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Starting with A Divorce by Gloria Warren

Chapter 391
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Go Through the Same Thing

The girl smiled and raised her right hand. A cigarette ***fell from her hand and fell to the ground before

Stella’s eyes.

The girl slowly walked out of the light smoke, followed by a few other female students.

Each of them looked at Stella with ill intentions.

Stella thought, get prepared?

What does that mean?

Stella watched in horror as those people slowly walked toward her. In the next second, she was directly

pushed to the last cubicle of the bathroom.

“What are you guys doing?” Stella asked in fear.

A hand reached over and pressed against the door of the cubicle.

Stella seemed to realize something and frantically slapped the door of the cubicle, but no matter what

she said or did, there was no point.

Because from the top of the cubicle, a ***cloth fell and covered the cubicle, which was exactly the same

as she had done to Serina.

“Let me out! What are you guys trying to do? Are you guys out of your mind?”

A large bucket of water was poured on Stella’s head, causing a dull pain.

Stella was drenched with water. She seemed to hear someone outside the toilet say,

“You deserve it. You are the one who is out of your mind.”

After those people left, Stella pushed open the door of the cubicle and walked out.

Stella leaned in the corner of the bathroom in a sorry state. Stella was wet all over. She crossed her

arms and her hair was messy against her scalp.

Stella was now in exactly the same situation as Serina had been. It turns out that it feels so terrible,

Stella thought.

Suddenly, the sound of footsteps came closer and closer. Stella looked at the door nervously. A man in a

suit stood in front of her and looked down at her.

Stella’s cold lips trembled. “What… What are you doing here?”

Stella thought, that group of madmen has already made me so miserable. What else does this man want

to do?

But the man only took a cigarette out of his pocket and lit it. Then he crouched down, took a puff, blew it

into Stella’s cheeks, and said in a cold voice, “Does it smell good?”

Stella choked and coughed. She looked at this person in confusion. “What are you trying to do? Are you


“I’m asking you if it smells good.” The man was wearing leather gloves and smelled of tobacco.

Then the man reached out a hand to touch Stella’s face. “Answer me!”

The coldness from those eyes made Stella’s entire body freeze. Her shoulders trembled

in fear. “Yes, it smells nice.”

These two days, Stella had been tortured until she felt ill at ease. She always felt that someone wanted

to harm her. The arrogance she used to have as a rich young lady had long gone.

“The reason why it smells good is that this cigarette is nobler than you, and you are cheap and ***. Has

no one taught you not to offend people you shouldn’t? Are you courting death?” The man said in a low


It was not cold, but Stella already couldn’t help but tremble.

“Sorry.” Stella tried her best to control her trembling body.

“Now you say you’re sorry? Are you happy these two days? You enjoy being purposely made difficulties

for, don’t you?”

“I… I’m sorry. It was my fault. I shouldn’t have done those things to Serina. Please let me

I have suffered everything she has suffered. Please spare me!” Stella’s face was full of tears, and she

was no longer the ****person in front of Serina a few days ago.

The man slowly stood up and threw the cigarette ***on the ground. Then he stepped on it and ground it

with his leather shoes.

Stella was frightened by this small action. She always felt as if the man would like to step on her.

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“Do you want to save the Barnett Group?”

After Stella got what the man meant, she nodded vigorously.

The man said in a low voice, “Who told you to do that to Serina?”

Stella thought back and forth in the blink of an eye. And her father and mother’s worried expressions and

everything that had happened today flashed into her mind. Finally,

Stella sobbed, “It… It is Irene. She is the one who told me to do that.”

“Are you

sure?” The man raised an eyebrow.

Stella hurriedly took out her phone, found the recording, and played it. “I can prove it.”

The two people talking in the recording were Stella and Irene.

“Let everyone in Seattle know what Irene has done, and then the Barnett Group can be saved.

Remember, before tonight.” The man finished speaking and walked out.

Stella wiped away her tears and gulped.

The man walked out of the school gates and returned to the car to make a call. “Mr. Gage, everything is


“OK, is the statement ready?”

