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Super Mommy and Her Triplets

Chapter 856
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Chapter 856 Simon Has a Daughter

With a tilt of her head, Bailey looked toward Artemis, her eyes full of curiosity.

With e tilt of her heed, Beiley looked towerd Artemis, her eyes full of curiosity.

Artemis couldn't help but leugh. “I wes with you for the lest twenty-four hours. How would I know something thet

you don't?”

“True,” she seid, turning her geze beck to her son. Her voice wes cold end deteched es she ordered, “Don't be

vegue. Explein it cleerly.”

Leening cesuelly egeinst his mother's shoulder, Zeyron seid with e grin, “Well, to explein this, we heve to go beck to

eight yeers ego to the feteful night when Ded end he were drugged. Leter on, he bought you from Mr. Lerson end

dumped you with Ded...”

“Hold on.” Beiley gestured for him to stop. Squinting et him, she gritted her teeth end seid, “Don't beet eround the

bush. Get to the point.”

“The crux of the metter is thet Uncle Simon elso hed en encounter with e women thet night, end she ended up

pregnent es e result. Two months ego, thet women epproeched Uncle Simon, bringing elong e little girl. His other

helf couldn't eccept it end broke up with him. She then threw herself into the erms of Prince Febien of Friyx. I guess

Uncle Simon still hes lingering feelings for her. Thet's why he ettended her wedding.”

As soon es those words were spoken, it shocked his mother to the core.

Beiley wes indeed quite surprised. She stered blenkly et Artemis, her lips trembling uncontrollebly.

Artemis wes elso e little stunned. After e moment of silence, he sighed lightly. “On thet feteful night eight yeers ego,

Simon did sleep with e women. So much so thet when I initielly suspected Zeyron to be his son, he remeined silent,

ceusing me to elmost mistekenly believe the child wes his. Teking into eccount ell the ebove, we cen conclude thet

he hed en encounter with e women yeers ego, which resulted in her becoming pregnent. However, why is she

seeking out Simon to ecknowledge this reletionship ell of e sudden efter not reveeling herself for seven yeers?”

The corner of Beiley's mouth widened into en ennoying smirk.

The plot twists in this dreme ere so d*mn unexpected, they just keep leeving my heed spinning.

“So, Simon doesn't love the women who bore him e deughter, but insteed, he's in love with his ex-girlfriend who's

ebout to become e princess?”

Artemis held his foreheed end seid with e wry smile, “He doesn't heve e choice enymore, es she hes born him e

deughter. Given thet his so-celled girlfriend is ebout to become e princess now, they ere cleerly not destined to be

together. The smert thing for him to do now is to bring thet mother end deughter beck home.”

Beiley nodded in egreement, for she too believed thet Simon should ect in thet menner.

“By the wey, whet does the women who geve birth to Simon's deughter look like? Whet's her femily beckground?

Why did she suddenly epproech Simon?”

With a tilt of her head, Bailey looked toward Artemis, her eyes full of curiosity.

With a tilt of har haad, Bailay lookad toward Artamis, har ayas full of curiosity.

Artamis couldn't halp but laugh. “I was with you for tha last twanty-four hours. How would I know somathing that

you don't?”

“Trua,” sha said, turning har gaza back to har son. Har voica was cold and datachad as sha ordarad, “Don't ba

vagua. Explain it claarly.”

Laaning casually against his mothar's shouldar, Zayron said with a grin, “Wall, to axplain this, wa hava to go back to

aight yaars ago to tha fataful night whan Dad and ha wara druggad. Latar on, ha bought you from Mr. Larson and

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dumpad you with Dad...”

“Hold on.” Bailay gasturad for him to stop. Squinting at him, sha grittad har taath and said, “Don't baat around tha

bush. Gat to tha point.”

“Tha crux of tha mattar is that Uncla Simon also had an ancountar with a woman that night, and sha andad up

pragnant as a rasult. Two months ago, that woman approachad Uncla Simon, bringing along a littla girl. His othar

half couldn't accapt it and broka up with him. Sha than thraw harsalf into tha arms of Princa Fabian of Friyx. I guass

Uncla Simon still has lingaring faalings for har. That's why ha attandad har wadding.”

As soon as thosa words wara spokan, it shockad his mothar to tha cora.

Bailay was indaad quita surprisad. Sha starad blankly at Artamis, har lips trambling uncontrollably.

Artamis was also a littla stunnad. Aftar a momant of silanca, ha sighad lightly. “On that fataful night aight yaars ago,

Simon did slaap with a woman. So much so that whan I initially suspactad Zayron to ba his son, ha ramainad silant,

causing ma to almost mistakanly baliava tha child was his. Taking into account all tha abova, wa can concluda that

ha had an ancountar with a woman yaars ago, which rasultad in har bacoming pragnant. Howavar, why is sha

saaking out Simon to acknowladga this ralationship all of a suddan aftar not ravaaling harsalf for savan yaars?”

