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Sold as the Alpha King’s Breeder

Chapter 815
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Chapter 26 : The Scroll


I knew Jared was following me. I knew Archer and Brandt would be close behind as well. I had it in mind to turn into

my bedroom but turned toward Jared's room instead. If the evidence of our night was still scattered around the

room, well, I wasn't going to give Archer the satisfaction of seeing it. I threw open the door and stepped inside

Jared's room without hesitation.

“Hey!" Jared hissed, catching the door before it slammed shut. He locked it behind him.

“Brandt and Archer are going to want to see the scroll too–" I began, but he snatched the scroll from my hand and

tossed it on the bed, taking a step toward me.

“Last night," he said, then hesitated, his jaw rigid with tension.

I relaxed a bit, but my stomach was tying in a knot as I looked up at him and held his gaze.

“Was it not good for you?" I asked.

He looked shocked.

“Eliza that's not–"

He ran his fingers through his hair, then down over his face as he exhaled deeply.

“That's not it all. It was great. You were… great. I just–"

“It's okay," I said hurriedly, turning away from him to hide the pain on my face.

I didn't want to know what he was going to say next. I went to his bed and slowly picked up the scroll, telling myself I

was testing the weight of it in my hands and not trying to distract myself from the searing pain of rejection

blossoming in my stomach.

“Eliza," Jared breathed.

I didn't turn around. I'd been wrong, of course. This was just a very intense case of lust, primal lust… primal lust for

my captor. There had to be a name for that, some physiological term or condition....

“Eliza, the curse," Jared said firmly.

I turned to face him, furrowing my brow. “What about it?"

“I'm losing my wolf. I don't want to hurt you if you think–if you think that we could be–"

I blinked at him, clutching the scroll to my chest. I bit back the hurt, focusing on the word “curse" to distract myself

from the pain and roaring feeling of stupidity rushing through my blood.

I'd heard of people losing their wolf powers, but it was usually because of some kind of severe psychological

trauma, like the abrupt loss of a mate. It wasn't always permanent, either. I'd never heard of someone losing their

powers because of a curse.

“You said the Cryptex might be something that's capable of keeping time," he continued, taking a step toward me.

“I think you're right, and that when I have all the pieces, I'll be able to break the curse and stop it from stealing

what's left of my powers."

“What does that have to do with last night?"

“I told you what I was–"

“You guys had all night to do whatever it is you're doing in there. Come on. We want to see the scroll," Archer said

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from behind the door.

Jared let his breath out in an annoyed growl, his eyes moving toward the door.

“We'll talk about this in a moment," he said, but I turned away from him and walked toward the door, opening it

wide for Archer and Brandt to enter.

Get yourself together, I told myself. You're being insane, Eliza. I sucked in my breath and steeled my expression,

locking everything else away.

Archer entered and gave me a playful look, wiggling his brows. I smacked him soundly on the arm with the scroll.

“Eliza!" Jared hissed, eyes wide with shock.

“It's fine," I said, closing the door. “It's a fake."

“What?" the men said in unison.

I smiled to myself, twirling the scroll over my fingers before tossing it in the air and catching it in my other hand.

Jared winced, looking incredibly annoyed that I was handling his precious scroll so roughly. “Smell it," I said, tossing

it to him.

“Smell it?" Archer said, c*****g his brow.

Jared eyed me suspiciously as he raised it to his nose, then narrowed his eyes.

“It smells like tea, and charcoal," I said, watching with interest as he carefully unfurled it. “That's how you process

parchment to look older than it is. It might just be a copy of the actual scroll he promised you, but still. I knew the

second he pulled it from his jacket that it was a fake. He's playing you."

“I had a feeling he would," Jared said under his breath as he handed the scroll to a very curious Archer. Archer

sniffed, shrugging, before handing it to Brandt.

“Why would he be trying to lead you astray?" I asked, accepting the scroll back from Brandt.

I looked at the text, which was obviously copied, and recently. If I had a lab with the appropriate equipment for the

job, I could have dated the ink.

When none of the men spoke, I looked up from the scroll, noting how intently Archer and Brandt were looking at

Jared, some silent conversation obviously taking place over mindlink.

“Whatever it is," I continued, looking back down at the scroll, “it's written in Pritian, I believe. I'll need some time to

work through the translation."

I felt the air in the room shift as the men turned to look at me, stunned.

I blinked up at them, shrugging one shoulder. “What?"

“How do you know any of this for certain?" Brandt asked.

“And what the hell is Pritian?" Archer added.

I rolled it up and tucked it in my back pocket. “Pritian was the name of the language spoken by the people who

existed before the time of Morrighan and Lycaon," I said, matter-of-factly. “Artifacts have been found throughout

the northern territories in my realm–" I sucked in a breath, glancing from man to man and settling my gaze on


“I was wondering when you were going to admit that," Archer mused with a smirk.

I broke from the intensity in Jared's gaze and glared at Archer.

“Fine, I'm from the Realm of Light," I said in surrender.

“What's it like?" Brandt asked, a boyish longing in his tone.

I smiled at him, but then my gaze drifted back to Archer, who had a distant look in his eyes. My chest tightened as I

watched a shadow pass over Archer's face, some distant memory of the war with the vampire king drifting to the

forefront of his mind, no doubt.

