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Sold as the Alpha King’s Breeder

Chapter 601
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Chapter The Mat Bond Returns


Everything was, in fact, on display as I walked through the corridor leading to the dining room with two

ugly vampire guards trailing behind me. I knew they could see my ass fully, but I choked back the

crippling embarrassment as I walked with my chin jutting toward the ceiling. Thankfully a thick shred of

fabric hid the apex of my thighs, but that was all the modesty I'd been allowed. My breasts, which were

huge and heavy because of my pregnancy, were barely covered by the black lace that hung loose over

them, a long V of bare skin starting at my neck and going all the way to my belly button.

Penny had brushed and styled my hair, pinning it off of my face. She'd put makeup on me, dark shades

of black, wine, and navy. The dark colors made me look especially pale, but maybe that was in style. I

wouldn't know, however. I hadn't seen another woman in the castle other than Penny.

I didn't wait for the guards to step in front of me to open the great double doors leading into the dining

hall. I threw them open myself, using all of the strength I had to complete the task. They bounced

against the stone walls in the corridor and sent a thundering echo through the castle, announcing my


Nikolas was sitting with his boots propped up on the table, a goblet of blood, or wine, in one of his


“Spectacular," he breathed, his voice laced with seduction.

I scowled, refusing to bow as I slid into my seat at the far end of the table.

I didn't touch the food that appeared in front of me. I held Nikolas's gaze, barely blinking. He was

watching me with the same intensity, his violent, crimson-ringed eyes searching mine for glimpses of

power… or weakness. It could have been both.

“What do you want now?" I asked, forcing myself to sound annoyed, and somewhat bored.

He arched his brows. “You're not what I expected you to be–"

“You already said that," I interrupted, folding my hands in my lap. Beneath the table, my hands grazed

the faint swell between my hips that I'd only noticed a few hours earlier, before going to the library. I

didn't have much time to play games.

He seemed entertained by my tone, and maybe a bit turned on, which sent a shiver of apprehension

down my spine. It was likely no one had challenged him like this before, at least not someone like me–

someone lowly, a peasant in comparison to his rank, at least in this realm.

“What did you do today, my queen?" he drawled, crossing his foot over the other ankle.

“I went to the library–"

“And did you find it to your liking?"

“It's rather dark–"

“No one has been in there in centuries. Perhaps we can find you a new outlet for amusement–"

“But, I met your librarian. He was dusting the shelves."

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Nikolas furrowed his brow, giving me a confused smile.

“I don't have a librarian."

“He was an old man," I said sharply as another shiver ran down my spine.

“What was his name?"

“He said he… he said he didn't remember."

“Hmm…" Nikolas leaned forward, eyeing me with interest. “Tell me, have you seen a single old man in

this realm? In this castle?"

“No, I–"

“Maybe you've seen a ghost?" he snickered, turning his gaze to the guards lining the walls of the dining

hall, who snickered in return.

I paled, licking my lips as I settled back against my seat. Had I? I swear.... No. I was sure he was real.

“Are you going to eat?"

“No," I said, pushing the plate away with force. My mind was moving at a rapid pace as I tried to get

myself under control again.

“Then we'll get on with it."

He rose from his chair and pushed it to the side, stepping out into a wide, clear area on the other side

of the dining hall. I followed, but stood a good distance away from him. He motioned to two of the

guards, who disappeared through a doorway and came back with a man, the same feeder I had healed

only a few days prior. He looked pale, very unwell, his eyes glossed over and mouth drooping as they

dropped him on the ground and pulled him onto his knees.

“Use your powers to kill him, now," Nikolas demanded, shifting his weight as he motioned towards the

man. The man looked half dead already, and was likely completely unaware of what was happening.

“No," I replied, meeting Nikolas's eye.

“Why not?"

“Because I don't want to."

He pursed his lips. The usual dark seduction behind his eyes flickered into something new–annoyance,


“I command you as your king–"

“You are not my king," I yawned, crossing my arms over my chest. “Anyway, that's child's play."

“Child's play?" he scoffed, turning his back to the man to face me fully. “Death is the greatest power of


“If you're weak," I retorted, noticing the flames growing behind his eyes. Yes. Yes! I was getting a rise

out of him. “Giving life is the real power. Death is inevitable."

“Then show me something else," he ground out, his canine teeth sharpening into fangs.

I steadied myself, refusing to flinch.

“What would you like to see?" I began, tucking my hands behind my back and walking in a slow circle.

“Shall I heal him again? Shall I give him immortality?"

“He's already immortal–"

“But that's not entirely true, is it? These lower vampires… they die, just like my kind. Their lives are

long but limited. You are the only true immortal, and you're alone. And you'll remain alone, while

everyone else perishes."

