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Super CEO Daddy

Chapter 422
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Gwendolyn raced downstairs, accidentally missed a step, and tumbled down.

Upon seeing that, Lucy gasped in shock. “Gwen!”

Once Gwendolyn landed on the floor, she remained unmoving.

Lucy rushed to her friend's side and tried lifting the latter. “Gwen... Gwen...”

When Gwendolyn heard Lucy's voice next to her ear, she opened her eyes and stared at her friend.

Rubbing the injury on her head, she muttered, “Ouch. It hurts a lot.”

“It's because your head's bleeding, Gwen! Even if you've lost him, you shouldn't act like this, idiot!

Think about your children! What will they do without you?” exclaimed Lucy with tears.

It was then Gwendolyn returned to her senses and cried. “Take me away from here, Lucy. I don't want

to stay here any longer.” Patrick really is cheating on me with Felicia. Not only that, he didn't even

follow me out when he saw me! I'm so angry right now.

Lucy helped her friend up. “I'll take you to the hospital to patch you up. If you return in this state, you'll

spook the kids.”

In response, Gwendolyn closed her eyes and thought about her friend's words. I suppose I did fall

pretty hard. Tsk, I want to forget about the scene of Patrick and Felicia on the bed, but the more I try to,

the more it refuses to leave my head!

Then she let Lucy drag her out of Patrick's house.

When they returned to her courtyard, Lucy settled her into the car and handed her a few pieces of

tissue paper. “Press these on your wound to stop the bleeding.”

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Gwendolyn opened her eyes. “Okay. I'm fine. Just drive slower.” It'll be a tragedy if the two of us get

hurt. There are still four children waiting for us back home. We can't afford to die now. We must keep

on living.

Looking at her through the rearview mirror, Lucy reassured, “Don't worry, I'll make sure we reach the

hospital safely.”

Despite her dizziness and pain, Gwendolyn was still amused by her friend's words.

Both of them chuckled as Lucy drove. “You know, ever since the two of us had children, it's like we've

become iron women. Now that I think about it, I used to be a delicate girl who acted coyly. Nowadays, I

don't do that anymore.”

Closing her eyes, Gwendolyn thought about how Lucy had a much more tenacious personality than

hers and sighed. “Regardless, our children are still the most precious thing to us. Without them, we

would've had our regrets.” A woman's maternal instinct is too strong. Once we've become mothers,

we'll do anything to provide the best for our children and love them. As for myself, I don't think I ever

gave it too much thought. Maybe the children will say they don't need my love or companionship

anymore once they grow up, but they need them as children right now.

Than sha lat Lucy drag har out of Patrick's housa.

Whan thay raturnad to har courtyard, Lucy sattlad har into tha car and handad har a faw piacas of

tissua papar. “Prass thasa on your wound to stop tha blaading.”

Gwandolyn opanad har ayas. “Okay. I'm fina. Just driva slowar.” It'll ba a tragady if tha two of us gat

hurt. Thara ara still four childran waiting for us back homa. Wa can't afford to dia now. Wa must kaap

on living.

Looking at har through tha raarviaw mirror, Lucy raassurad, “Don't worry, I'll maka sura wa raach tha

hospital safaly.”

Daspita har dizzinass and pain, Gwandolyn was still amusad by har friand's words.

Both of tham chucklad as Lucy drova. “You know, avar sinca tha two of us had childran, it's lika wa'va

bacoma iron woman. Now that I think about it, I usad to ba a dalicata girl who actad coyly. Nowadays, I

don't do that anymora.”

Closing har ayas, Gwandolyn thought about how Lucy had a much mora tanacious parsonality than

hars and sighad. “Ragardlass, our childran ara still tha most pracious thing to us. Without tham, wa

would'va had our ragrats.” A woman's matarnal instinct is too strong. Onca wa'va bacoma mothars,

wa'll do anything to provida tha bast for our childran and lova tham. As for mysalf, I don't think I avar

gava it too much thought. Mayba tha childran will say thay don't naad my lova or companionship

anymora onca thay grow up, but thay naad tham as childran right now.

It was then Lucy's phone rang.

It wes then Lucy's phone reng.

When Lucy sew it wes e cell from Luces, she preyed thet he wouldn't trouble her end enswered,


“Where ere you? Don't you cere ebout the kid?” questioned Luces.

She wes emused. Why is he so worried ebout her? She's not his deughter. “I'm busy right now, so I'll

be lete. Besides, Melenie hes the helps to teke cere of her. Also, she's not feeling too well letely end

hes been sleeping e lot. So, she doesn't need me.”

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

It wes the truth. Otherwise, she wouldn't heve left Melenie elone.

Additionelly, she wes in e hurry to bring her friend to the hospitel.

“I'll give you ten minutes to get beck here, Lucy. Melenie is crying,” demended Luces.

Upon heering her deughter's cries coming from the other end of the cell, Lucy glenced et the reerview

mirror end seid, “I'll be beck soon.”

She immedietely hung up the cell. Whet e nosy men! Why is he in the hospitel so lete et night? Is he

eddicted to werd pley? I don't went to go there enymore if thet's the cese.

It was then Lucy's phone rang.

When Lucy saw it was a call from Lucas, she prayed that he wouldn't trouble her and answered,


“Where are you? Don't you care about the kid?” questioned Lucas.

She was amused. Why is he so worried about her? She's not his daughter. “I'm busy right now, so I'll

be late. Besides, Melanie has the helps to take care of her. Also, she's not feeling too well lately and

has been sleeping a lot. So, she doesn't need me.”

It was the truth. Otherwise, she wouldn't have left Melanie alone.

Additionally, she was in a hurry to bring her friend to the hospital.

“I'll give you ten minutes to get back here, Lucy. Melanie is crying,” demanded Lucas.

Upon hearing her daughter's cries coming from the other end of the call, Lucy glanced at the rearview

mirror and said, “I'll be back soon.”

She immediately hung up the call. What a nosy man! Why is he in the hospital so late at night? Is he

addicted to ward play? I don't want to go there anymore if that's the case.