Roman said seriously, “Yes.”


Not long after, about two hours later, a video directly rushed up to the hot search.

The daughter of the Barnett family pointed out that Irene wanted to harm Manuel’s sister, Serina, and

there was a recording to prove it. What was more, many students from the University of Washington

testified for her.

This recording directly pushed Irene into the spotlight. When she saw the video, she directly smashed

her phone.

Irene really didn’t expect that Stella would actually dare to openly sell her out in such a


As Manuel’s fiancée, Irene would be reproached hard for doing such a thing.

Clara knocked on the door at the time, “Ms. Wade, Mr. Wade wants to see you.”

Irene’s body trembled. Irene thought, it must be about the recording.

“Ms. Wade, Mr. Wade is currently in a fit of anger. Say something nice to him,” Clara said


Brady’s study room was currently emitting an oppressive aura. Irene walked into the

room but Brady didn’t say anything but went on painting on the paper.

Serina knew that Brady was full of anger at the moment.

“Grandpa, it’s my fault. I didn’t know…” Irene said immediately.

“***up!” Brady suddenly threw the brush in his hand on the table, and the paints

splashed all over Irene, but she didn’t dare to dodge.

“You piece of trash! It was indeed your fault. The engagement ceremony between you

and Manuel will be held only in a few days, and you actually dared to cause such a big

problem? Serina is Manuel’s younger sister. How can you treat her like this? And now you are putting

yourself in great trouble. How could Manuel possibly forgive you for what you have done to his younger

sister?” Brady was furious.

Irene was dejected and did not dare to make a sound. She knew that she had done.

something wrong.

In order to deal with Ainsley, Serina had already lost her mind.

“Grandpa, at this critical moment, I think I should clarify this immediately,” Irene said


“That ****has already released the voice recording between the two of you. Do you think anyone will

believe what you say? I think you have already forgotten everything I taught

you!” Brady said angrily.

Irene didn’t dare to say anything more. Serina thought, yes, it is indeed my fault. Grandpa

has told me not to leave any evidence behind. This time, I’ve actually forgotten about


However, Serina really hadn’t expected Stella to actually dare to record their


“Go call Manuel now and explain to him. Tell him that there is some misunderstanding

and Stella wants to frame you,” Brady said with a dark face.

Chapter 393 She Deserves It

“Can he believe it?” Irene asked hesitantly.


you don’t call him, would he believe you? Right now, what matters is not others’

attitudes, but whether Manuel will still marry you. Manuel must have known it when

Stella uploaded the video,” Brady said in a low voice.

Irene felt a wave of lingering fear. She had used Serina many times. Perhaps Manuel had

long been holding grudges against Irene, and now he would take revenge.

Irene thought for a long time and made a call.

She tried several times, but no one answered. Irene was panicked. “He won’t answer.”

Brady frowned. Clara ran over in a panic. “Mr. Wade, Ms. Wade. Something goes wrong!


Clara showed them a piece of astonishing news with a tablet.

The first person to respond to Stella’s video was not Irene, but Manuel. Realizing that

they’ve hurt Serina, Manuel announced that he would break off the engagement with


After seeing this announcement, Irene sat on the ground and blacked out. She could not believe it. But

she knew why Manuel would do this.

Brady had been forcing himself to be rational, but he failed. He looked at Irene angrily. “It’s just three

days before your engagement party. Now, the Gage family sent out a

notice and broke off the engagement. How embarrassing!”

Brady stared straight at Irene and asked angrily, “What else did you do?”

He thought, Manuel shouldn’t be so angry just because of that one thing.

“Grandfather, I didn’t do anything else.”

Brady racked his brains but couldn’t figure out why Manuel would cancel the

engagement for such a small matter.

The engagement was important. Generally, if someone like Manuel wanted to cancel it, he would have to

discuss it with the other side. They should come up with a method that

would make it easy for both sides.

However, Manuel’s move brought ***to the Wade family. Irene held her phone tightly in frustration. She

called Manuel again, but there was still no answer.

“***! He has issued this notice without discussing it with you. Do you really think he will

pick up your call?” Brady regained his rationality.