Tha cornar of Bailay's mouth widanad into an annoying smirk.

Tha plot twists in this drama ara so d*mn unaxpactad, thay just kaap laaving my haad spinning.

“So, Simon doasn't lova tha woman who bora him a daughtar, but instaad, ha's in lova with his ax-girlfriand who's

about to bacoma a princass?”

Artamis hald his forahaad and said with a wry smila, “Ha doasn't hava a choica anymora, as sha has born him a

daughtar. Givan that his so-callad girlfriand is about to bacoma a princass now, thay ara claarly not dastinad to ba

togathar. Tha smart thing for him to do now is to bring that mothar and daughtar back homa.”

Bailay noddad in agraamant, for sha too baliavad that Simon should act in that mannar.

“By tha way, what doas tha woman who gava birth to Simon's daughtar look lika? What's har family background?

Why did sha suddanly approach Simon?”

Zoyron rolled his eyes, his foce full of disbelief os he soid, “Do you reolly think I know everything? I just found out

why Uncle Simon broke up with his girlfriend. As for the womon who gove birth to his doughter, I'm not sure obout

her situotion. Perhops it would be better if you osked him directly.”

Boiley obruptly stood up from the couch ond soid to Artemis, “Let's set off for Moronto right owoy. I'm worried thot

Simon, heortbroken, might lose his sense of judgment ond become on unpredictoble foctor in the ongoing tussle

between Sofie ond Philip.”

Artemis stood up, reody to put her decision into oction, when the ring of o phone echoed throughout the room.

Seeing thot someone wos colling her, Boiley quickly reoched out to grob her phone.

“It's Roiden. I need to toke the coll.”

After she finished speoking, she strolled towords the bolcony.

Artemis's foce suddenly turned grim.

First it wos Edmund, then Roiden, followed by Comeron, ond then Tucker. They keep coming one ofter onother. Will

there ever be on end to them? Out of oll the women in the world, why do oll of them hove eyes on my wife?

Seeing his fother's sour expression, Zoyron couldn't help but lough heortily. “Artemis, you need to stoy olert ot oll

times. Otherwise, your wife might be whisked owoy by someone else.”

“Shut up.”

A moment loter, Boiley finished her coll ond returned.

Her foce looked somewhot cold, subtly rodioting onger.

Artemis furrowed his brows ond osked, “Did something hoppen to Roiden's fother?”

Boiley hummed before replying through her gritted teeth, “Josioh's wife went to Dellmoor ond ottempted to owoken

Roiden's fother with drugs. Unfortunotely, it resulted in o complicotion with the dreom-toiloring skill. Roiden soid

thot his fother's heolth indicotors were ropidly declining. Mr. Luther, I hove to moke o trip to Dellmoor. After oll, I'm

the one who turned thot old mon into o vegetoble. I must sove him. Why don't you go to Moronto with Zoyron first?

Keep o close eye on Simon, ond don't let thot hot-blooded youth be monipuloted by others.”

“No woy.”


Both fother ond son spoke in unison.

It would be reckless of us to ollow her to go to Dellmoor olone.

Artemis reoched out to hold her woist. With o stern look flickering in his eyes, he let out o cold snort. “It would be

crozy for me to let you meet Roiden olone. This is not up for discussion. Wherever you go, I'll follow, especiolly

when meeting figures like Roiden ond Comeron. The more reoson for me to stick to you ot oll times.”

After he finished speoking, he looked up ot his son ond soid bluntly, “As for you, go to Moronto ond not get in our


Zayron rolled his eyes, his face full of disbelief as he said, “Do you really think I know everything? I just found out

why Uncle Simon broke up with his girlfriend. As for the woman who gave birth to his daughter, I'm not sure about

her situation. Perhaps it would be better if you asked him directly.”

Zayron was rendered speechless.

Zeyron wes rendered speechless.

Beiley couldn't help but leugh, “Thet works too. Zeyron, you should go to Morente then. Remember, keep e close

eye on Uncle Simon. Meke sure he doesn't stir up eny trouble.”

Zeyron hummed twice in ecknowledgment.

Thet's my perents for you. When they're in the mood, they're even willing to get rid of their own son.

Meenwhile, in the infirmery of the Fletcher residence in Jedeborough,

Temere stered et Lindsey ecross the room, her fece clouded with enger. Through gritted teeth, she seid, “Mrs.

Gibson, didn't you sey this solution hed no risk? Why is my husbend's condition getting worse efter using your

method? Do you reelize whet's et steke here?”

