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Stop It She's Remarrying by Stellar Strands

Chatper 1110-1117
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Chapter 1111 Fia whipped a kick at Conrad's right leg, forcing him to kneel down from losing balance.

Kneeling down, the man raised his head and stared at the skinny woman before him, wanting to have a clear look at her face.

She had a refined nose, slightly tanned skin and a pair of cold, seductive eyes. Even with the sunglasses, she was quite a looker.

The woman looked at him with a faint smile curved across her face.

“Who... Who are you?” Conrad asked as he held a hand on his aching chest. He did not understand why... Although he did not know this woman nor had he seen her before, Conrad could feel his heart aching agonizingly from just seeing her.

Fia's eyes turned even colder as she replied, “Me? I'm the

woman who made you kneel!” Finishing her words, she carried her son in her arms and returned to the car.

Seeing her mother and brother come into the car, Irene held Fia’s hand and asked curiously, ” Mommy, why did you bully that big mister?” “I did not.” Fia took her children into her embrace as she took a long, thoughtful gaze out of the window.

Conrad used his cane to help him get up on his feet. He was still frowning and groaning in pain. The kick was quite strong and it hurt him a great deal! As Fia drove by, the last image of Conrad in her eyes was of him limping away with his cane. With a grimace on her face, Fia forcefully wiped away a tear that streamed out her eye.

Times had changed and karma finally found its way to that

horrible man. He even had one of his legs injured to the point of needing a cane to walk! Ha! The man had it coming! Staring at the car's plate number, Conrad dialed a number on his phone.

“Silas, get someone to follow a car. | want you to investigate a woman!” After hearing his boss hang up after giving him the instruction and a car's plate number, Silas could do nothing but stare at his phone in disbelief.

In the past five Felicity.

years, his boss had never let any woman near him other than his mother and.

Why did he ask him to investigate a woman out of the blue? Naturally, this piqued his interest. So, he immediately sent his men to photograph the woman.

Then, Silas was stunned when he saw the picture that his underlings sent him.

“This woman resembles Madam so much!” Yet, after a closer look...

“Hmm, well... She doesn't look exactly the same as Madam.

“Madam looked gentle and kind. This woman looks so aloof and cool.” Silas then recalled a person that could probably help him verify this. So, he sent the picture to that person.

Meanwhile, Eileen had finished filming a scene and was having a short rest. After having seen. the picture that was sent to her phone, Eileen sent him a voice message.

“This lady is so fine! So, Silas.... Is this your new girlfriend? Are you sure you can handle her though?” “Oh, for God's sake!” Silas impatiently called Eileen.

“Sir asked me to investigate this woman. | noticed that she resembles Madam. But they do not seem to

share the same temperament. You and Madam are good friends so | thought you. should have a look.” “Hehe!” Eileen smirked. “Fia had passed away such a long time ago. That man had also moved on and been with her half-sister. Yet, you're telling me he still thinks of Fia?” “Look, we talked about this. Sir had to marry Esme Manning because Madam was kidnapped. He had to do it for her safety...” “Still, that doesn’t change the fact he had hurt her.” Eileen ended the call without hesitation. She did not want to hear Silas making excuses for Conrad.

She then took another look at the picture and furrowed her brows.

“Lyn, take a look. Do you think she looks like Fia?” After taking a good look at the picture, Lynn shook her head and said, “Nope. She was such a kind lady

and always exhibited a warm, pleasant attitude to everyone.

This woman doesn't look friendly at all.” “Indeed. And her skin isn't as fair as Fia's.” However, Eileen noticed something quite peculiar. “But her mouth... It does look like Fia's.” Lynn nodded. “It sure does. Still, her eyes aren't like hers. And she would never act so cold to others.” Eileen felt her heart aching as she remembered her late best friend. She handed her phone to Lyn.

“Everyone is unique in their own way. No one is replaceable...

Fia is not replaceable!” “Eileen, personally | actually feel sorry for Mr. Maxwell. He was such a prideful, powerful man back then. Yet now, he is limping and he also lost his memory. On top of that, he’s being tricked and lied to by his mother... His own mother! His flesh and blood working together with outsiders to trick him...”

