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Sold as the Alpha King’s Breeder

Chapter 772
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Chapter 117 : Sins of the Parents

The king, however, didn't seem to be too concerned. He sneered at Sebastian. “What now? You managed to trick

that dumbass Chandler and buried his entire pack. Now what do you have left with those losers you gathered?"

I glanced at Sebastian, whose face fell. Was his confidence wavering at all? It was hard to tell. He seemed so steady

and sure of himself.

“Do you think those guys would follow you if you didn't bewitch them? You're no king or leader!"

I wanted to tell the king that, unfortunately Sebastian actually did bewitch them. As soon as the king's words ended,

they started assaulting the king's guards, unstoppable.

The guards recovered from their laughing attack quickly, defending the king and standing their ground.

Sebastian moved through the chaos, the Dagger of Mercy raised.

“Watch out!" I shouted, warning the king's guards. To me, Sebastian and Dylan were equally bad, but I'd rather deal

with living beings than the half-living, half-dead, mindless monsters.

However, my reminder didn't change anything. Sebastian plunged the blade into the heart of one of the king's

guards. He smirked at the king tauntingly, and stabbed another as he chanted some words.

The fallen warriors stood up again. Their faces were blank, their bodies empty. They were Sebastian's puppets now!

Immediately, they turned on the other royal guards, their own allies, and started attacking.

It was just like Sebastian said. The king had hand delivered him an entire army to convert for his own uses. With the

Dagger of Mercy, the more men the King brought, the more will be added to his own puppet force. His puppets

would more than double at this rate!

The Alpha King glared at Sebastian and took several steps back. He didn't look so confident or sure of himself now.

“What have you done to them!?" he shouted.

“Oh, I enjoy seeing you like this, cousin! Now, you're the scared coward, aren't you?" Sebastian shifted his attention

to his puppet army and ordered. “Take them all down!"

I watched, horrified as those mindless warriors threw themselves into the fight. They were fearless and it was still

hard to tell if they felt pain or not. Even if they did feel pain, they didn't slow down because of it. Any time one of

them was injured, they would get right back up and keep fighting.

Whenever one of the king's guards was taken down, the puppets dragged them back to Sebastian and he'd stab

them and turn them into another puppet. Sebastian's army got larger and larger, and it would overwhelm the king's

guards briefly.

When I'd first sent Eros off, I hoped he'd cross paths with Soren and bring him back with help. Now that I saw what

Sebastian was capable of, I wanted Soren and his men to stay as far away from him as possible.

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It was like watching a demon claw his way from hell and devour whoever they saw, turning those in their way into

horrible, horrendous monsters.

The guards must have realized it now because they started to panic.

The dungeons filled with curses and screams of fear and terror.

I covered my ears, but the sounds still got through, making the entire dungeon tremble and shake as the screams


I saw the awful smirk on Sebastian's face. He was drunk on vengeance, crazy and wild. He was the king of demons

and he looked it!

The Alpha King's face fell and seeing he was most likely losing the battle, he motioned for his guards to retreat and

they all obeyed instantly. “Well, let's find another day to finish this then," he said as he backed away.

A wall at the end of the corridor began to lower. It would cut Sebastian's puppets off!

However, the stone wall stopped halfway down.

Sebastian scoffed. “Have you forgotten that I am the real master of this place? There's nothing about the palace

that you know and I don't!"

The king froze for a second and immediately turned to escape, but it was too late.

Sebastian's warriors pounced. Some were in human form, and some had shifted, but even as wolves, they were still

slaves to Sebastian's will.

A sickening shudder ran through my gut as Sebastian's army tore through what remained of the Alpha King's men.

The tunnel became a gruesome scene of gushing blood and tearing flesh. Armor and limbs flew in every direction

as horrified screams of pain and terror echoed into silence.

The scent of copper and rust filled the air, turning my stomach. I wanted to get away but I was still tied up and

Sebastian was right next to me. If I tried to escape, he'd pounce on me.

He seemed distracted and occupied but I couldn't risk him not paying attention to me at this moment. It seemed

unlikely he'd forgotten about me, especially since he was winning!

The last of the royal guards sputtered his final breath, leaving the king standing alone to face Sebastian's insatiable,

bloodthirsty horde.

Then, in unison, they jumped at the king, about to tear him apart!

“Keep him alive!" Sebastian ordered, and then he turned to me and smirked viciously; his eyes glinted with pure


I cringed away from him.

This was his moment. He'd captured me and could use me for whatever he needed. He'd defeated Dylan, the

current king, his ex-Beta who'd betrayed him. He was riding the high of success.

Sebastian went to a corner passageway. He touched something on the ground that I couldn't see too well. The

dungeon wall moved and revealed a large, open space behind it.

