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Sold as the Alpha King’s Breeder

Chapter 693
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Chapter 40 : You Shouldn’t be Surprised


Strong, warm arms wrapped around me in a firm, secure embrace. I felt light and safe, protected and cared for.

My mind was a bit hazy and I couldn't remember where I was but something cool slipped down my throat and I

greedily swallowed it. The liquid quenched my parched mouth and throat and I wanted more.

I sucked at the source of where the water was coming from, my mind clearing with the more water I got.

The powerful arms around me tightened slightly and I felt like I could have melted into them forever. I'd be safe and

happy there, no need to leave.

My throat eased and I started to come back to myself.

Sighing against the water source, I slowly opened my eyes.

A bright pair of grayish-blue orbs peered down at me. Startled, I tried to pull back, but those strong arms kept me


After a moment, I realized it was Soren's handsome face behind those lovely eyes, hovering so close to me.

He pulled his mouth from mine and I gasped. He'd been feeding me water through his lips! It was strange and

sweet. How out of it did I have to be for him to need to feed me water like that?

“You're awake," Soren said, smirking. He still held me in his powerful arms and I didn't try to pull away again.


My throat spasmed and my dry, cracked voice only made a harsh sound. I rubbed my throat, wishing for that cool

sensation from the water to come back.

I glanced around the room. It was Soren's hotel room. How had I gotten back here? The last thing I remembered

was breaking the curse.

Abruptly, I sat up, forcing Soren to lean back slightly and loosen his arms on me. I looked out the window and saw

the sun shining brightly.

Relief swept through me and I sighed. The curse was broken!

“You've been running a fever and are pretty dehydrated," Soren said.

I turned my attention back to him and nodded. That's why the water had tasted so good, like life itself, and why my

throat was so messed up.

“Don't try to talk now, if you can help it," he suggested.

I nodded again and leaned against his chest.

Soren chuckled and ran his fingers through my hair. He moved his hands to my upper arms and gently eased me

back on the bed. As I lay down, he fluffed my pillow a little.

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“Comfortable?" he asked.

I nodded, looking into his face. He kept my gaze for a long moment.

I wondered if he'd been the one taking care of me. I wasn't sure how long I'd been out of it or why I'd passed out

but Soren was dressed differently than I remembered.

Biting my lower lip I glanced down at my clothes and realized I was dressed differently, too. I had been put into one

of Soren's t-shirts.

My cheeks burned hot and I grabbed the sheet, tucking it around myself.

Like it would make a difference now. If Soren had been caring for me, he was probably the one that dressed me in

his shirt… just his shirt. I had no pants or underwear. It wasn't like he hadn't seen me before but it was still

embarrassing to think he'd changed me while I was passed out.

“If you're wondering who changed your clothes, it was me," he offered.

I looked at him again, creasing my brow. Swallowing into my dry throat, I tried to ease it enough to talk.

Soren shook his head.

“Don't strain yourself. I'll have more water and some medicine from Dr. Lee brought up," he told me, holding a

hand up to me.

All I could do was nod.

“You seem surprised that I'm the one who changed you. I thought it only appropriate since I'm the only one who has

seen…" Soren smirked and winked at me.

My cheeks got even hotter, my blush spreading down my neck and shoulders.

“Besides, I promised to help you, so you shouldn't be that surprised. Part of the deal was to help detoxify you from

the poison and restore you to health. Wasn't that one of your conditions?"

I nodded and played with the edge of the sheet.

Our “deal" had been his help curing the Blackfire poison and helping me find information about Helen in exchange

for what was in the box. He was also supposed to protect me.

Yet, the first chance Soren had to see what was in the box, he'd taken off. It had been respectful and thoughtful but

he'd also had other business to take care of.

After going to the temple, he never once asked me what I'd found. In fact, he hadn't brought up the box at all.

Instead, he jumped in to help me uncover secrets about my past and anchor me from getting lost in my memories.

Sure, that could have been a way to protect me and help me find out about Helen, but it went above and beyond

the deal we'd made.

I raked my eyes over him as he sat on the edge of the bed, caring for me while I was sick.

It occurred to me suddenly that Soren didn't actually care about the secrets in the box. Otherwise, he would have

made me reveal it a while ago. Instead, he was just helping me do whatever I wanted.

