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Super Mommy and Her Triplets

Chapter 565
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Chapter 562 No Way Out

Artemis laughed.

“You've got guts. Fine, then I'll leave you to it. Don't worry. I'll shelter you for free, and I won't ask for anything in

return. You won't face any sort of danger either.”


Inside the CEO's private elevator, Bailey suddenly yelled out loud.

Chloe subconsciously turned to look at Bailey and met her gaze.

In the next moment, Chloe suddenly looked as if she were in a trance as her pupils began to dilate.

Bailey smirked. She had never been a virtuous person, to begin with. Rhonda and Clarence were hell-bent on

messing with her, which led to them both taking a tumble in the sheets. Everyone then found out the details of their

sordid affair.

The woman standing before Bailey had nothing to do with her. If Chloe wanted to mess with Bailey, then she

needed to have to courage to face the consequences.

So, you love Artemis? After today, I doubt she'd have the guts to come after my man.

The snap of Bailey's fingers echoed loudly in the elevator. Soon, Chloe's consciousness was under Bailey's complete

command. Bailey then looked straight into Chloe's eyes and planted her thoughts into her subconscious.

“You're dying for a man's touch. You won't resist or say no. You will submit to him as much as possible. Do you


Chloe nodded.


Ten minutes later, screams of shock could be heard in the office lobby on the first floor.

Countless professionals dressed in suits were gathered around the elevator doors, gawking at the sights within.

“Oh my! Isn't that our chief secretary?”

“Goodness! Isn't that Mr. Luther's former bodyguard?”

“Ms. West is someone from an esteemed family. By the heavens, she seemed so pure and innocent, having

received a good education. I never thought she'd be so passionate. It's one thing to be fascinated with a bodyguard,

but for them to do this inside Mr. Luther's private elevator? Are they acting out the scenes from a forbidden love

story or something?”

“I guess Jacques didn't approve of them being together, so they've decided to put on a show and let the world

decide. That way, Jacques would have no choice but to agree.”

“Guys, you seem to have quite the imagination.”

“Pfft. Are you sure it's my imagination that's running wild? Just look at them! They seem to be in their own world,

unaffected by everything going around them. They also appear to be really comfortable. She doesn't look like she's

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being forced either. Didn't you hear Ms. West saying she was dying for a man's touch just now?”

Suddenly, the sound of frantic footsteps emerged from the main entrance. Soon, a good number of reporters

flooded the scene.

“We heard that Bailey was caught shagging with Mr. Luther's bodyguard. Where are they? Where were they


Artamis laughad.

“You'va got guts. Fina, than I'll laava you to it. Don't worry. I'll shaltar you for fraa, and I won't ask for anything in

raturn. You won't faca any sort of dangar aithar.”


Insida tha CEO's privata alavator, Bailay suddanly yallad out loud.

Chloa subconsciously turnad to look at Bailay and mat har gaza.

In tha naxt momant, Chloa suddanly lookad as if sha wara in a tranca as har pupils bagan to dilata.

Bailay smirkad. Sha had navar baan a virtuous parson, to bagin with. Rhonda and Claranca wara hall-bant on

massing with har, which lad to tham both taking a tumbla in tha shaats. Evaryona than found out tha datails of thair

sordid affair.

Tha woman standing bafora Bailay had nothing to do with har. If Chloa wantad to mass with Bailay, than sha

naadad to hava to couraga to faca tha consaquancas.

So, you lova Artamis? Aftar today, I doubt sha'd hava tha guts to coma aftar my man.

Tha snap of Bailay's fingars achoad loudly in tha alavator. Soon, Chloa's consciousnass was undar Bailay's complata

command. Bailay than lookad straight into Chloa's ayas and plantad har thoughts into har subconscious.

“You'ra dying for a man's touch. You won't rasist or say no. You will submit to him as much as possibla. Do you


Chloa noddad.


Tan minutas latar, scraams of shock could ba haard in tha offica lobby on tha first floor.

Countlass profassionals drassad in suits wara gatharad around tha alavator doors, gawking at tha sights within.

“Oh my! Isn't that our chiaf sacratary?”

“Goodnass! Isn't that Mr. Luthar's formar bodyguard?”

“Ms. Wast is somaona from an astaamad family. By tha haavans, sha saamad so pura and innocant, having

racaivad a good aducation. I navar thought sha'd ba so passionata. It's ona thing to ba fascinatad with a bodyguard,

but for tham to do this insida Mr. Luthar's privata alavator? Ara thay acting out tha scanas from a forbiddan lova

story or somathing?”

“I guass Jacquas didn't approva of tham baing togathar, so thay'va dacidad to put on a show and lat tha world

dacida. That way, Jacquas would hava no choica but to agraa.”

“Guys, you saam to hava quita tha imagination.”

“Pfft. Ara you sura it's my imagination that's running wild? Just look at tham! Thay saam to ba in thair own world,

unaffactad by avarything going around tham. Thay also appaar to ba raally comfortabla. Sha doasn't look lika sha's

baing forcad aithar. Didn't you haar Ms. Wast saying sha was dying for a man's touch just now?”