I peered around Sebastian as best I could and saw what looked like some kind of altar at the center of the open


Two of Sebastian's puppets hauled a struggling, squirming Dylan to the altar. They laid the real Dylan on it and tied

him down.

Smirky, Sebastian stepped forward and searched Dylan's pockets and clothes. It didn't take him long to find what he

was looking for—the two pieces of the artifact that Eros had taken from me, the Sheath of Protection and the

Moonlit Crystal.

Now he had all three parts of the Blade of Souls!

With swift movements, Sebastian put all parts together. He turned to me with that same, vicious smirk. It was like

he didn't think anything could go wrong and nothing could stop his wish from coming true.

From the looks of it, he wasn't wrong.

“Now, be a good girl and perform the soul exchange. I'll spare you and your baby if you do. But if not…"

He grinned and held the Blade of Souls out to me.

“Hah. Hahahaha!" It was Dylan interrupting.

I turned toward the altar where Dylan was laughing maniacally. He strained against the bindings and looked at me

with bloodshot eyes.

“Stupid girl…I can't believe it. I can't believe that you're going to serve the cruel murderer your parents died to

avoid," Dylan called out.

I paused. “What do you mean?!"

Sebastian snarled, interjecting the conversation. “She is making up for her parents' sins, her whole family's sins!

They betrayed their real king, and put you, a useless piece of s**t that doesn't know how to rule the country, on the

throne! She should be grateful I'm showing her mercy."

“First, let's get this straight," Dylan snapped, “My great-grandfather was the real crown prince and the heir to the

throne! Why did he die early mysteriously? It wasn't due to the so-called unknown illness, but because his dear

brother, your great grandfather murdered him! Talking about the real king, you're not, I should be! Secondly, her

parents' sins? Hahahahaha!"

I looked back and forth between Sebastian and Dylan. I didn't care about their family strife, but I had never really

heard the full story of what happened back then regarding my parents. The bits and pieces I'd gotten from Helen

and others didn't give me a good idea of what really went down.

What I did know was that my parents did the soul swap, and then our pack was attacked and wiped out by the

combined forces of many powerful and greedy alphas. Was there more to the story?

Dylan continued, “Her parents did the right thing. Had you not treated Helen the way you had, Jessica never would

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have done the soul exchange ritual."

Sebastian scoffed. “Helen… that piece of s**t cunt of a witch! She deserved every second of her punishment

because of her magical meddling. Who did she think she was, spreading rumors about my reign and my future?"

I gritted my teeth and clenched my jaw. From head to toe, I trembled.

“You know what… neither Kaleb nor Jessica wanted to do it. But after they saw what you did to Helen… after they

witnessed your cruelty, they knew it was better for the country to remove you." Dylan laughed again.

I could see the blood rise in Sebastian's cheeks. He sneered, “My cruelty? What had I done wrong before then? I'd

never been cruel to anyone. Yet, that cunt, Helen, still paid secret visits to the alphas around the country and hurt

my reputation and reign, in the name of a stupid prophecy!"

Dylan scoffed and shook his head as best he could from where he was tied up.

As much as I wanted to scream at Sebastian for the horrible things he'd done to Helen, I felt like I was finally getting

some answers, so I held my tongue.

“They were not wrong about how destructive you can be," Dylan continued. “The only mistake Jessica made was

sparing your life!"

Sebastian growled.

“She should have killed you right after the exchange when you were weak. Yet… she let you go. And afterward, you

spread the rumor that Kaleb had a mysterious powerful artifact. All your talk of the Blade of Souls resulted in the

destruction of Pomeni! Her stupid kindness and hesitation cost her not only her own life but her entire pack!"

I stared at Dylan, shocked.

“Dylan, this is between you and me. Don't waste any more of my time with pointless bickering over the past. Let's

get this over with!"

Sebastian loosened my ropes and pushed me closer to the altar. “b***h, do it!"

I glared at him. Did he really think I would help him after what I just learned?

“I don't know what to do," I gritted through my teeth.

There was no way I was helping Sebastian, but there wasn't any way for me to get away either. I needed to stall.

“Oh, you'll figure it out. I have faith in that… because you know, I was able to destroy Pomeni once before. I can do

it again." Sebastian grinned cruelly and held the knife out to me.

How had he found out about the work we'd done on rebuilding Pomeni? We'd hidden the pack well. I even used


I guess I shouldn't have been surprised. Sebastian knew way more about this world than I did.

“You leave my pack alone!" I growled.

Sebastian sighed.

“Very well." He gestured to the Blade of Souls. Smirking, he thrust a hand out and grabbed my neck, squeezing his

fingers tightly around my throat.

“If you don't follow my instructions, I will kill you in an instant. You and your baby, then your re-established Pomeni