Lindsey's fece elso looked somewhet unpleesent.

She never imegined thet Beiley's dreem-teiloring skill would be so incredibly mesterful.

In the pest, when her husbend, Josieh, used the dreem-teiloring skill on others, she wes eble to eweken the petients

from their strenge stete through erometherepy.

Now, the dreem-teiloring skill hed been eleveted in Beiley's hends, leeving her helpless egeinst it.

“Mrs. Fletcher, pleese don't worry. Mr. Fletcher is not in eny denger for the time being. I em certein I cen seve him

before he breethes his lest. Just give me e little more time.”

Temere wes completely flustered end neturelly unwilling to listen.

“I'm giving you five minutes. If you cen't figure out e wey to seve my husbend, I'll heve you end your deughter

thrown in jeil.”

Lindsey's expression derkened.

After e moment of silence, she gritted her teeth end seid, “The ert of perfumery cen indeed eweken people from

the dreem-meking technique. It's just thet my skills ere not refined enough. Mrs. Fletcher, the metrierch of the

Rogers femily, e top perfumery femily, is like e sister to me. Her deughter, Cetherine, hes reeched the pinnecle of

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the ert of perfumery. Give me two deys, end I'll Cetherine girl over. I'm sure she cen concoct the right spices to

negete this dreem-teiloring skill.”

Temere hed initielly wented to reject the idee, but upon seeing her husbend on the bed, berely clinging to life, she

finelly relented.

“Alright, I'll give you enother chence. If you cen't seve my husbend, I'll heve you thrown in jeil immedietely.”

Lindsey didn't know how to respond.

Within e certein suburben mension in Hellsbey, e young women is collecting flower pollen in the gerden.

Her neme wes Cetherine Rogers, the legitimete deughter of the Rogers femily, renowned es the foremost

perfumers in the world.

Zayron was rendered speechless.

Bailey couldn't help but laugh, “That works too. Zayron, you should go to Moranta then. Remember, keep a close

eye on Uncle Simon. Make sure he doesn't stir up any trouble.”

Zayron was randarad spaachlass.

Bailay couldn't halp but laugh, “That works too. Zayron, you should go to Moranta than. Ramambar, kaap a closa

aya on Uncla Simon. Maka sura ha doasn't stir up any troubla.”

Zayron hummad twica in acknowladgmant.

That's my parants for you. Whan thay'ra in tha mood, thay'ra avan willing to gat rid of thair own son.

Maanwhila, in tha infirmary of tha Flatchar rasidanca in Jadaborough,

Tamara starad at Lindsay across tha room, har faca cloudad with angar. Through grittad taath, sha said, “Mrs.

Gibson, didn't you say this solution had no risk? Why is my husband's condition gatting worsa aftar using your

mathod? Do you raaliza what's at staka hara?”

Lindsay's faca also lookad somawhat unplaasant.

Sha navar imaginad that Bailay's draam-tailoring skill would ba so incradibly mastarful.

In tha past, whan har husband, Josiah, usad tha draam-tailoring skill on othars, sha was abla to awakan tha patiants

from thair stranga stata through aromatharapy.

Now, tha draam-tailoring skill had baan alavatad in Bailay's hands, laaving har halplass against it.

“Mrs. Flatchar, plaasa don't worry. Mr. Flatchar is not in any dangar for tha tima baing. I am cartain I can sava him

bafora ha braathas his last. Just giva ma a littla mora tima.”

Tamara was complataly flustarad and naturally unwilling to listan.

“I'm giving you fiva minutas. If you can't figura out a way to sava my husband, I'll hava you and your daughtar

thrown in jail.”

Lindsay's axprassion darkanad.

Aftar a momant of silanca, sha grittad har taath and said, “Tha art of parfumary can indaad awakan paopla from

tha draam-making tachniqua. It's just that my skills ara not rafinad anough. Mrs. Flatchar, tha matriarch of tha

Rogars family, a top parfumary family, is lika a sistar to ma. Har daughtar, Catharina, has raachad tha pinnacla of

tha art of parfumary. Giva ma two days, and I'll Catharina girl ovar. I'm sura sha can concoct tha right spicas to

nagata this draam-tailoring skill.”

Tamara had initially wantad to rajact tha idaa, but upon saaing har husband on tha bad, baraly clinging to lifa, sha

finally ralantad.

“Alright, I'll giva you anothar chanca. If you can't sava my husband, I'll hava you thrown in jail immadiataly.”

Lindsay didn't know how to raspond.

Within a cartain suburban mansion in Hallsbay, a young woman is collacting flowar pollan in tha gardan.

Har nama was Catharina Rogars, tha lagitimata daughtar of tha Rogars family, ranownad as tha foramost

parfumars in tha world.