Eileen curved a cold smile and said, “He deserves it. He'd better live the rest of his life in this pathetic lie and lose himself in it! He owes it to Fial”

Chapter 1112 Lyn sighed and stopped talking. She knew there was nothing she could say to make Eileen forgive Conrad.

Looking at the woman in the picture, Eileen had an idea.

Perhaps Conrad would stop entertaining Felicity after this woman appeared in his life? Just because she and Fia looked somewhat alike? Eileen really hated Felicity! This wench was just like Esme! No matter how much she pretended to be kind and innocent, she was just another filthy wench that got near Conrad with ulterior motives.

“Lyn, get Kent to find this woman. | want to make a deal with her!” Hearing those words, Lyn could not help but to have a bad feeling about this.

“Eileen... Could you please focus on your work and not do anything reckless...” At midnight, Fia submerged herself in a full tank of warm water in her bathtub after soothing her children to sleep.

Her mind was completely muddled with all kinds of thoughts after meeting Conrad that day. She had not felt so much frustration and annoyance in such a long time.

Yet, the more she submerged herself in the tub, the more she thought about Conrad.

It had been five years since they last met. He did not seem to have changed one bit. In fact, he became even more indifferent to everything around him. Even though he was now limping, he was still as prideful as ever, not giving in to self-pity.

‘When she took off her sunglasses, Fia had really wanted him to recognize her. Yet, he did not. All he

gave her was confusion and bewilderment. He did not display any doubt at all.

“Hehe...” Raising her head out of the water, Fia could not help but to laugh to herself silently. Yet, when she tilted her head to the side, her face was met with strong streams of water from the shower head. Her laugh was stifled to a silent sob as the shower washed away her tears.

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“Mommy?” Suddenly, Irene’s voice could be heard outside. Fia quickly put on a bathrobe and opened the door.

“Oh, why did my dear Irene wake up? Is something bothering you?” Fia bent down and caressed her daughter's face while taking extra care not to let her wet hair drench her precious baby.

Irene pouted. “I didn’t see you when | opened my eyes. So I'm

worried for you.” “Oh, don’t worry. Mommy is just taking a bath.” “Mommy, your hair is still wet. You have to dry it quickly. Daddy said if you leave it wet, it's bad for your health.” When she heard her daughter mention Lucifer, Fia recalled that she had not given him an update call yet. So, she grabbed a towel to wrap her head and brought Irene back to the bedroom.

“Daddy!” ‘When the call was received on the other end, Irene called out to the man in delight. Sitting in a dark room, the man gave a smile as he heard Irene’s sweet voice.

“Oh, look who it is. It's our dear Irene. Tell me, why isn't my princess sleeping yet?” “I just woke up and Mommy was not around. So | went to find her.”

Feeling his nerves tense up, Lucifer asked, “Where did she go?” “I was taking a bath.” Fia lightly wiped the tip of Irene’s nose with her finger and jested, ” Without you around, these babies don't even let me have a relaxed bath.” Bursting into laughter, Lucifer said, “I see! How about this? After you complete this mission, we'll elope, bringing Adrian and Irene with us. What do you think?” The smile on Fia’s face faded upon hearing that. “What a terrible joke.” Irene spoke into the phone while hooking her arms on her mother’s neck. “Daddy, you should scold Mommy! She hasn't dried her hair yet!” Lucifer sighed. “Fia, go dry your hair. You don't want to be a bad influence on Irene, do you?” “Fine, I'll hang up then.” Fia hung up without hesitation.

“Irene, my precious baby, you go to sleep first, okay? | need to dry my hair.” “Okay!” Irene laid on the bed obediently.

When she saw that Fia was leaving the room, Irene asked, “Mommy, can you dry your hair in my room?” “Fine, I'll bring the hair dryer over.” After staring at her mother drying her hair for some time, Irene finally fell asleep. Seeing that her daughter had fallen asleep, Fia carefully switched off her hair dryer even though her hair was not completely dried yet..

