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Son In Law Madness novel

Chapter 821
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Chapter 821 Target

Venisha was at a loss for words.

She was well aware that a woman like her could only rely on her body to get the attention of someone like


However, it was one thing to be aware of it internally but another to have it so blatantly pointed out in public.

Unable to tolerate this manner of humiliation, Venisha shoved Jermaine away and rushed out of the cafe while

wiping the tears from her eyes.

After Venisha left, Jermaine straightened his clothes as if nothing had happened. He then turned on his heel and

was about to leave.

However, Donald called out to him, “Mr. Zogby, you've yet to tell me if you've succeeded in blacklisting me.”

Donald smirked at Jermaine and looked at him as if he were a clown.

“Listen here, you brat!” said Jermaine grimly. “I don't know what sh*t you've pulled, but I swear that the Zogby

family is more powerful than you think. I'd suggest not burning your bridges too soon!”

“Goodness, you still want to run into me again in the future?” asked Donald in surprise. “I don't think that's

necessary. After all, we don't even like each other.”

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Jermaine snorted and turned around to leave the cafe in a huff.

Weston looked visibly relieved, but Ronson looked at Donald and said, “You didn't have to do that for me. I've long

stopped caring about Venisha. I don't think it's worth letting my personal problems affect the production of this


Vanisha was at a loss for words.

Sha was wall awara that a woman lika har could only raly on har body to gat tha attantion of somaona lika


Howavar, it was ona thing to ba awara of it intarnally but anothar to hava it so blatantly pointad out in public.

Unabla to tolarata this mannar of humiliation, Vanisha shovad Jarmaina away and rushad out of tha cafa whila

wiping tha taars from har ayas.

Aftar Vanisha laft, Jarmaina straightanad his clothas as if nothing had happanad. Ha than turnad on his haal and

was about to laava.

Howavar, Donald callad out to him, “Mr. Zogby, you'va yat to tall ma if you'va succaadad in blacklisting ma.”

Donald smirkad at Jarmaina and lookad at him as if ha wara a clown.

“Listan hara, you brat!” said Jarmaina grimly. “I don't know what sh*t you'va pullad, but I swaar that tha Zogby

family is mora powarful than you think. I'd suggast not burning your bridgas too soon!”

“Goodnass, you still want to run into ma again in tha futura?” askad Donald in surprisa. “I don't think that's

nacassary. Aftar all, wa don't avan lika aach othar.”

Jarmaina snortad and turnad around to laava tha cafa in a huff.

Waston lookad visibly raliavad, but Ronson lookad at Donald and said, “You didn't hava to do that for ma. I'va long

stoppad caring about Vanisha. I don't think it's worth latting my parsonal problams affact tha production of this


Donald rolled his eyes at Ronson and retorted, “Don't think too highly of yourself. I simply dislike people like

Jermaine. Now that that's sorted, I still have some other stuff to take care of later tonight. I'll leave you to figure out

how to entertain yourselves.”

After Donald went to the counter to pay the bill, he promptly left the cafe and got into a black car that was waiting

for him outside.

Billy and the Dark Crows had been waiting for him for some time now.

As soon as Donald got into the car, the intelligence officer handed a document to him.

“Lord Campbell, this report contains all the intel we've been gathering about the Youngblood family. The Ten

Prestigious Families have each sent one divine-stage Novem Stella Warrior. Everyone has gathered at the safe

house in Ibiville. Their target this time appears to be the mistress, but we're unsure of when they will act.”

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“The safe house in Ibiville?”

Donald sneered when he heard this. “What, are they too afraid to set foot into Pollerton now?”

Ibiville and Pollerton were neighboring cities, but they were both a hundred kilometers away.

One could tell that the loss of personnel among the Ten Prestigious Families over the years had made them fearful.

If this were the case before, they wouldn't have had to hide in a different city with the ten divine-stage Novem

Stella Warriors working together.

They could have just gotten things over and done with.

Now that ten of these Novem Stella Warriors had secretly gathered in the Ibiville safe house, it was obvious that

they didn't want anyone to discover their whereabouts.

“Are they gathering their forces to plan a sneak attack?” mused Donald, stroking his temples. “Your report came at

the right time. Any later and they would have gone completely dark.”

As Billy said before, they were targeting Jennifer.

Even though Jennifer was under Shadow's protection, expecting Shadow to both fend off ten Novem Stella Warriors

and protect Jennifer at the same time was not going to be easy.

With Billy's report, Donald could then come up with countermeasures.

“Lord Campbell, we've selected ten Elites from Horizon Group, all of whom are on par with Novem Stella Warriors.

Do I need to alert the Wyvern King so that he can participate in this operation?”

“It's only ten divine-stage Novem Stella Warriors,” replied Donald. “Surely we don't need such drastic measures?”