Our eyes locked again and my stomach squirmed.

There was warmth in his eyes, openness.

I really looked at him and for the first time, I saw him for who he was.

There were no calculating thoughts in his eyes, no scheming or hidden motives. He didn't have a suspicious look

about him!

If anything, he looked like he was actually concerned about me. Like he cared for me and my well-being.

There was a soft knock on the door and Soren went to answer it. He didn't open the door all the way, so I couldn't

see who was there.

They spoke in muffled whispers that I couldn't hear.

He shut and locked the door and returned to the bed. Soren had a bottle of water and a small vial of medicine with


“Drink this," he said, handing me the vial. “It will help the soreness in your throat. Just a little numbing tonic."

Obediently, I did as I was told.

Immediately, my throat felt coated in a slimy substance, but the pain was gone and it didn't feel dry or scratchy


“Now, drink this, all of it," Soren ordered, handing me the water.

I propped myself up on the pillows slightly and took a sip. Again, the water tasted so good that I tipped the bottle

back and guzzled it all down in seconds.

Soren chuckled. “I'm glad to see you like it."

Sighing, I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand and handed him the empty bottle.

“Th-thank you," I said, testing out my voice. It still sounded hoarse but I could talk without croaking now.

Smirking, Soren tossed the bottle into the trash. He sat on the edge of the bed again and leaned in so close.

I pulled back, sinking into the pillows.

Still, he got closer until his sweet breath fanned my face and his lips were inches from mine.

“Well now," he whispered, his words tickling my lips. “Just how are you planning to thank me?"

His voice was deep and husky.

I felt it sink straight into my abdomen and my stomach exploded with butterflies. Wrapping my arms around myself,

I squirmed a little.

His eyes burned into me and I clenched my thighs. He was so close again. His scent covered me, filling my nose and

making me dizzy.


My mind was too fuzzy to form any real thoughts or sentences. All I could think about was his scent and the warmth

of his body over me. His chest pressed slightly against mine. He was so close…

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How easy would it be to pull him down to me?

I thought of how I woke up with his lips on mine. It wasn't a true kiss but his lips had still been on mine and he'd

been feeding me water, which felt very intimate.

Then there was the kiss we shared after we woke up from the dream. I had meant to give him just a thank you kiss

but he had gone much further than that. The way he'd grabbed me and rolled me over…

My stomach fluttered again and I squirmed on the bed. It had been so unexpected but I loved it!

And now, once again, his lips were just inches from mine. I could practically taste his sweet breath and I licked my

lips, the tip of my tongue grazing his lips.

My heart raced in my chest and I knew Soren would be able to hear it. I didn't look away or try to conceal it,

though. I just bathed in his scent and his overpowering masculine energy.

Heat rushed through my veins and I felt like my entire body was flushed red. My skin got hotter and hotter until I

thought I might burst into flames!

Soren reached out delicately and brushed his fingers across my cheek, tucking some stray hair behind my ear.

His touch was light and pleasantly cooling against my burning hot skin.

I pressed my cheek into his touch and I felt like electricity coursed through my body. My skin hummed and the blood

in my veins felt alive.

My breath caught in my throat and I arched my back slightly, hoping he'd touch me more. A tremble shot through

me and my n*****s hardened against the fabric of his shirt, which felt cool against my burning skin.

My core tightened and I clenched my thighs, feeling dampness pool between my legs.

What was happening to me?

Soren's fingers slowly trailed down my neck and I moaned slightly.

Embarrassed, I closed my eyes and bit my lip to muffle the sound. I was longing for him. Not just his touch and his

lips, but for all of him!

Forgetting my embarrassment, I turned my face toward him slightly. I licked my lips and puckered them a bit,

waiting for him to close the space between us and kiss me.

I couldn't deny how strongly I desired him. It coursed through me, causing me to tremble. I wanted him to kiss me,

wrap me in his arms, and claim my body again. What did I have to be embarrassed about?

I sensed Soren lean in closer and I held my breath in anticipation.

Any second, I'd feel his lips on mine and he'd give into the same desire and passion he'd responded to under the


His warm breath brushed over my face and my neck and his lips grazed my earlobe.

I quivered beneath him.

Soren chuckled lightly. “You should get some more rest," he whispered softly, just below my ear.