He narrowed his eyes and muttered, “I wonder if Koen knows about this.”

Brady looked at Irene again, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

At the Easton family.

Ainsley was treating Serina at home. After several days of hard work, Serina finally

regained some of her rationality.

But her eyes were still dull, and only when she looked at Ainsley could she be a little


Ainsley turned on the TV. The large living room echoed with the news anchor’s voice. The news anchor

was neatly dressed and broadcasting the latest news.

“It is said that the first one to respond to Stella’s video was not the Wade family, but the Gage family. The

Gage family sent out a notice, canceling the engagement banquet three days later. The Wade family has

yet to respond…”

Ainsley looked at the news with shock. Ever since she came back from Ocala, she had guessed that this

day would come. But she had not expected it to be so soon.

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“Ah, she deserves it! She deserves it!” Serina suddenly laughed and clapped excitedly.

“Serina, you…”

“Ainsley, she’s a bad person. She bullied you,” Serina said in a child’s tone. Serina’s eyes

were still filled with confusion.

Ainsley understood that Serina was not clear-headed. Serina just believed that those

who bullied Ainsley were all bad people.

At Pearl Hotel.

Manuel was negotiating a tie-up with his business partner. Before it was officially settled, Irene walked

over. When she met Manuel’s business partner, she laughed


The man looked at Irene and Manuel awkwardly. He didn’t expect that Irene would find

this place.

“Mr. Surrey, I thought that we were good before. But then you suddenly rejected to cooperate with us and

didn’t answer my call. I went to your home, but you refused to see me. So you have found a more

suitable partner? Manuel, are you sure you want to poach

my people?” She looked at Manuel in disbelief.

In the silence, Manuel calmly took out the contract from his briefcase and signed it with a pen. Then he

gave it to Korbin and signaled him to sign..

Korbin was sweating. He took out a handkerchief from his pocket and wiped his forehead. Then he

pulled the contract over and took out a pen to sign on it.

Before Korbin could finish writing, Irene fiercely pulled out the contract and tore it into


“Mr. Surrey, I have something to discuss with Manuel. Please leave first.” The veins on her forehead

bulged. Irene was about to lose control of her anger.

Korbin had just wiped away his sweat when he broke out in cold sweat again. He looked at Manuel

nervously. Without Manuel’s permission, he dared not leave.

Roman served the last dish with a chef’s hat. When he saw the three people, he quickly figured out what

had happened. Then Roman noticed the torn contract on the ground. He immediately reacted.

“Mr. Surrey, come with me. This contract has been torn apart. I have another copy in my office. Why

don’t you come and sign it? When Mr. Gage has also signed it, I will send it to


“Okay, okay.” Korbin hurriedly followed Roman and left.

Manuel filled the glass with water calmly. “Ms. Wade, since we’ve already canceled the engagement

party, don’t show up like this. I don’t want to cause a misunderstanding.”

Irene smiled ironically. “Misunderstanding? Whose misunderstanding? Who do you

worry about the most? If you mean Ainsley, then she had already started to misunderstand us three

years ago. Isn’t it a bit too late for you to worry about her now?”

Manuel didn’t say anything.

“Say something! Why did you cancel the engagement party without discussing it with me? Do you know

how much of an impact this will have on my family?”

Manuel smashed the glass on the table. “Then what about Serina? Do you know how

much bad influence you have on Serina?”

“Manuel, I know that you are very angry about this matter, but you can’t just listen to

Stella’s side of the story…”

“***up,” Manuel said coldly.

He suddenly stood up and approached Irene, his eyes showing a thick sense of


Manuel was too tired. “Just once? I know about all those things you’ve done. I didn’t care about it before,

but it doesn’t mean I will never care about it. Irene, there is retribution for everything you’ve done. If the

law can’t punish you, I will always keep an eye on you.”

“Aren’t you afraid of me…?”

“Why will I be afraid of you? Are you gonna threaten the people around me? I won’t be trapped again by

the same trick. Remember why we get engaged in the first place,”

Manuel said in Irene’s ear.