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Son In Law Madness novel

Chapter 969
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Chapter 969 A Direct Confrontation

Adler's face changed instantly when he heard the four men were from the Ghost Flag.

Adler's face changed instantly when he heard the four men were from the Ghost Flag.

Before further inquiries could be made, the man whom Adler had targeted tilted his head, a trickle of fresh blood

escaping from the corner of his mouth. He crumpled to the ground, experiencing a series of convulsions before

swiftly succumbing, his breath fading away.

“Seriously? Still resorting to poison? What century do you think we're living in?” Adler remarked, recognizing that

the man must have ingested poison. That explained his rapid demise.

Holding his shotgun, Adler returned to the car. He made a gesture to the driver, signaling him to continue driving.

As the car started up again, Weston looked out the window at the four bodies and asked, “Mr. Hackett, won't this

cause any trouble? You told me before that your shotgun was only for hunting. Now that you've shot people, won't

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the patrolmen come knocking?”

Firearms control has consistently been highly stringent in the country.

The mere fact that Adler possessed a hunting shotgun was already indicative of a notable privilege.

His continued use of this shotgun for lethal purposes left Weston finding it difficult to believe that Adler had not

entangled himself in grave consequences.

Adler let out a sigh as he replied, “The dynamics here differ from those in your city. For us hunters, the true peril

often arises from fellow humans, not the wolves across the plains. This shotgun isn't primarily intended for guarding

against animals; it's more about safeguarding ourselves from people. I went down to inquire and discovered that all

four of them are affiliated with the Ghost Flag. Individuals of their ilk don't merit mourning. Who knows, my

courageous action might even earn me recognition and a reward.”

Weston could not believe his ears. You fired shots and killed four people straight off the bat, and you still expect to

be hailed as a hero and receive a reward?

However, judging by Adler's expression, it did not seem he was joking.

Seated off to the side, Drogo inquired, “What exactly is this Ghost Flag? Is it some sort of bandit organization?”

Adler took out his pipe, took a puff, and said lightly, “The Ghost Flag isn't really a band of outlaws, they're far more

formidable than ordinary bandits. No one knows when they came into existence, and no one knows where their

main base is. The people under the ghost flag are all armed, and they're up to no good, always causing trouble

wherever they go. Among us, there's a prevailing belief that the leader of the Ghost Flag is, in fact, a formidable

spirit that has returned from hell. Consequently, anyone who becomes his target doesn't live to witness another


Adler's demeanor remained composed as he spoke those words, almost as if he were discussing matters belonging

to someone else. However, his tranquil tone sent shivers down the spines of those around him.

Weston looked at Adler and asked, “You just killed their men. You won't get into any trouble, won't you?”

Adler gave a pat to the shotgun in his grip and remarked, “I possess a firearm, so why should I be afraid of those

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cowards? All that talk about returning from hell is nothing more than their own self-promotion. There's no concept

of 'hell' on our plains.”

Seeing that Adler did not take this so-called Ghost Flag seriously, everyone else breathed a sigh of relief, feeling

that the organization probably was not as terrifying as they thought.

Fortunately, nothing happened along the way. Adler fetched a few horses from the station and then led the way to

his home.

Owing to the exceedingly isolated location, their sole modes of transportation for a significant duration were horses

or donkeys.

Weston and Drogo had already spent several days getting used to horse riding.

Consequently, even though the two of them exhibited a certain level of unease while on horseback, they could still

be deemed proficient in horse riding.

As they readied themselves to witness Donald's potentially awkward first horse ride, they were taken aback by his

unexpected agility. With one hand firmly grasping the horse's mane and using both feet to push off the ground,

Donald smoothly and elegantly mounted the horse.

Both of them were dumbfounded by Donald's move. What's happening here? How is he so skilled at mounting a
