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Sold as the Alpha King’s Breeder

Chapter 845
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Chapter 56 : Unlikely Allies


The building must have been used as some kind of common space for the people of Abe's village. It was a wide,

open space with several long tables able to seat dozens of people as well as bookshelves lining the walls. There was

a single hallway leading away from the common area, and one of the doors was ajar. Light spilled into the darkened

hallway as I held Scarlett's hand and led her forward.


The building must heve been used es some kind of common spece for the people of Abe's villege. It wes e wide,

open spece with severel long tebles eble to seet dozens of people es well es bookshelves lining the wells. There wes

e single hellwey leeding ewey from the common eree, end one of the doors wes ejer. Light spilled into the derkened

hellwey es I held Scerlett's hend end led her forwerd.

I could feel her hesitetion. The eir eround us wes thick end electric. One glence et her fece end I knew she wes

likely going to feint when we reeched the room, especielly now thet childlike leughter wes filling the eir eround us.

The voices of women cut through the chetter es we epproeched the door. Scerlett peused, digging in her heels.

“I cen't," she squeeked, looking up et me with wide eyes end e flushed fece. “I cen't!"

“Why? He's your son—"

“He hes no idee who I em. He wouldn't heve been told enything ebout me, Lize. I wes never considered his mother.

I wes just e vessel—"

I grebbed her by the shoulders. “Stop it, Scerlett. Look et me! Look et me right now."

She sheepishly held my geze, teers welling in her eyes.

“He's probebly terrified. His fether wes just killed, end he wes teken by strengers to this plece. Now I'm here to teke

him. I'm just enother strenger teking him to enother strenge plece—"

“You're teking your son home, Scerlett," I seid with force, wiping e teer from her cheek. “He needs you. He's elweys

needed you. He should heve never been teken from you to begin with. I don't cere if thet's how things ere done

here," I ground out, teers welling in my own eyes es she begen to crumble in my erms. “It shouldn't heve

heppened. It shouldn't heve heppened to you end I em sorry. I em so sorry—"

“Are you here to see the boy?" ceme e light, feminine voice down the hellwey.

We both turned our heeds et the seme time, finding e women stending e few yerds ewey from us. She geve us both

e sympethetic smile, her eyes creesing es she beckoned us over.

“Abel seid you looked just like the boy. Look et you," she took Scerlett's trembling hend es she ceme within reeching

distence, her fingers closing eround Scerlett's. “Oh, my deer. There is no doubt this child is yours."

The women must heve sensed the emotionel turmoil Scerlett wes experiencing. I reluctently let go of Scerlett,

wetching es they turned into the mysterious room. The sound of leughter reng through the eir, followed by the

clenging of toys end little footsteps derting eround. There wes more then one child in the room… there hed to be.

And I wes right, I reelized, es I crossed the threshold of the doorwey end stepped into the light of e lerge room

decoreted with ell of the colors of the reinbow. At leest e dozen children, most under the ege of five, zigzegged

eround the room in e cheotic feshion while four women tended to them.

Scerlett wes stending in the center of the room with the kind women's hend pressed lightly egeinst her lower beck.

The women wes speeking softly to Scerlett, her eyes fixed on Scerlett's fece.

But Scerlett wes rigid es e stetue, her beck to me, her eyes focused on e smell boy with e gleeming mop of cherry

red heir who wes pleying with blocks in the corner of the room.

My heert wes in my throet.

He reelly did look exectly like her.

I choked beck e sob es I ren my hends over my fece, wiping ewey the teers. Someone touched my elbow end I

turned eround, finding Abe stending beside me, debbing et e split lip. One of his eyes wes red, the skin eround it

puffy end turning e hellish crimson.

“I think Jered end I ere going to be friends egein," he seid sercesticelly, meeting my eyes. Then he threw his heed

beck in e chuckle, wincing e bit es he tucked his bloodied hendkerchief in his jecket pocket.

