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Sold as the Alpha King’s Breeder

Chapter 400
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Chapter 58: It’s Time For Her to Go


I went to check on Theo every single day after I woke up. I didn’t know what happened or what Theo

had inadvertently done to me in the pavilion after eating the dreamberry.

I just knew that something was off the first time I went to find him and saw a pair of guards standing

outside of his room. Rarely did he have anyone around him, so the fact that he had placed guards

outside of his door told me he was quite serious about not being disturbed.

“I just want to make sure he is okay. Please, let me in.”

“Sorry, miss, but Alpha would rather not be disturbed.” That was all I could get from them.

They told me that no one was allowed in by the prince’s orders. So I considered knocking on the door

between our rooms, but it seemed disrespectful for me to do such a thing when he clearly didn’t want

anyone to bother him. The few times I tried, it was always locked.

A few days after I woke up, I heard Jake in there speaking to him. Their voices were serious and a bit

heated, especially right before I heard Jake leave the room, but I couldn’t understand what they were

saying. I wanted to rush out of the room right then and catch Jake in the hallway so that I could

question him.

But I didn’t do it because I was afraid.

I was afraid that maybe they had been talking about me. Maybe the reason Theo was so angry was

because of something I had done or hadn’t done. Whatever it was, it could have caused him to react

the way that he had in the pavilion.

I didn’t remember exactly what happened in the pavilion after Theo ate the berry. Everything seemed to

be in a blur in my mind.

I just needed to understand exactly what happened, make sure everyone was all right, and then I could

go home with peace of mind.

A couple of days after I heard Jake in his room speaking to him, I happened upon the Beta in the

courtyard, visiting with Brook. The two of them were smiling at one another, clearly sharing

pleasantries, so I thought now might be a good time. for me to approach Theo’s most trusted

subordinate and ask him if it might be possible for me to get past those guards.

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The moment Jake saw me, his countenance changed. “Ciana. You probably shouldn’t be out and

about. You should be lying down,” he said, as if he wanted me to go back into hiding.

“I’m fine,” I assured him. “I was hoping I could speak to you, though.”

“I’m very busy,” Jake said, but Brook was too polite to help him with his lie.

“Oh, I need to go anyway. I promised one of the other girls I’d show her how to braid her hair. I’ll see

you later, Beta.” Brook dipped her head, and her cheeks turned a bit pink. I watched her walk away and

might’ve smiled at her demeanor if Jake’s wasn’t bothering me so much.

Clearing my throat, I said, “I was hoping you could help me obtain an audience with Prince Theo.”

His eyebrows narrowed, and he said, “I’m afraid that’s out of the question. The prince is very busy.”

I knew for a fact that wasn’t true. I’d heard him through the wall pacing the floor most of the day–for

several days. Sometimes, he sounded like he was cleaning up a bit, but I wouldn’t call that busy.

“Jake, I wouldn’t take up too much of his time,” I explained. I just wanted to make sure he was all right,

and I needed to see him with my own eyes to verify that.

The Beta practically growled at me. “It doesn’t really matter what you want, miss. You seem to be under

the mistaken opinion that you are special, and I assure you that you are not. You are just another girl

trying to make the prince your husband. He’s a very busy man, and he simply doesn’t have time for the

likes of you. In fact, if I were you, I’d stay as far away from him as possible. I’d keep completely out of

his line of sight at all times.”

My eyes widened as I listened to what he was saying. None of it made sense! Why was Jake being so

rude to me? He’d never acted this way before.

“I beg your pardon, sir,” I said as politely as I could, “but after all that we’ve been through, I think I

should at least be granted a few moments of his time. After all, I did help him. with the dreamberry.”

“That’s right. You did help him.” He continued to speak in that aloof voice, and it made my blood run

cold. “But now, you’ve served your purpose, and there’s absolutely no reason in the world why you

would need to stick around here any longer. You are of no value to His Highness anymore, so please

leave him alone.”

With my mouth hanging open, I turned around and headed back to the palace, wondering what in the

world had gotten into kindhearted Jake who was always so polite and caring.

What was going on? Had we ended up in another crazy realm where everyone was mean?

Perhaps I hadn’t actually awoken from my coma yet….