She stepped out of her daughter's room and went to the next room, her son's bedroom, to check on him.

Yet, before she could open his door, the doorbell rang.

Fia quickly grabbed a dagger that was hidden under the

bathroom’s sink and approached the entrance.

This was her first time living in this apartment despite having bought it for three years under her children’s names.

Therefore, it was quite unlikely for them to have any visitor- especially at this hour. She had to be vigilant.

After opening the door, Fia furrowed her brows when she saw a woman wearing a long coat, sunglasses, and face mask standing before her. This made her ‘even more cautious than ever. Then, the woman took off her sunglasses and face mask. It was Eileen! Eileen gave her a sweet smile and said, “Good evening. I'm sorry for disturbing you at this hour.” Fia felt as though something had gotten stuck in her throat while she stared at the woman before her.

How did Eileen find her? Could Lucifer have told Eileen about her? That she faked her death? This was not entirely impossible since Lucifer was a complete nutjob

who would never do things by the book! “Miss, | suppose you know me, right?” Eileen said, “I'm Eileen.

A superstar.” Fia blinked and looked at her old friend again intently. She then realized that Eileen had not recognized her yet.

“Of course. You're quite popular, Ms. Reid,” Fia said coldly.

Eileen’s eyes widened in surprise. “Your voice...." Then, she took a good look at her and said, “Your mouth looks like my best friend's. You two are about the same height. Not only that, even your voices sound the same!” “Well, | don’t know you, Ms. Reid. Perhaps you could tell me why you're here?” years Fia did not intend to have a reunion with her friend just yet.

She faked her death five ago, wanting to

find a different path in life. She did not want to be overshadowed by anyone.


Now, she had the ability to survive on her own. Yet, she was still under Lucifer’s control.

She and Eileen were now people of different worlds. They should not reunite and be friends again. It was for her friend's own good.

Eileen stared at Fia for a while. Suddenly, tears rolled down her face.

“Your voice... It's just like my best friend's. But you and her...

You don't act like her.” Fia spoke in an impatient voice. “I'm not your friend. I'm afraid you've got the wrong person.” Then, she began to close the door.

“Wait!” Eileen put a hand on the edge of the door, stopping it from closing.

“I want to make a deal with you!”

Ten minutes later, Fia lazed on her sofa while Eileen stared at her nervously.

“So, have you understood what | said earlier?” “You told me a story. A rather long one at that.” Fia replied coldly, “But what does this have anything to do with me?” n “Of course, you've got nothing to do with it. But | really need your help! Conrad Maxwell is such a jerk! So what if he’s lost his memories? It doesn’t change what he did to my best friend! Since he treats Felicity so well just because her voice sounds like Fia's... I'll find someone who resembles her! Please, you've got to help me! Of course, you're not going to do it for free. Just name the price and I'll pay you!” Staring at the ceiling, Fia asked, “So, you want me to seduce

that man and then dump him?” “Yes! | want him to taste the same thing my best friend went through-to have someone play him like a fiddle before discarding him like trash!” Eileen said with a scowl.

Fia, however, was feeling conflicted. She did not expect Conrad to have lost his memories. So, he was not just crippled but had also lost his memories. Not only that, his mother, one of the people he hated most, had his life on a tight leash.

So... he was not living as happily as she had imagined.

Suddenly, she had an urge to probe Eileen further. After faking her death five years ago, she never tried to find out what had happened to everyone she knew. The reason she received news of Eileen was because she had become very successful in her acting career. She saw Eileen’s face on posters

and advertisement banners everywhere she went when she was out on a mission.

This was why she could hold in her urge to see Eileen whenever she was out in the open, because she had seen her friend's face in the posters, and it was enough for her.. Knowing that her friend was doing well was good enough for her.

“Ms. Reid, why aren't you doing it yourself?” Still, to keep her identity a secret, Fia had to say this, even though it might upset her friend.

