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Sold as the Alpha King’s Breeder

Chapter 448
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Chapter 106: We're In This Together

Ciana whispered, "Do you think he can see us? How does he know we're here?"

"Even if he does, he won't say anything."

"You sure?"

I nodded. I knew my nephew.

Alexander's dad was my oldest brother Justin, he was executed a few years ago when Alexander was

only one or two. I didn't know how much he remembered his parents, but that didn't traumatize him any


Knowing the king was upset about Justin, no one in this palace wanted to be acquainted with a traitor's

heir. Some even bullied the kid for fun-it probably made them feel superior while telling their drunk

friends that they once picked on a prince and were able to get away with it.

Well, if they didn't run into me. Those bastards got what they deserved and I made sure that they'd

never set foot in the palace again. However, I knew that wasn't the first time, nor would it be the last

time. And I wouldn't be there for Alexander all the time.

The best I could do was teach him some combat skills once in a while when I had my brief stay at the

palace between my tasks and ask Jake to keep an eye out for him.

However, in this brutal royal palace, I was sure he didn't have a fun and pleasant childhood.

"He's just staring at the closet door. Oh, there he goes."

"Alright, let's get out of here," I said.

I moved Ciana aside, as best as I could, and I opened the door. A wave of cold air rushed in and I

breathed, feeling the cool relief through my entire body.

My mother opened the bedroom door and arched an eyebrow at us as we spilled out of the closet. "You

can go in now."

I turned to Ciana with my hand on the doorknob to my father' s room. "Ciana, you stay."

"Why?" She creased her brow at me. "I'm here to help too, Theo.”

I pulled her back toward the closet. "If something goes wrong, I don't want us both to be on the hook.

Stay here, out of sight. I'll take care of this," I assured. I brushed the back of my fingers along her


"No. I'm going with you. This is for Warren and We're in this together," she insisted.

I glanced over at my mother. Her gaze didn't leave us, her chin high, her back straight and one hand

gently placed on the other in front of her center belly-her posture might be poised and composed, but I

knew she was losing her patience.

"We don't have all night. I'm not sure how long the alcohol and sleeping pills will last," my mother

reminded us.

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"Ciana, listen to me. First, we need someone to keep an eye out here. Second, if anything unexpected

happens, I'll need you to get help," I reasoned with her.

"Alright," Ciana sighed, "you convinced me."

"Stay out of sight, okay?" I said, nodding toward the closet.

Ciana nodded and went back into the closet, closing the door. I waited until she was completely shut in

before opening my father's bedroom.

"You don't need to come with me either," I said to my mom, but she didn't listen to me.

"If anything happens, he'll already know I'm involved."

She followed behind me. I sighed, I did still need backup when dealing with my father.

My father was passed out on his bed with his shirt unbuttoned, revealing the chain for the key.

I frowned. Did Mother partially undress him? I didn't need her to do that for me.

"Hurry up," she whispered behind me.

I slipped my pinky finger under the chain around his neck and lifted it carefully. There was a clasp on it

that I could release to get the key without lifting the chain over his head.

With my other hand, I reached for the clasp and I pinched it open.

I let out a breath of relief. Things went more smoothly than I expected.

Suddenly, a thick hand came around my wrist and my father was staring up at me.

His bloodshot eyes narrowed, like a cunning hunter who had been waiting for his prey to step into his


A cold chill coursed down my body, and my heart sank.

"And what do you think you're doing?" he scoffed wickedly, sitting up and shoving me away.

I jumped back and crashed into the desk. The empty wine glasses clattered together.

My father scoffed and shook his head. Quickly, he tucked the key and chain away and buttoned his

shirt up. His face. twisted up in disgust.

His eyes traveled to my mother and he smirked at her, shaking his head.

"You thought it would be that easy? Bat your eyelashes and I' d forget it all?" he asked.

My mother maintained her poise and a haughty look on her face. She taunted, "Knowing you, yes. I

don't think you've ever turned down an offer from a woman."

The king stood up, glowering. He raised his hand to strike her.


She cringed away from him and his eyes lit up excitedly. He lowered his hand and looked at me. "I

knew Nita was planning something. She was laying on the praise a little too thick. From a woman that

told me she'd kill herself if I ever touched her again... it was too much of a turnaround," he said.

I sighed. Of course, he would be too paranoid and suspicious to fall for that.

"I only let it get this far because I wanted to see what you were up to. So this is what you're after, huh?"