“Very different from here," I said softly.

“You can ask her whatever you want about her realm later, Brandt," Jared said sternly.

I met his eyes, noticing the same apprehension behind his gaze in regard to explaining my realm in front of Archer,

who had witnessed a very different side of it.

“Anyway," I breathed, crossing my arms over my chest, “this scroll is likely copied from something written on stone.

I'll translate it to the best of my abilities and we will go from there."

Jared gave Archer and Brandt a look and tilted his head toward the door, his way of telling them to “Get lost."

I turned to leave as well, but Jared stopped me with a gentle touch to the back of my arm.

“Wait," he said.

I waited to face him until Archer and Brandt closed the door behind themselves and their footsteps retreated down

the hall.

“I'm sorry about the scroll."

“I don't care about the scroll," Jared said as I turned around. “This is probably one of his tricks. I know you think you

played him today, but Aeris is cunning, and if he finds out who you are–"

“I'm not afraid of Aeris," I replied, sitting on the edge of the bed and crossing my legs. “I don't think he's as cunning

as you think he is. I was sold at the auction against my will. I'm not his."

“You're wrong."


“Aeris always gets what he wants one way or another. You might slip through his fingers as a breeder, but he will

find some new way to use you and make it impossible for you to leave without violence. I have to keep you safe–"

“I'm not asking you to do that–"

“I'm not asking for your f*****g permission," he said in a clipped tone, his eyes darkening with frustration. “Who do

you think I am? Someone who takes you to bed and then throws you to the wolves afterward? I meant it when I

said no one else can have you. I mean to keep it that way."

“Do you even want me?" I bit out. “You snuck out of my room this morning. Were you just in it for some fun? Some

distraction from your bigger problems, like your curse? Or are you–did you feel it too–" I bit down on my lip to stop

myself from saying anything further, my cheeks going rosy with emotion.

“I felt exactly the same thing you did, Eliza. I knew exactly what you were feeling during that dance and how you

felt when you left. That's why I followed you back to your room. That's why I locked the f*****g door behind me

when I came inside because I didn't know if I could handle being interrupted again. I've wanted you from the

moment I laid eyes on you."

I was at a loss for words. He took another step toward me, then another.

“I can't keep you safe," he said. “So I'm going to find a way to get you back to your realm."

“I'm not ready to leave yet–"

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“I don't care–"

“I'm the only person who can help you and you know it!"

“That scroll that you just told me was fake was my last shot of finding the person who gave me the Cryptex in the

first place. Those powers you felt within it? Eliza, they were my powers. They didn't belong to the Cryptex. It's been

taking those powers from me for years. I tried getting rid of it, trust me, I have, but no matter where I bury it, no

matter what body of water I throw it into, I find it back in my study, untouched."

“Why didn't you tell me this before?"

“Because the more I think about it, the less I want you to be involved. You mean too much–" he bit down on the

words, eyes flashing with regret.

I went rigid, a flickering of girlish hope sparking deep within my heart.

“If Aeris has anything on the person who cursed me in the first place, he will try to bargain with me for it. I'm

guessing he knew exactly what he was doing with this fake scroll in particular. He's testing us, Eliza."

I didn't want to talk about Aeris anymore. I wanted to talk about what was happening between us and why he was

pushing against it, but I could tell I'd hit a dead end with Jared, at least for now.

“He thinks I'm not actually educated in this. He thinks I'm faking it."

“Possibly, yes."

“Then I should continue to play the part, right? He's going to show me his collection. I could find something–"

“There's nothing to find."

“Then you're just giving up? Because you think it's too dangerous for me?"

“I'm giving up," he said, his voice dropping an octave. I stiffened at his tone, sensing the seriousness in his voice.

“I'm giving up because your safety means more to me than dragging you on a fruitless quest. I'm guessing your

parents are alive, and well, and very much loved, are they not? How would they feel about their daughter running

around the f*****g Dark Realm with a Dark Lord–"

“A Dark Lord married the Princess of Valoria," I cut in.

“He is not like me," Jared sneered. Unease rippled over my skin as I looked up into those dark eyes of his,

remembering that dark shadow of power that'd followed his wolf when he left me in the woods–that same shadow

he'd cast over me like a net in the witch's house, protecting me, even if just for a minute. “I could rip you to shreds

without realizing it–"

“I'm not afraid of you," I hissed. “I proved that to you last night!"

“I wish you were," he replied. “That would make this so much easier!"

A crack formed in my heart, somewhere deep in the same place I was stuffing my feelings for him. He'd said he felt

it too, whatever it was. But now?

“I'm not going to let you give up on this," I whispered, letting that hurt ring loud and clear. I could see the effect of it

on his face as I rose from the edge of the bed, looking up at him through my lashes. “I didn't believe in fate until I

ended up with you, Jared. You said you'd protect me. You promised me. Now I'm promising you something in return.

I'm going to help you find the person who cursed you, and I'm going to help you break the curse." I ran my tongue

over my lower lip, my mouth going dry around my words as I continued. “Then you'll be rid of me, I promise. I'm

sorry about last night. I don't know what I was thinking."


But I was already gone.