Hearing this, as expected, Eileen got upset and said, “Me? | hate him! How'd | be able to seduce him? It's so disgusting!” “Yet, it's okay if | do it? You didn't think I'd be disgusted too?” Fia sat up and combed her hair with her fingers, looking at Eileen straight in the eyes. “I'm a mother. A mother of two.” “Huh?” Eileen was stunned hearing this. “But you look so

young!” “It's just good maintenance,” Fia answered sarcastically.

Eileen began to fidget in her seat awkwardly. She had only thought about asking this woman to seduce Conrad and bring him pain, but she did not think about the possibility that she might have a family.

“I... I'm so sorry!” She stood up and bowed at Fia apologetically.

Seeing how earnest her apology was, Fia lowered her head to stifle her laugh, fearing that she might blow her cover.

Chapter 1114 “I haven't considered that you might have a family... or that you already have children. If | knew that, | wouldn't have come to ask something so horrendous from you,” Elleen explained. “It's alright.” Fia stood up and said, “Allow me to see you off, Ms. Reid.” “Certainly. Again, I'm terribly sorry.” Eileen apologized as she walked toward the door.


“Mommy, who's she?” Adrian asked as he stepped into the living room barefooted, rubbing his eyes drowsily.

Fia hurried to him and asked, “Adrian, why aren't you wearing your slippers? You could catch. a cold!” Then, she quickly went to her son’s room to bring him his slippers. Eileen and Adrian, on the other hand, were staring at one another in the living room.

“Who are you?” Adrian asked curiously.

Feeling an intense warmth from meeting the boy, Eileen stepped toward him, squatted down and spoke to him gently, “Hello, my name is Eileen Reid. I'm a superstar.” “Eileen Reid?” Adrian blinked and stared at her momentarily before yelping in surprise, “Oh, | know you! Mommy has a magazine that’s got you on it! You're an actor, aren't you?” Eileen was surprised to hear that. “Why, yes. Yes, | am!” “My twin sister's name is Irene! Her name sounds just like yours!” Adrian said joyfully.

Eileen caught a whiff of something fishy from the boy’s words.

“Wait, really?” “Yeah!” Adrian turned and asked his mother, who stepped out of his room with his slippers, Mommy, isn't that right? Irene’s name sounds just like Auntie Eileen’s name!”

Fia lowered her head to avoid looking at Eileen while helping Adrian put on his slippers. Then, she slapped his bottom and hissed, “Go to bed!” “Mommy... “Adrian looked at his mother pitifully. ‘Geez, what is up with Mommy? She's so fierce tonight!’ “I said, go to bed!” Fia said to Adrian sternly. Not daring to defy his mother, Adrian took. another look at Eileen before stepping into his bedroom.

Closing the bedroom’s door, Fia turned and faced Eileen.

“I'll see you out, Ms. Reid.” Eileen tilted her head as she took another good, long look at Fia before saying, “My friend was carrying her twins before she died. If she’s still alive, | wonder... could she also have a boy and a girl like yours...” “Your friend has passed on, Ms. Reid. It's no use making

speculations,” Fia said coldly.

“Could you tell me your name, please?” Eileen asked as she kept on staring at Fia.

Fia could see the tears welling in her old friend's eyes. It was quite apparent that Eileen’s pain. of losing her dearest friend was beginning to resurface after all these years.

Fia looked away and dodged the question. “You're probing too much, Ms. Reid.” “Can we... Can we be friends?” Eileen yelped out her question, sobbing. She had a hunch, a strong one, that this woman's resemblance to Fia was not a coincidence.

“I don't need friends.” Fia almost lost control of her feelings.

She needed to send Eileen away before her longing to reunite with her past broke her cover.

So, she grasped Eileen’s shoulder and pushed her out the door.

Eileen stumbled out the door, feeling extremely puzzled at what she was going through. Fia would never do this to her.

Could it be that... this woman simply looked like Fia? That...

her giving birth to twins was also a coincidence? Even her voice? Her voice being so similar to Fia’s was also a coincidence? Yet, why? Why did she become so saddened and emotional when she saw her? At the same time, Fia glued herself to the door and put an ear on it, listening keenly to see if Eileen had left. She did not want to do this but she had to! There were no footsteps.. This meant that Eileen was still standing outside. If she opened the door, she could confess and reunite with her best friend.

