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Sold as the Alpha King’s Breeder

Chapter 683
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Chapter 30 : If You Can’t Help, No One Can

I stared at the hole where Soren disappeared. Blood rushed in my ears and I felt numb. I couldn't hear anything or

feel anything. All I could do was stare at the chasm.

Worry crept into my veins. Was it only seconds that passed or had hours gone by? Time stood still completely and I

held my breath, waiting for him to emerge.

I didn't expect to be worried about him but it felt like too much time had passed. No sounds or movement came

from the darkness.

“Screw it," I muttered. I was going to go in after him and find out what happened!

I slipped away from Ashley, vaulting over a nearby piece of rubble, and launched myself straight toward the chasm.

A strong arm looped around my waist and pulled me to a halt. I lurched, the wind getting knocked out of me again.

Gasping and heaving, I tried to catch my breath. All I could do was glare at the person that stopped me.

It was Payne this time.

“Don't worry. The boss knows what he's doing. You don't need to do anything risky," he warned.


“Just wait. He'll come back. He always does." There was a strange hint of sarcasm in Payne's voice.

Together, we stared at the chasm.

Again, it felt like hours could have gone by. I didn't understand why the rest of Soren's loyal followers were just

standing there.

Didn't they care about him? Didn't they want to save him?

Grunting and heavy breathing came from the chasm.

I clutched my heart as Soren's large wolf form appeared. He was dragging something with his mouth. It was a

woman. Her body was limp and unmoving.

Soren dropped her on the ground near my feet. He bowed his head and then disappeared behind some rubble.

“See, he knows what he's doing. You just have to give him a couple of minutes," Payne said, nodding.

“A couple of minutes?" I whispered to myself.

I shook my head thinking Soren had been gone a lot longer than that. Hadn't he?

Looking down at the woman at my feet, I noticed she was very pale. I couldn't see any wounds on her or smell

blood, so I didn't think Soren had injured her. She was dressed like the residents from Miltern pack and in her early


“That's the woman who delivered your flowers. I recognize her cloak and her scent," Payne said.

“She attempted to attack me. I rendered her unconscious," Soren said. He reappeared from around the rubble, his

black clothes on his body again.

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“You didn't hurt her, did you?" I asked, arching an eyebrow.

“She'll be fine," Soren assured. “What do you want to do with her?"

Ashley scoffed and put her hands on her hips. She glared at me and pouted slightly.

“Why ask Mila? What does she know about anything that's going on here? She doesn't even know what those things

wanted," she argued.

“Ashley!" Payne reprimanded.

“Hmph." Ashley turned away from us.

Apparently, when she didn't need to protect me, she didn't have much of an opinion of me at all. It didn't bother

me. I was used to people turning against me and not giving me any kind of respect or benefit of the doubt.

I kept looking at the woman at my feet. She winced and slowly opened her eyes.

Sitting bolt upright, she stared at us. On her hands and knees, she spun around, her eyes wide. She looked like a

cornered wild animal.

“Shh, don't be afraid," I said. I crouched down and spoke softly to her. “My name is Mila. What is your name?"

She looked right at me and the panic settled. I could tell she was uneasy about the presence of the other shifters

but she seemed okay with me.

“What's your name?" I asked again, holding her gaze so she could shut out everyone else.

“A-April," she stuttered.

“You reached out to me for help, April. I'm here now. What can I do for you?" I asked.

April glanced at Soren and then at Payne. She shook her head and retreated slightly.

I could tell she didn't trust them. I'd felt the same when I first met them. I still didn't think I could trust them but they

were here for me and they had my back for the moment. We were working together.

“It's okay, I promise. These guys are my… my f-friends," I forced the words out. It barely sounded convincing even

to me.

I saw Soren shake his head and give me a look. I glared at him for a moment and then turned back to April.

Her eyes were still wide as she looked over at Soren.

“But… last night, you two were fighting in the graveyard. I saw you," she said frantically.

I glanced at Soren and he shrugged casually.


“Well… there's an explanation for that…"

April turned back to me. She waited expectantly for my explanation.

“It was a bit of a misunderstanding, but we've worked things out," I said in a rush.

Yeah, we worked things out all night long in bed…

My cheeks flushed and I chewed the inside of my cheek. Hopefully, April wouldn't pick up on what I was implying.

“And now, he's helping me. They all are. You trust me, right?" I asked.

