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Sold as the Alpha King’s Breeder

Chapter 375
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Chapter 33: Do You Know Who I Am?


I drew attention from everyone in the room, and most especially this Raymond character. “Shut up if you

don’t want to die.”

I no longer suppressed my Alpha demeanor, and the room went quiet as everyone stood perfectly still,

gawking at me.

Meanwhile, I’d mind-linked Jake.

‘Jake, I need you at the pack house. We’ve gotten into a little trouble.’

‘I’ll be there in five minutes.’

‘Get the car. We’re leaving as soon as you arrive.’

‘Yes, Alpha.’

I hadn’t forgotten that I was wearing the clothes of a servant and that all of these people thought I was

Thorn, a fool that Ciana had met along the roadway somewhere.

It didn’t matter. I knew who I was. And I had no interest in dealing with them anymore.

Raymond, however, was bold enough to try his luck with me. “What’s this? The imposter’s boyfriend

thinks he has some sort of authority over me and my pack? You’re nothing but a lowly Omega. The hell if

I’m going to stand here and let you speak to me that way.”

I glared at him, willing him to do something to piss me off more. It had been a while since I’d wanted to

kill, but this time, I’d be happy to.

Raymond gave some sort of signal and six of his men shifted quickly into their wolf forms and came at

me. “Tear him to shreds!” he ordered.

It was almost too easy. I didn’t even bother to shift. Rather, I grabbed a letter opener I’d noticed lying on

a desk nearby, and when the first wolf leaped at me, I shoved it into his neck, hitting an artery. Blood

spurted everywhere, and he dropped to the ground.

The next wolf was already pouncing. I took hold of his front right leg and twisted it as I shoved my boot

into his gut and flipped him over backward. His leg broke with a sickening snap.

I then used his body as a club to beat back the other four, tossing him at one of them before I brought my

boot heel down on his skull and then landed the others with several quick punches and kicks that left

them lying on the floor in a bloody heap.

A few of them were still breathing, but I knew they wouldn’t last.

The rest of the crowd had stood there watching but now broke out into a flurry of whispers and desperate

cries of what might happen next when the imposter Ciana let out an ear splitting shriek and folded to the

floor like a crumpled piece of paper.

No one moved to break her fall.

“Wh-who the fuck are you?” Raymond stuttered, still standing across the room from me. He hadn’t

bothered to send in any other so-called warriors after getting an idea of what I was capable of.

I ignored him. It was an insult for me to even mention my name to this schemer. He was afraid of me, I

could tell, because he stayed where he was and dared not do anything else.

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Getting no response from me, he turned to look at Ciana, the real one, and my eyes followed his gaze.

She didn’t look so well. Her face was slightly swollen, her lips were pale, and she couldn’t even stand

straight without holding on to me.

Her physical injury and the death of her friend had overwhelmed her. I needed to get her away from

those fucking assholes.

“Move!” I growled.

“Whoever you are, you can leave, but she is a criminal and deserves to be sentenced to death. Guards!”

he called again. And this time, there were more than fifteen around

1. us.

I wouldn’t mind tearing their heads off, but they were lucky this time. They really should thank the

heavens for Jake’s arrival.

“How dare you, Beta Raymond of the Alvar pack!” Jake’s voice echoed in the air as he rushed over, so

that everyone could hear, “Is this how you show your respect to His Royal Highness?”

A murmur went up through the crowd..

“Who’s that new guy?”

“I’d seen him before… that’s Beta Jake.”

“You’re not referring to THAT Beta Jake, right?”

“It’s him… I can tell. He has a scar across his left eyebrow…”

“Then that servant Thorn…”

“Shh!! That’s no servant, you idiot! Who else would Beta Jake show this kind of respect? That’s Prince


“Prince Theo?!”

So at least some of the people in this pack who were a part of Raymond’s coup weren’t as stupid as he


“No… ” Raymond stammered, his face turning pale as he realized who he was speaking to. “Th-that

can’t be.”

Jake interrupted him sharply and announced, “Shut your filthy mouth! This is Prince Theo, The third

prince of Egoren!”

Raymond gasped and took a step back, and so did his henchmen. “How… how is that possible…?”

“Your Highness, how would you like me to handle them?” Jake looked at me.

“That guy,” I pointed to Hawke and ordered, “Take his two arms.”

“Yes, Alpha.”

Jake charged toward Hawke without a split second of delay, and before anyone could react, blood

spread everywhere.

Hawke shrieked at the top of his lungs, “Ahhh!!”

Raymond screamed, “Hawke! No–!” He ran to his son, but his scumbag son had already fainted and

collapsed on the ground. “Oh… no…’

“No?” I sneered. “Do you, or anyone else here, have any fucking problem with what I just did?”

I thought Raymond would fight back, but to my surprise, after the initial grief, he quickly collected himself.