Still, she could not do it. It had been five years! Everyone had already moved on with their lives.

Chapter 1115 So, there was no need for a reunion just because of nostalgia.

Doing so would stir up more complications in everyone's lives.

After lingering for a few more minutes, Eileen sighed and left, seeing that the woman was not willing to open the door again.

Stepping out of the apartment building, she saw a car waiting for her outside.

After getting into the car, she held in the tears in her eyes and asked the driver, “Would kindly find out who this woman is?” you Kent shrugged and said, “Believe me, I've tried. But | can't find anything. This woman isn't a small fry.” “She's got twins. A son and daughter. The boy is about four years old,” Eileen said anxiously. Kent

looked at her speechlessly.

Seeing that he was not going to budge, Eileen kept on saying, “Her voice! Her voice sounds just like Fia's. They are about the same height too!” “Look, the world’s huge. It's not uncommon to find someone resembling another from time to time!” Kent did not want Eileen to keep on dwelling on this matter.

“I've seen her photo. Fia Lawson's got fair skin. This woman's skin color is much darker. Besides, they don't display the same temperament!” “Yeah, | know... They... They don't behave the same way.” Eileen buried her face in her hands. “They are so different. Yet, why did | get so emotional seeing her? Fia was three-months pregnant with her babies back then. If she gave birth to them, they would be about the same. age as the twins she has.” Letting out a sigh, Kent said, “Eileen, it's time to let it go. Fia

would be worried sick for you all if she saw this from the heavens.’ “Hehehe! Worry? For that jerk Conrad too? Conrad Maxwell still lives on peacefully, free of responsibility and guilt! The people around him keep his crime against Fia from him because they want to ‘protect’ him. Even that garbage of a mother of his is now the best mother ever in his eyes. What a perfect life he has!” “I know. | didn’t mean him!” Kent raised his voice impatiently. “I mean you and Jase!" She and Jason had buried themselves in work in the past five years in their attempt to get over Fia's death.

Eileen could release her stress and pacify her frustration via focusing on her acting career. However, Jason was not able to do the same.

Jason, who was once kind and gentle, had turned into a cold, cruel overlord in the business. world, using countless underhanded means to develop and expand Argonauts Corp. He had begun to turn into the cruel, callous man like his half-brother was back then.

Not only that, he had been butting heads with Maxwell Corporation everywhere he went, making it his sworn enemy. It was now a well-known gossip amongst the business elites that the two conglomerates were at each other's throats.

“Argonauts could have developed better and expanded to international heights! Yet, he moved. his headquarters to Lumenpolis just because Maxwell Corporation had moved theirs here! Right now, Conrad Maxwell has the Parkers to back him. What does Jason have? At this rate, Argonauts is going to end up in flames at some point!” Kent said in a fit of anger, “All of this for what? For a woman

who never loved him. What a nutjob!” “If there’s anything he needs help with, you can look for me. I'll do what | can,” Eileen said.

Kent stifled a laugh and said, “Forget it. Jason refuses everyone's help.” IL A moment later, Kent sighed. “Frankly, there's no denying that they both are Garrett Maxwell's sons.

Their talent in doing business is practically unrivaled! Jason only got his hands on his family business mid-way and yet he manages it very well!” “Yeah, you're right.” Eileen nodded in agreement. If there was no bad blood between the two brothers, they would be able to work together and become practically invincible in the business world! “If they could just work together like actual brothers, they'd

have the entire business world in their hands!” Kent said.

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“You could too if you want. But you don't have the ambition,” Eileen jested.

“Me? Ha, forget it. My head hurts whenever | see anything that's not about computers.” “So, how are you and Sally doing?” Hearing this, Kent answered defeatedly, “Like usual.” “Aw, come on. Don't give up. If you don't step up your game, Sally might give up on getting married altogether at this rate.” “Nah, | don’t have the chance. All she has in mind right now is medicine. She won't give me the time of day.” ‘When she heard “medicine”, Adrian's face flashed in her mind.