He pulled the key out of his shirt and ran it back and forth along the chain.

Glaring at him, I perched on the edge of his desk and crossed my arms.

"My only question is... why? That safe holds a lot of treasures, and I can only think of a few that you'd

be interested in... given that you made a heartfelt appeal for that waste of a brother of yours,"

Sebastian said, scoffing and rolling his eyes.

"Does it matter?" I countered.

"No, I suppose not. I'm more interested in how you got your cold-hearted mother to participate in this

scheme. She doesn' t care about Warren anymore than I do. He's not her son," Sebastian said, eyeing

Mother curiously.

"No, I don't care about Warren, but do you really think I would miss the opportunity to ruin your day?"

she asked, grinning and laughing cruelly.

My brain was spinning fast. Mother was buying me time by intentionally irritating him. What should I do


"Nita, Nita, you never change, do you? I should have broken you years ago," my father said. He rubbed

his hands together.

"You tried, remember? All it did was make me hate you. I will never stop hating you after what you've

done!" she snapped, pointing accusingly at him.

My father growled and pushed her hand aside. "Clearly, I gave up too soon!" he hissed.

"You could never break me enough to forget what you did to my pack. You murdered my family, you

destroyed my people, you destroyed my son! You're a tyrant," she cried.

My heart clenched in my chest. My own mother thought I was a monster, thought I was "destroyed."

After everything I'd done recently, I couldn't blame her. It still hurt hearing my mother say that.

"You're right, I can't break you. That means there is only one thing left to do with you," my father said,

pulling me from my thoughts. "You've outlived your usefulness, anyway!"

"No!" I cried.

"Oh yes, my boy. Nita will be sentenced to death," he said, grinning evilly at her.

Roaring, I leaped across the room and pounced on him.

"Theo, no!" Mother shouted behind me.

I ignored her and pushed the king back on the bed. Jumping on top of him, I pinned him down and

grabbed him around the throat with gloved hands.

"You've taken everything from my mother, taken everything from me," I hissed.

Sebastian's eyes widened and he snarled. Grabbing my wrists he twisted them until I couldn't grasp my

fingers. He threw me down on the floor and put his heel against my neck.

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"Did you forget who you're dealing with, Boy!?" he sneered. He glared down at me, eyes bloodshot and


I smirked at him. "No. I know all your weaknesses." I jammed my fist into the back of his right knee.

My father roared, his knee buckling. I rolled away from him as he slammed down on the floor, his knees

cracking against the thick stone.

"You rotten, ungrateful, bastard!" His voice thundered around the room as he clapped his hands.

The next moment I knew, we were surrounded by at least ten wolves. It was as if they appeared from

nowhere. I recognized a couple of them.

They were not ordinary palace guards, but the most deadly. warriors and trained assassins.

"How dare you raise your hand to me. I gave you everything and I made you into something," my father

roared. His face and mouth were smeared with blood and he looked like he'd torn some animal open

and eaten its insides.

I stood between him and my mother, but I knew it was too late now.

"Now, take my ungrateful moron of a son and his slut of a mother away," Sebastian said, tossing a

dismissive hand at his henchmen and pointing the other at me. "Lock him up in the dungeon!"

I growled and gave them warning looks, and none of them was willing to get close.

I was pretty sure, as my father's confidants, they knew what I was capable of. There weren't that many

of them. It would be easy enough to fight through them and escape with my mother. I could get her

somewhere safe and come back.

There was just one problem with that, and it appeared that Sebastian was also aware of it.

"Theo, think twice before you try anything."

After taking a moment to catch his breath, Sebastian seemed to be in a better mood now. He sneered

arrogantly, "You know what I just found out? You have more friends than I thought. Do you know what it


Of course I knew. If I acted out again, he wouldn't just take it out on me. He'd take it out on Jake,

Ciana, and anyone else I was close to.

In my moment of hesitation, Sebastian snapped his fingers and his guys wrestled me to the floor. Soon

after that, I was on my knees and bound in restraints.

A hint of concern flashed across my mother's eyes. Was she worried about me?

Sebastian hadn't given orders about her. I hissed at him, "Do not touch her! Or I promise you'll regret


He let out an ear-piercing and triumphant laugh.

"Oh Theo, my son, you surprise me every day."

I didn't like where he was going.

"You know what, as long as you continue to be useful, then she will be fine. I'm a forgiving man,

especially for those who bring value."