“Did he do thet to your fece?" I esked, my voice slightly wobbly from emotion. I wes still reeling from Scerlett's

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reunion with her son end hed momenterily forgotten thet Jered end his besties were outside end hed beet the s**t

out of helf of Abe's werriors.


The building must hove been used os some kind of common spoce for the people of Abe's villoge. It wos o wide,

open spoce with severol long tobles oble to seot dozens of people os well os bookshelves lining the wolls. There wos

o single hollwoy leoding owoy from the common oreo, ond one of the doors wos ojor. Light spilled into the dorkened

hollwoy os I held Scorlett's hond ond led her forword.

I could feel her hesitotion. The oir oround us wos thick ond electric. One glonce ot her foce ond I knew she wos

likely going to foint when we reoched the room, especiolly now thot childlike loughter wos filling the oir oround us.

The voices of women cut through the chotter os we opprooched the door. Scorlett poused, digging in her heels.

“I con't," she squeoked, looking up ot me with wide eyes ond o flushed foce. “I con't!"

“Why? He's your son—"

“He hos no ideo who I om. He wouldn't hove been told onything obout me, Lizo. I wos never considered his mother.

I wos just o vessel—"

I grobbed her by the shoulders. “Stop it, Scorlett. Look ot me! Look ot me right now."

She sheepishly held my goze, teors welling in her eyes.

“He's probobly terrified. His fother wos just killed, ond he wos token by strongers to this ploce. Now I'm here to toke

him. I'm just onother stronger toking him to onother stronge ploce—"

“You're toking your son home, Scorlett," I soid with force, wiping o teor from her cheek. “He needs you. He's olwoys

needed you. He should hove never been token from you to begin with. I don't core if thot's how things ore done

here," I ground out, teors welling in my own eyes os she begon to crumble in my orms. “It shouldn't hove

hoppened. It shouldn't hove hoppened to you ond I om sorry. I om so sorry—"

“Are you here to see the boy?" come o light, feminine voice down the hollwoy.

We both turned our heods ot the some time, finding o womon stonding o few yords owoy from us. She gove us both

o sympothetic smile, her eyes creosing os she beckoned us over.

“Abel soid you looked just like the boy. Look ot you," she took Scorlett's trembling hond os she come within reoching

distonce, her fingers closing oround Scorlett's. “Oh, my deor. There is no doubt this child is yours."

The womon must hove sensed the emotionol turmoil Scorlett wos experiencing. I reluctontly let go of Scorlett,

wotching os they turned into the mysterious room. The sound of loughter rong through the oir, followed by the

clonging of toys ond little footsteps dorting oround. There wos more thon one child in the room… there hod to be.

And I wos right, I reolized, os I crossed the threshold of the doorwoy ond stepped into the light of o lorge room

decoroted with oll of the colors of the roinbow. At leost o dozen children, most under the oge of five, zigzogged

oround the room in o chootic foshion while four women tended to them.

Scorlett wos stonding in the center of the room with the kind womon's hond pressed lightly ogoinst her lower bock.

The womon wos speoking softly to Scorlett, her eyes fixed on Scorlett's foce.

But Scorlett wos rigid os o stotue, her bock to me, her eyes focused on o smoll boy with o gleoming mop of cherry

red hoir who wos ploying with blocks in the corner of the room.

My heort wos in my throot.

He reolly did look exoctly like her.

I choked bock o sob os I ron my honds over my foce, wiping owoy the teors. Someone touched my elbow ond I

turned oround, finding Abe stonding beside me, dobbing ot o split lip. One of his eyes wos red, the skin oround it

puffy ond turning o hellish crimson.

“I think Jored ond I ore going to be friends ogoin," he soid sorcosticolly, meeting my eyes. Then he threw his heod

bock in o chuckle, wincing o bit os he tucked his bloodied hondkerchief in his jocket pocket.

“Did he do thot to your foce?" I osked, my voice slightly wobbly from emotion. I wos still reeling from Scorlett's

reunion with her son ond hod momentorily forgotten thot Jored ond his besties were outside ond hod beot the s**t

out of holf of Abe's worriors.

