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Stronger by Ang Chris

Chapter 92
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Chapter 92 Graysons POV “Aaaaaaayyayaaaaaaaa. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyaaaaaaaa. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,” Christian wailed unrelentingly.

| was red eyed and holding my son trying to get him to take the formula. Wolf pups were notoriously against anything but their own mother’s milk.

| wanted nothing but for my son to have his mother to nurse him. | wanted nothing more than that, but she wasn't here.

“I'm sorry Christian I'm sorry,” | wanted to weep, all the sorrow | felt before was increased ten times by the sleep. deprivation, crying, and always a full bottle.

| wasn’t sure he'd ever eat. | waited for him to take the bottle to sleep to rest and eventually, he gave in. He took the bottle and he went to sleep and the sun was in the sky already.

“You should have just letdo it,” her mother stood in the doorway like a zombie.

She'd lost weight since her daughter's kidnapping. I noticed it but my animosity towards the woman who found it her new life’s mission to haunteven before she died.

We saw it in two different ways. She thought | was the reason her daughter was gone and | knew if | told her her daughter would have been ashamed of her mother I'd enter the worst of it so | did what my wife would ask ofand | was the bigger person.

Before my wife | would have dealt with this entirely differently, by the goddess did it appeal right now? “He's asleep you can take the next feed,” | handed her the empty bottle.

It would be too soon when Annette was here and her mother was back in Georgia. If that would be enough distance from that heinous woman.

“She plays nice?” James askedas | cdown the stairs.

“As well as she’s able,” | arched a brow in aggravation.

“Well she’ll caround,” he trailed off knowing his mother would always bear a grudge.

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James turned his opinion ofaround after during the battle | took a couple of silver arrows headed for the back of his head. It's why | was so late getting to my wife, I'm sure part of his attitude adjustment was he felt guilty for delaying my arrival to Annette.

Charlie had his own guilt. | had ordered him that day to get back to Annette and on his way, he saw Charlotte pinned down about to die he forgot his sister to save the woman he loved, | know he won't say he loves Charlotte but that boy was rebelling against hundreds of years of tradition just to fumble for words in front of her.

Theodore is the only one without guilt he'd been taken on by at least ten men that night and he ripped them all to shreds to find his wife. He was honest tothat he loved his sister but he wanted to see his wife safe.

1/4 Chapter 92 | couldn’t stand to look at them now the two were always touching relishing the warmth of one another. | turned away every tthey were in the room laughing or just savoring the moment. It made my mood sour and that was the constant now days.

| wanted to be kind, cheerful, and optimistic as my wife would be and then | remembered she was goddess knows where and I had to find her. This is where the issue lies.

1 | walked into the security center my conference room had now become.

“No one not a soul for the last ten hours no heat signatures, no sound waves, no movement of any kind,” Matt sat at his spot there at the conference table.

| didn’t bring up the tissues where his arm once extended or the way my steadfast Beta now was unsure. At least where he was concerned | knew what to do.

I'd show him he still had my trust and that | valued his judgment and one day eventually he'd fight again.

“It’s like the whole pack disappeared overnight,” he leaned back in his chair.

“They had to have gone somewhere | don’t care if it's underground if it's to another pack’s lands I'm gonna get her back,” | sat down and started adjusting our new drones to start searching the surrounding areas.

“Anything,” her father entered the room. Her mother was open and outward with her hatred ofbut her father kept it much more contained.

“She's got to be somewhere,” he sat down away from me.

“I'm adjusting the air surveillance,” | explained.

“We've got to send recon teams out to their known allies,” he told me.

“Alright but with what men, | have many soldiers down right now,” | reminded him.

“Have that buffoon friend of yours do it,” he toldwith the sirritated tone he now used to refer to me.

Alpha Jonathan had pulled Steven out of a set of enemy warriors during the attack and since has had a low opinion of him.

“I'll ask,” I told him and the doors opened Lillianna walked in and handeda cup of coffee.

“Ask what?” she took off the sweater draped on her shoulders and sat down beside me..

“Can you offer up smen for recon/to go and surveil their allies,” | asked her knowing Lilli wore the pants.

“Of course, I'll even go myself,” She smiled. “How's the feeding?” She havea sympathetic look.

“It's not,” | shook my head.

“Try taking clothes of Annettes and wrapping him in it when feeding,” she suggested.

2/4 Chapter 92 Lillianna wanted a child badly but she didn’t think Steven was ready to be a father and she kept her desires close to her chest.

“Good,” Her father grumbled. I'm sure he was annoyed that | hadn't floundered yet again.

They wantedto be a villain so that when this was over they could take Annette away save their daughter and keep her under lock and key so this would never happen again, but she was still my wife and the mother to our son, and if | wasn’t a villain she'd stay by me.

It must be so easy to bleverything on me, to point atand say that | was the one at fault instead of them.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

| wanted to ask her father why he hadn't gone to his daughter after I'd told him she was in labor and ask her mother why she wasn’t instantly by her daughter's side while she labored but instead had gone to look for James. | didn’t.

| needed them to focus on finding Annette and if that meant having them focus their hate onwe’d find Netta even faster.

“Then I'll wrangle up those willing out of our men and get sparties together,” Matt stood up and walked out.

“Is there anyone besides their allies who might need to be watched?” Lilli asked.

“They're our only enemy,” | shrugged. | turned to her father. “Any shadows from your past we should worry about,” “None. | know how to bury and problem and make sure it stays there,” Lilli-cracked her knuckles and opened her mouth to say something snide to my father in law, but | held up a hand.

He stood and walked out of the room givinga dirty look. | didn’t care | found his hatred much more easy to bear than his wife's.

“Honestly,” James entered the room, shaking his head at his father. His father kept walking, stomping down the hallway.

It seemed Annette was the brain of her family keeping them all in order and reminding them of their senses; without. her, they were over-emotional imbeciles. Astonishingly besides James who cin and set a folder down in front of 1. me.

“Here got security footage of him in Seattle no Annette in sight we lost him around Mount Ranier,” he huffed.

“Seattle,” | pondered for a second. | had no clue what he could be doing there. A face flashed in my mind and | prayed | was incorrect.

“Where was it captured?” | asked him.

“5th Avenue,” James turned his head to**Shit.

| won't say it until I know for sure but he may have gone to another ghost from my past. | don’t want to give my in- laws any more reason to hate me.

3/4 Chapter 92 “Is there something about Fifth Avenue?” James pressured me.

“No,” | gritted my teeth.

Hi, | hope you all enjoy the first three chapters there'll be another chapter tomrrow and the day after and then were on a tuesday and thursday schedule.

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