So this bastard was just a piece of cold-hearted crap, and I wondered how much he really cared for his

idiot son.

“No… of course not!” Raymond lowered his head and dropped to his knees. “Please forgive us for our

ignorance of your arrival….”

I couldn’t see his face, but I couldn’t imagine that he was saying any of that sincerely. He continued,

“What an honor it is for you to pay a visit to our pack. But Your Highness, why are you here? We certainly

weren’t expecting you….”

Jake frowned and scolded, “Who do you think you are to question the prince’s agenda?”

As much as I wanted to just kill Raymond, a simple death just wasn’t enough punishment for the crimes

he had committed. I knew Ciana would want to handle him on her own later.

“My betrothed wanted to come home to see how her people are doing,” I said, “so I decided to

accompany her.”

Ciana’s eyes widened hearing my words, but she didn’t say anything. It was as if what happened had

taken away all her strength.

“Sir, you’re the most intelligent man in all the land except for perhaps your honorable father, the king.”

Raymond shook his head immediately and put on a fake smile, which made me disgusted. “But… this

witch is cunning! Is it possible that this wretched woman, this imposter, has fooled you too?” Raymond

gestured at Ciana as he said the words.

Rage boiled up inside of me. All I wanted to do was climb over the pile of accumulated bodies and slap

the shit out of him.

As if Ciana knew what I was about to do, she gently tugged my sleeve. I leaned down so that I could

hear her. “Leave him to me,” she murmured.

I raised a furrowed brow as she whispered, “I need to take care of him on my own…”

I could tell she was fading fast. She would have to deal with Raymond some other day, but I respected

her wishes.

Besides, if I had put Raymond to death right then, I wouldn’ t have had time to stay there to handle the

aftermath, or to wait until Ciana’s parents came back. I hated that I chose to spare his life though.

“Do you really think that the prince can’t tell the difference between an imposter and the real Alpha’s

daughter?” Jake answered for me. “Your tricks don’t work on us.”

“Now, move!” I demanded.

This time, no one dared to stand in my way.

I turned and looked at the crowd again. Most of them were outside of the house and I wasn’t sure how

much they had heard, but for the ones inside the house, all of them looked petrified-and mortified.

“Raymond, I don’t have time to deal with you today, but I know what you’re planning. If you are against

Alpha Black, then you are against the crown. Only the king has the authority to decide who is Alpha!”

“Yes, Your Highness,” Raymond replied, and so did the people in the room, their heads downcast. It was

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obvious to me that all of these people were traitors, that they were all loyal to Raymond and not to the

Black family.

They would all need to be dealt with, but I had bigger problems at the moment. I looked over at Ciana

and saw her eyes rolling back into her head as she struggled to stay conscious. Her hand grappled

against me, trying to gain control as her knees grew weaker by the second.

I wasn’t about to let her pass out like the imposter. Instead, I stepped over to her, avoiding the spilled

blood on the carpet, and lifted her into my arms. She didn’t verbally protest this time because she was

really struggling.

Her eyes rolled back again, and for a moment, she lost consciousness. Her cheek pressed against my


“Jake, let’s go.”

I gave one last glare at Raymond and his pathetic son, Hawke. I’d ensure that they get what they

deserve after I took care of the urgent matter at hand.

Once we were outside, Ciana blinked a few times, the bright light of the sun disturbing her uneasy

slumber. I’d made it to the edge of the yard when Ciana became conscious enough to realize what was


She flung herself up the best she could, frantically looking over my shoulder toward her house. “Wait…”

she murmured. “Where are we going?”

“Back to the castle.”

Her eyes widened a bit. “But I can’t leave yet. I have to stay and handle this situation…”

“Out of the question,” I told her. “You are injured, your pack is in shambles right now, and you are going

back to the palace with me to recover.”

“But… Your Highness! Wait!” she demanded in my arms.

I didn’t slow down, but only said, “I know you’re worried about your pack, but leave that to me.”

“Didn’t you make it clear that you don’t care about my pack?” She was trying to be feisty, but it was clear

she was still in pain and tired.

I was pleased to hear her voice raise a bit but I held back my smile. I knew it would just rile her up more,

and while I liked it when she was angry-it made her eyes glow-now wasn’t the time to purposely agitate

her. “Ciana,” I said, using my Alpha voice. “We’ll take care of it later. I promise. We have an urgent matter

to attend to.”

“But-” she protested again.

“Shhh…. Listen to me, just this once.”

She stared at me for a moment, and then did as I said, allowing herself to rest back into my arms again.

I had carried her all the way to the car when she broke the silence. She asked me, “What is it?”

“What is what?” I questioned, having no idea what she was speaking about.

“The urgent matter,” she said.

“We may be able to regrow the dreamberry in three days.”