, unable to hide the glee in his voice. I

shrugged, setting Oli down on the bed and making a funny face at him.

“I’m sure she knows I can’t keep a secret to save my life.”

“Four grandchildren within… what, a year and a half? Your poor father,” Troy shook his head, smiling with


“Well, hopefully, the news breaks Dad out of the foul mood he’ s been in the past two days.”

I sat on the edge of the bed, reaching over to pull Charlie toward me so I could finish buttoning up his


“What do you want to do now, Maeve?” Troy asked.

It was an odd question, and I found myself unable to answer. When was the last time we did something

that wasn’t planned out, or necessary for our survival?

“I think I’m ready to go to Avondale,” I answered, looking over

at him. “It’s time for our next adventure, don’t you think?”