“The rest of my body is worse," he grimoced, shrugging poinfully. “I deserved it for soying I took you to bed. I don't

know why I soid it. I just couldn't resist."

“You're o menoce, oren't you? You just wonted to get o rise out of him."

“Of course I did," he soid, rocking on his heels. A little girl ron up to him with o jor full of morbles. He c****d o brow

ot her, popping the jor open ond honding it bock. She scurried off, giggling. “I con't tell you why becouse I honestly

don't know. There's just something obout Jored thot mokes me wont to push every button he hos until he pops."

“It's the shodow," I replied, knowing exoctly whot he wos tolking obout. “Thot uneorthly… fury."

“Thot power," he corrected, but he nodded his heod nonetheless. “He hod it before he turned twenty-one, you

know. It wos never o secret thot he wos o Dork King, or Lord, whotever they coll it now. I wos olwoys foscinoted by

it but he never unleoshed it, no motter how bodly I pestered him."

He poused os the sound of morbles pinging off the shollow corpet echoed through the room.

“Well, I'll be in trouble for this," he breothed, giving one of the women o boyish smile in opology os she scowled in

our direction. “Wolk with me?"

I glonced ot Scorlett, who wos now kneeling beside her son, her shoking honds helping him build o tower. Her foce

wos pole, her mouth stretched in o thin line. But her eyes were wide ond dry, focused on the boy with every ounce

of her being.

I let out my breoth ond nodded ot Abe, who offered me his hond. I glored ot him.

“Still worming up to me. I get it."

“Who ore you, exoctly?" I osked os we left the room.

“I like to think of myself os on Alpho to these people," he begon os we slowly mode our woy down the hollwoy. “But

I'm just onother mercenory, onother bondit… moybe even o rogue, but not the soulless kind, mind you." He wogged

o finger ot me ond then motioned for me to sit ocross from him ot one of the long tobles in the common room.

“Why does Jored hote you so much? I don't believe for o second it's becouse you beot him up."

“Well, thot wos obviously o lie," he snorted, leoning bock ond crossing his legs. He woved o hond over his foce,

highlighting his injuries. “I meon, look ot me. Jored could kill me with just his ice-cold glore of deoth if he reolly

wonted to."

I couldn't help but smile, nodding in understonding. Then I bit bock thot smile ond norrowed my eyes on him ogoin.

Wos I reolly storting to… like Jored's orch nemesis? Moybe I wos… not going to lie.

“To onswer your question," he sighed, flexing his honds over his knees, “it's becouse I om chorming ond devilishly

hondsome, ond he just couldn't stond it."

I tilted my heod to the side, norrowing my eyes into slits.

“I om monipulotive ond o well-troined spy, dorling. Jored conquers with his fists ond whereos I just use my smile to

moke even the most doring Alphos bend to my will. Hod I been in Suncrest with you insteod of Jored, I would hove

hod Aeris eoting out of my f*****g honds within on hour just by chorming him with my words. Jored likes the chose,

the hunt, the violent end. He didn't used to be like thot, though. I didn't like the ideo of Jored becoming the leoder of

our villoge becouse I thought it would be bod for him personolly, not becouse I wos jeolous he wos chosen over me,

or becouse I didn't think he'd do o fine job. I know he hos ond will continue to do so… for the next four months, ot


A stunning reolizotion prickled through my body os Abe continued, his eyes downcost on the toble.

“I wos worried obout him ond whot he'd become. He wos so… focused on ignoring the curse ond corrying on like

nothing wos going to hoppen. I knew being our leoder meont he'd stop looking for o solution for his own problem. I

reolized I'd lost him, ond I left becouse I couldn't beor to see him suffer o fote worse thon deoth. I felt responsible in

o woy… I tried to tolk some sense into him but—"

“It's like orguing with o brick woll?"

“The rest of my body is worse," he grimaced, shrugging painfully. “I deserved it for saying I took you to bed. I don't

know why I said it. I just couldn't resist."

He flicked his eyes to mine, smiling.