Suddenly, she had an idea! “That's it!"

“Whoa! What?!" “You can dig up information about her children. If there's no information on her, then what about her children? We can investigate and see which kindergarten her children are attending. If we could find the kindergarten, we could then find out her name through them!” Kent pinched his brows before saying, “Didn't you hear what | said? You should let it go.” “No, | have a strong feeling that there's something more to that woman. | just know it! First, | need to know who she is!” Clenching her teeth, Eileen said determinedly, “| haven't had a hunch this strong in the past five years.”

Chapter 1116 “Yeah? Well, I'll pass!” Kent replied impatiently.

He was so pissed. How could his close friends, every single one of them, all still dwell on Fia’s death after five freaking years?! It felt as though Fia’s death was still haunting them, especially today! Eileen understood Kent's frustration. After all, his childhood friend had fallen into despair and changed into a completely different man. Yet, as his best friend, Kent could do nothing to help him. If this happened to Fia, she would be frustrated too.

“I'm sorry. | promise I'll try to keep it in the next time we meet.” Kent frowned. “We've known each other for so many years. So, I'd like you to trust me when | Say I'm really concerned for you. You and Jase shouldn't dwell on the past like this anymore. It's bad enough that you'd lost Fia. Don't tell me you want to lose

yourself too! Move on! You still have a lot to look forward to in life!” Resting her head against the car's window, Eileen said nonchalantly, “It's not easy to get a best friend like Fia. The world becomes so gray and bleak after she’s gone.” “You still have someone who loves you, your coworkers! You haven't lost everyone. Even though they don’t seem to be as important as Fia, they still genuinely care for you.” Kent comforted her, “Like me, Lyn, and... Victor.” Eileen rolled her eyes at him. “Hmph, what did he bribe you with this time?” “He didn’t bribe me.” Kent sighed. “It’s just that when | see you living all alone like this, 1 can’t help but worry for you.” “I'd rather be alone than be with him.”

Eileen spoke as she closed her eyes, feeling fatigue when she thought of Victor.

Victor had done a lot for her in the past five years, yet he never appeared before her asking for her appreciation. Of course, she would not feel grateful for it. She had suffered too much being his underground lover back then.

That one time of him asking her to abort her baby alone was enough to make her lose. drop of adulation she had for him! every “Find a secluded bar and drop me there,” Eileen said.

Checking his watch, Kent realized that Eileen had a day off the next day. She probably wanted to have a few drinks to destress. Frankly, she really needed it.

Thus, he drove straight to a bar that he knew. It was a secluded yet safe establishment to get a drink.

The security was so tight that only registered members and their guests were allowed in. After scanning his member card at the door, Kent led Eileen to a VIP lounge upstairs. Putting on her face mask, Eileen noticed that there were not many customers hanging out up there.

“Geez, there are not many customers here. What kind of bar is this?” “Only VIPs are allowed here.” Kent then led her to a balcony where she could have a great view of the floor below. He asked after seeing her impressed eyes above her mask, “So, what do you think?” “Not bad.” There was a bar counter nearby that served a lot of high-end wines.

“Go on. Be my guest. They're all from my private stash.”

Eileen took a glance at him. “So this is the place you come whenever you need to get drunk?” “I only come here occasionally. This bar takes great care in protecting its customers’ privacy. So, you don’t need to worry about being recognized in public here.” Kent cooked up a cocktail at the counter and handed it to her.

“Here, have some. But don’t have too much. Alcohol can harm one’s nerves. You'll not be able to perform well as an actor if you drown in these too often.” “If I can’t be an actor anymore, I'll just find somewhere to settle down. Maybe | could start a garden and grow some vegetables and flowers,” Eileen jested.

“Garden? You? Bah, forget it! You're so well-known right now. If you dare to retire now, the public will surely hunt you down and expose you under the spotlight again!” Kent said as he looked at his watch.

“What's wrong? You've got an appointment?” “Sally's performing an operation right now. She'll be off work at three in the morning,” Kent said as he browsed his phone, wanting to order supper for Sally.