“What game are you playing?"

“You sought me out. I'm only telling you the truth."

“What truth is that?"

“That I have the power to transform your kind, Nikolas. I can give your chosen few real immortality. You

can rule them, not having to continue enslaving each new generation and repeatedly bend them to your

will. Isn't that what you want? You think producing a true blood heir will cement your position, your

legacy, your legend. No. It's your ability to be a true god."

I was speaking in riddles on purpose, playing to his thirst for absolute, undying power. I'd been thinking

about how to do so since the day I was first brought before him, since I realized his power was nothing

but greed and fear. He was desperate for recognition. If I offered him something new, something he

thought he had control over....

“I can build you a new realm, Nikolas."

He blinked in surprise. “You can?"

“I've done it before, and can do it again. There, you will be the god–the only god."

I didn't know how to actually do it. I could open portals, sure, but that was still a mystery to me. I'd built

my garden realm as a child before I knew how I was even using my powers, and I never found out why

I'd been able to do so.

But I could access that garden. I could trap him there like I'd accidentally trapped Xander. I could burn

him with the sun and let that voice drive him insane until he was begging for death.

“Take my hands," I said softly, seductively, but he hesitated.

“Not now," he breathed, looking suspicious. He turned on his heel, glancing at me over his shoulder

before he left the room, slamming the door behind him.

I lingered in the dining hall for a few moments before leaving myself, and beelined for my room. I

locked the door behind me, ripping the ribbon of silk from my skin and pulling a nightgown over my

head. I rushed to the bathroom, yanking the book out from behind the toilet.

But then I stopped, panting, as I held the book in my hands.

“He was real," I whispered to myself. “I know he was real."

I walked back into the bedroom and pulled on the cloak I'd been wearing earlier and walked out of my

bedroom, hiding the book beneath my cloak. I went to the library, closing the door firmly behind me as

the darkness washed over me.

It was pitch black–not a candle in sight.

“Hello?" I said into the darkness. “I need to talk to you!"

There was no sound from the darkness, no movement. I pulled the book from beneath my cloak and

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opened it, letting little sparks of my power shoot out from my fingertips and illuminate the text.

“He said you were a ghost," I said into the dark. “But you gave me this book. I need to know why!"

From deep within the pit below me, something moved.

“Are you there?" I breathed, my words catching in my throat as footsteps echoed in the deepest

recesses of the pit, barely audible.

“Your mate is here. I'd leave this place, now, if I were you. Abandon your mission, Goddess. It's


“Who are you?"

A long sigh rippled through the dark, and I felt movement beside me, and beneath me, all around. But it

was the old man's voice who spoke to me; a whisper that caressed my skin.

“I've been waiting for you for millenia. You must deliver that book to the Great Witch, and then the

twentieth White Queen."

“The twentieth?" I said, my voice laced with confusion. “I don't understand–"

“I don't have time to explain. Do what you must to leave this castle, now. He's here, your mate. He

brings allies. Take the girl with you, she will be useful."

“Who?" I whispered, my skin beginning to crawl as a soft breeze ruffled my night dress.

“Your maid. I never meant for this realm to be like this."

Suddenly the breeze disappeared, and the old man's words faded into the pit. My stomach was tied in

a knot as I backed toward the door, fighting for the doorknob.

I backed into the hallway but didn't have a chance to turn around before someone grabbed me from

behind, their nails digging into my skin.

“You smell… wonderful…" came a gravely, lifted voice. I turned my head and caught a glimpse of gray,

molted skin.

Before I could scream, I felt a faint tug on that thread that bound me to Xander. I reached for it, gripping

it tightly and pulling with all my might.

I'm here! I screamed through the bond.

Muffled voices echoed through the corridors from some squirmish taking place a floor below us. The

guard had his lips against my neck, but then pulled back, his head turned to look down the corridor as

the noise grew closer.

I swung the book as hard as I could and knocked him in the head with it, sending him staggering to the

ground. I was sprinting in an instant to my room, my feet bare on the cold stone tiles.

“Penny!" I hissed in a forceful whisper.

She was standing at the doorway to my bedroom, wide-eyed and frightened. “What's happening?"

“We need to go, now!" I grabbed her by the shoulders and pulled her into the room, locking the door

behind me and throwing the book on the bed as I began to rifle through the belongings I'd hidden in a

hole in the mattress. My hand wrapped around the sunstone, and I pulled it out, holding it up to the faint

flicker of a candle burning on the side of my bed.

“You're coming with me," I said, not waiting for her to answer as I grabbed the book and then her arm,

dragging her toward the door.

But the door swung open, knocking up both backward.

“Going somewhere?" asked King Nikolas.