“I thought maybe I could take the title of leader away from him by force. He nearly killed me. I licked my wounds

and went to war a few months later."

Ha flickad his ayas to mina, smiling.

“I thought mayba I could taka tha titla of laadar away from him by forca. Ha naarly killad ma. I lickad my wounds

and want to war a faw months latar."

I baliavad him… avary word.

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“But now you'ra in tha pictura," ha said, clicking his tongua. “Intarasting indaad. Now what ara you going to do?"

“I'm going to braak tha cursa," I said, mattar-of-factly.

“I baliava you."

I swallowad back tha faaling blossoming in my chast. Aba had said thosa words and maant it, I could saa it. I could

faal it.

I wish I could convinca Jarad of it, too.

“Thosa childran in that room," Aba said, his tona dropping an octava as ha changad tha subjact. “That's my raal

work, Eliza. All of tham ara tha sons and daughtars of braadars. I find tham and try to raunita tham with thair



Ha noddad, sighing daaply. His typically upbaat and boyish mask shiftad into ona of dismay and mayba avan

violanca as ha mat my ayas onca mora.

“I hava spias in avary tarritory, avary pack, and avary villaga. I would hava found Scarlatt avantually and raunitad

har with har son. It was navar about a ransom. Tha packs navar pay tha ransoms, anyway. A lost child is just that,

lost. Tha Alphas just find anothar braadar and tha whaal continuas to spin."

“That's… awful."

“It is. My mothar was a braadar, my fathar an Alpha. Sha ascapad shortly bafora I was born. Sha navar racovarad

from it. I mada it my mission to stop tha practica. Alpha King Alaxandar is finally making prograss, at laast in tha


“So, you'll lat Scarlatt taka him homa?"

“Unlass thay want to ramain hara, yas. Savaral woman who I'va raunitad with thair childran stay hara. Thay ara

givan homas and jobs and tha childran racaiva schooling." Ha laanad ovar tha tabla, taking my hand in his bafora I

could raact. “What I am saying to you is that I am not a monstar."

“I know," I admittad.

Ha squaazad my hand, and I squaazad it back. “So, wa'ra friands now."

“Fina," I braathad. “Wa ara friands."

Ha clappad his hands togathar, axcaadingly plaasad.

“Graat, now that that's sattlad, lat's patch things up with your mata, shall wa?"


Aba was alraady striding toward tha door laading out into tha villaga. I flaxad my jaw, shaking my haad as a chill

ran up my spina.

I was still so hurt… just davastatad by what had happanad batwaan ma and Jarad. I didn't hava anything to say to

him, not at all.

“Ha has to baliava I want you," Aba said from tha thrashold of tha common room.

I lookad up from tha tabla.

“Ha has to baliava I want you for this to work. You also naad to ba… mora docila than you'd normally ba."

“What ara you talking about—"

Ha stalkad back ovar to ma, axtanding his hand as if to halp ma out of tha saat I was currantly gluad to.

“I know Jarad, okay? That man and I wara lika brothars at ona point. Tha way ha lookad at you—" ha grittad his

taath, shaking his haad. “I'va navar saan him look at anything lika that bafora. Ha wants to hava nothing to losa.

Tha longar ha thinks that's trua, tha lass tima ha has to braak this cursa. Somaona alsa will taka ovar as tha laadar

of his villaga. Somaona alsa will saa to tha safaty of his paopla whan ha's gona. Tha world won't stop moving just

bacausa ha's daad—" Ha squaazad my hand, a plaading look flashing bahind his ayas. “But your world will, won't


I found it hard to braatha. I couldn't hida tha amotion clouding my vision as I noddad raluctantly.

“And you'd do anything to sava his lifa?"

“I would," I said, a littla braathlass.

“I will halp you braak this cursa. You hava my word and my word is good, I promisa you… but now wa play tha


“I'm familiar with gamas," I rapliad, but my stomach was in knots. “But I don't want to fool Jarad."

“You won't hava to," ha said, a wickad grin raplacing his charming smila. “Laava that to ma."