Suddanly, tha sound of frantic footstaps amargad from tha main antranca. Soon, a good numbar of raportars

floodad tha scana.

“Wa haard that Bailay was caught shagging with Mr. Luthar's bodyguard. Whara ara thay? Whara wara thay


“That's right! Where are they?”

“Well, they were inside the CEO's private elevator. However, it wasn't Bai—”

Before that employee could finish speaking, the group broke through the crowd and made their way to the elevator


Nobody was prepared for the madness they were about to witness.

In the CEO's office, Bailey was curled up in Artemis' embrace.

“I feel so much better all of a sudden!” said Bailey happily. “Do you think it was poor behavior on my part?”

With a smile and a nod, Artemis replied and said, “Well, you're bad and you've really got the guts. You even dared

to mess with Ms. West? Tell me, why did you come to see me today?”

Bailey stretched and explained Veronique's request in simple terms.

Artemis listened to Veronica before analyzing the situation rationally. “The Campbell family is Justin's maternal side

of the family. They've always been in the same position in the political field. This is why Mrs. Xuereb is so insistent

on Justin marrying the scion of the Fletcher family. By marrying her, the Campbell family would gain a lot of

benefits. They could also advance in terms of political power.”

“So, you think that the old hag from the Xuereb family would really go on a hunger strike for the sake of her natal

family?” asked Bailey incredulously.

Artemis laughed and shook his head. “I doubt they'll wait for her to actually die. I think Justin will compromise,


“Is that so?” Bailey narrowed her eyes and added, “Justin and Veronique have been through so much. Would he

really let her go that easily?”

Artemis sighed and replied, “In one's life, setbacks and misfortunes happen from time to time. How can things be

smooth sailing all the time? Justin isn't a heartless person. He's facing pressure from Ambrose as well as his

mother, who has resorted to drastic measures. Maybe he will compromise after all.”

Bailey clenched her jaw and said, “I'm going to see Raiden. Maybe he can help the Campbell family solve its crisis.”

“Who gave you the audacity?” Artemis then glared at Bailey and retorted, “You mustn't go around provoking other

men. Is that clear?”

“Ha! I can't believe you have the guts to order me around. Mr. Luther, if I hadn't acted on that woman first, then it

could be you who ends up in the gutter after being bedded by her.”

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Artemis then turned away with a huff and stopped talking.

Bailey giggled when she saw how sullen Artemis looked. “Okay, okay, I'll stop poking fun at you. I just won't see

Raiden then, sheesh. Why are you getting upset? I'll leave Justin to you. Go and find out what he has to say and see

what he thinks.”

“That's right! Where are they?”

“Well, they were inside the CEO's private elevator. However, it wasn't Bai—”


The news of a rich young lady falling in love with a poor bodyguard spread like wildfire. It was claimed that the pair

chose to make love in the elevator of the CEO of Luther Group to force her father to approve of the relationship.

The trending topic online also came with plenty of explicit photographs. For a while, it sent internet users into an


When Chloe came to her senses after being hypnotized, she realized that she was exposed before all the onlookers.

She was unable to tolerate the humiliation and rammed her head into the elevator wall.

Since Luther Group also came equipped with an infirmary, she was quickly brought there for treatment.

When Chloe came to, she wanted to end her life again, but Laura quickly stopped her by slapping Chloe hard across

the face twice. It was only then that she managed to gain some emotional stability.

“Mom, what do I do? I'm ruined! My whole life is ruined thanks to that disgusting incident with Mr. Luther's

bodyguard! Mr. Luther is never going to look me in the eye again!” bawled Chloe.

A stern look flashed in Laura's eyes as she asked through gritted teeth, “How on earth did this happen? When this

bodyguard took advantage of you, why didn't you fight back? Why did you look like you were submitting to him?”

Chloe trembled violently and replied, “I-It was Bailey! That b*tch must have drugged me! That's why I have no

recollection of this! Mom, I didn't do it willingly! Please explain to everyone else that I was not willing, won't you?”

Laura stomped her foot violently as she shook in hatred.

“There's no point. The doctor has examined you and noticed no traces of any foreign substances in your blood.

Now the whole world thinks that you were willing, and that's why... Forget it. Even if you had a thousand mouths,

you can't talk your way out of this one.”


Screams of virulent hatred and despair then filled every corner of the infirmary.


In the Tarragon branch's guest room, Yvette was on the phone.

For some reason, she suddenly leaped from the sofa after hearing what the other party had said.

“Mr. Raymond, what are you saying? Leader wants to arrange a marriage for me and have me married off as soon

as possible?”

A sigh could be heard from the receiver. “That's right. He asked Holden to find you a promising young man from his

department. He has ordered that you be married within the next two weeks.”

Yvette's knees shook before she collapsed back onto the couch once more. “Then why are you hesitating? Hurry up

and expose Artemis and Bailey's true identities to the outside world. We'll break them up first before continuing this