In search of answers, I headed straight back to Theo’s door. If Jake was going to treat me like garbage,

I could only assume the treatment I’d get from the Dark Prince would be even worse, but I needed to

speak to him, and I wasn’t about to take no for an answer.

As upset as I was, it was easy for me to keep my adrenaline pumping as I headed for the door in a

sprint. “Guards! Guards!” I shouted. “There’s a fight out there! I think Beta Jake needs your help!


The two of them looked at one another, and then, since I was so worked up, they took off to see what

the problem might be, leaving me alone in front of Theo’s door.

It was likely locked. If I knocked on it, he would simply tell me to go away. He might even come over to

the door to make sure I didn’t get in.

So I wasn’t about to knock.

Pulling a hairpin from my bun, I stuck it into the lock and quickly got the mechanism to click. I had the

door flung open before the prince could even register what was happening.

I could see the surprise mixed with anger on his face at first as he noted that he had an intruder. But

when he saw it was me, a flicker of something else took the harsh shadows away for mere seconds

before they returned.

I had seen a fondness there. Perhaps even the beginnings of a smile. However, it faded so quickly that

I questioned whether it was just my imagination.

Now, as I stood in his room, my hair coming loose from the bun, he glared at me and quickly crossed

from where he’d sat on his bed. He left at least ten feet between us, though, as he asked me, “What

are you doing in here?”

“I needed to see you,” I blurted out, hastily trying to repin my hair but failing miserably so that one lock

fell over my left eye. Blowing it out of the way did no good, so I swiped it behind my ear. “I want to

make sure you’ve recovered.”

“So… you’ve seen me now. I’m well, as you can see. If you don’t have anything else to report, you may

leave now,” he said, his tone nearly as mean as Jake’s. “I have a lot of work to do.”

I stood there, dumbfounded, not able to easily accept that he really wanted me to go.

It was so hard for me to understand what was happening. “Why are you avoiding me?”

“I’m not avoiding you,” he said with a shrug. “It just never crossed my mind to come and see you.”

“I thought you’d at least want to check on me?”

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“Why would I? Now that your blood is no longer needed, you‘ re nothing but a member of the consort

my father put together. You don’t really think that you’re special to me, do you?”

His jaw was locked, and I saw the muscles that lined it tighten and twitch a few times as he kept his

dark eyes trained on me.

The words that came from between his lips hurt. I wasn’t sure what to say to him. How could he be so

callous? How could he treat me so indifferently? So cold?

Those questions refused to form on my tongue, so I simply stood there, staring at him, trying to form a

sentence. But ultimately, if that was how he felt, then there was nothing more for me to say.

Perhaps Jake was right and all of this had been about the stupid dreamberry after all.

“You know,” the cruel prince continued, folding his arms. “| seem to recall that you promised my mother

that you would leave as soon as you fulfilled your duties with the berry.”

I wanted to interject, to remind him that he had insisted I not be sent away. But instead, I allowed my

head to rock back and forth in agreement. If I attempted to open my mouth and speak right now, only a

loud sob would come out.

“Well, I think it’s time you were on your way. Jake-”

“Yes, Alpha.” The Beta showed up at the door, waiting for his Alpha’s order. Theo said in an indifferent

tone, “Make the announcement. From today on, Ciana Black is no longer my personal attendant.”

“Wait-” I widened my eyes.

He turned to me. “You were a complete and utter failure, as you have been with nearly every task that

I’ve assigned to you.”

Now, he was just being cruel. None of that was necessary, and I knew in my heart that it wasn’t even


“Now, you should pack up and prepare to be on the next train back to your pack lands. You can tell

them all that you’ve failed the task and are back for good this time.”

As if he was worried I would stick around, he instructed Jake, “Send men to escort her and ensure she

stays in her pack.”

Jake avoided eye contact with me and simply replied, “Yes, Alpha.”

Somehow, I managed to choke down the lump that had lodged in my throat. When I began to speak,

my voice quivered, but I was able to begin to formulate a sentence. “Well, if that’s how you really


“That’s exactly how I really feel,” Theo interrupted. “Your time at the castle is over, Ciana Black. Pack

your bags, leave, and I never, ever want to see your face again.”

A single tear rolled down my cheek as I took one last look at Prince Theo’s face and then turned on my

heel to walk out the door