“Then what are you standing here for? Go fetch her home.” Eileen said, “Don’t you worry about me.” Kent hesitated for a moment before leaving. It should be fine leaving Eileen alone in this bar. After all, this bar was owned by Victor. So, no one would dare to lay a finger on her here. Of course, Kent could not tell Eileen that. If she knew that this bar belonged to Victor, she would never step into this establishment! Meanwhile, Victor's men approached him to give him a report.

“Sir, Mr. Gilbert brought a woman over tonight.”

Chapter 1117 Victor smirked as he lazed on his sofa drunkenly. “Oh? That Gilbert lover boy? So, he finally won Doctor Sally's heart, aye?” “That... we don’t know. But this woman clad herself in layers of clothing. She even wore sunglasses and a face mask. So, we couldn't see who she is,” his secretary said.

It was then Victor widened his eyes in excitement.

He had a hunch that this woman was her. Well, of course. She was also Kent Gilbert's friend.

“Boss, what's wrong?” The secretary was surprised to see his boss like this. Victor had been drinking all day and had never shown interest in anything like this.

“Where is she?” Victor sat up and grabbed the secretary's collar.

The secretary shivered in fear as he said, “She... She's on the

first floor’s balcony. Mr. Gilbert Not waiting for his secretary to finish his words, Victor shoved him away and ran out the door.

“Cough! Cough Cough!” Conrad coughed painfully as he held a hand on his chest. A few moments later, he got up from his bed and walked to a table nearby to grab a glass of wine.

It was already past midnight yet he couldn't get that woman he met during the day out of his mind. Her slightly tanned skin and cold, sharp glare. She seemed to harbor great hostility. against him.

Yet, her son looked so kind and innocent. It was unthinkable for a cold person like her to be able to raise a kid with this personality. When she landed her kick on his crippled leg, she did. not seem like a person who would show kindness to anyone.

Suddenly, a few knocks could be heard on the door. He heard

his mother calling out to him. ” Conrad, why aren't you sleeping yet?” Conrad took a cold glance at the door before taking the remote control on the table and pressing on a switch. In an instant, darkness veiled the room.

Standing outside of her son’s bedroom, Beryl sighed when she saw the room's light was switched off.

“Conrad, dear, don't be upset with me. I'm just concerned about you.” Taking another gulp from his wine glass, Conrad said, “I know.

I'll sleep soon.” “Today is Felicity’s mother’s birthday. They are holding a birthday party for her. Will you attend it with me?” “Mom, | have an important meeting today.” “I can wait for you. We'll go to the party after your meeting.” Thinking about that woman again, Conrad answered

impatiently, “I need to negotiate an international business deal after the meeting. So, | don't have the time!” 33 Beryl was surprised to hear this. He had never spoken to her like this in the past five years. “Conrad, are you not feeling well?” “I'm fine. | need rest,” Conrad said coldly.

For some reason, today he felt that his mother’s voice was exceedingly irritating to him! This was the first time he felt like this after he woke up from the car crash! Furrowing her brows, Beryl said gently, “Alright. But do come to the Parkers after you're done. Felicity and her mother miss you very much.” “I said | don't have the time!” Beryl furrowed her brows even further upon hearing this.

Something had to have gone wrong today.

Could it be that Silas had said something to him? Or had he perhaps begun to remember something? Thus, Beryl blocked Silas’ path first thing in the morning when he was about to meet his boss. “Did you ‘say something to my son yesterday?” Silas gave Beryl a side-eye and said, “No. We've been loyal to our boss in the past five years. We would never say anything we shouldn't.” “So, it wasn't you?” Beryl looked at Silas suspiciously before deciding that it wasn't him. This loyal servant had been careful to not mention Fia in front of her son, worrying that he might commit suicide again! He even warned Mrs. Whitley, Mrs. Taylor, and other bodyguards to not mention their Fia ever again.

“Are you suspecting something?” Silas gave Beryl a cautious

look. “Or perhaps, you're trying to get something out of our boss again?”