“Y-yes." April nodded.

“Then I'm telling you that you can trust them, okay?" I pressed.

She nodded.

Suddenly, she dropped onto the ground in a low bow, her forehead and palms pressed to the dirt. The top of her

head almost touched my shoes.

“Please, Mila, please save the Miltern pack!" she begged.

“Um… I would love to. But what do I need to save you from?" I asked.

I glanced around nervously. Soren, Payne, and Ashley just stood there. None of them were going to jump in and


April lifted her bright green eyes to mine and smiled widely. She nodded and grabbed my hand.

“Thank you, thank you," she said, kissing the back of my hand.

Tears wet her cheeks. She looked so relieved and happy.

I would have felt warmer if I had any idea what she needed my help with. She was awfully happy for someone that

didn't know if I really could help or not. Whatever she needed, she seemed convinced I was the one to do it.

Not Soren, not Payne, not any of the other shifters.


Did that have to do with my witch heritage? It was the only thing I knew of that set me apart from the others.

Slowly, I pulled away. “April, I need you to tell me what is going on."

“Please, I need you to lift the curse on us," she begged.

“Curse? There's a curse on Miltern pack?" I asked.

Oh boy, I clearly was in way over my head.

“Can you start from the beginning? I don't know anything about a curse or what is happening here," I told her.

April nodded. “Fourteen years ago, something… a curse was cast on Miltern pack. It crippled and devastated us. At

first, it wasn't noticeable. But after a few months, we realized that none of us could leave. We were stuck here."

“No one has been able to leave this village for fourteen years?" Payne asked.

April shook her head. “No. And after that, it got worse. The fog rolled in and it numbed us. No one could feel

anything. Everyone went about their regular lives but they were dead inside. No happiness, no emotions, and

unable to use their senses beyond basic seeing and hearing."

“We've all felt that in the fog," Payne muttered.

Soren nodded in agreement.

I glared at the two of them.

“Can you let her finish the story!?" I snapped.

Payne made a motion of zipping up his lips. Soren just closed his mouth, his jaw tensing. With all the interruptions, I

was amazed April hadn't given up on telling us what was happening.

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This was the first time I'd encountered anyone that could answer my questions about magic, and possibly why I'd

been called to Miltern in the first place. I didn't want them to spook her or overwhelm her with their added


“Everyone lost the meaning of life. So, they just go through daily tasks meant for basic survival. There are no

dreams, ambitions, or passions. No one falls in love or searches for answers. We are stuck in this never-ending

purgatory," April finished with a sad sigh.

“Who did this to your pack? Who…"

“No one knows," April jumped in. “It was so strange. As soon as we realized we couldn't leave anymore, the fog

rolled in, like it was waiting for us to realize we were cursed and doomed before delivering the final blow."

Listening to the story of the curse made my stomach rumble. I had felt that something wasn't right from the

moment I got here. The people were like zombies. I hadn't considered it was because of a curse.

For an entire village to be cursed… That had to be a powerful spell. What kind of magic and magic-doers were we

dealing with here?

“And that was when everything changed?" I asked.

April nodded. “Yes. It has been like this since."

“What about you? You seem… normal," I said.

“Well, I'm a seer. Curses aren't as strong over seers and healers. I feel it sometimes, tugging at me and trying to

pull me into that numbness, but I can fight it," she explained.

“If you're a seer, why haven't you tried to lift the curse?" Ashley asked, glowering.

“Seers can't lift curses. Neither can healers. That's why we need you," April said, keeping her eyes on me.

“I don't know," I said, shifting my weight from one foot to another. “You might have the wrong person. I have no

idea how to break curses! I don't know anything about magic!"

April's face fell and she curled her knees to her chest, hugging herself.

“If you don't know how… no one knows. We really are doomed," she whispered.

That couldn't be true. I knew for a fact that another powerful witch was in these parts. Helen had lured me here


If April really was on my side and trying to help me, wouldn't she know that?

“What about Helen?" I asked, testing her. “Would Helen know what to do?"

April looked up at me in surprise. She tilted her head to the side and then shook it.

“My teacher disappeared more than fourteen years ago… before the curse even… If she had been here, this

wouldn't have happened. I know it," April insisted.

It was my turn to be surprised. I dropped down to my knees and put a hand on April's shoulder. All my searching

and I was finally making progress!

“Helen was your teacher?" I asked.