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Super Mommy and Her Triplets

Chapter 857
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Chapter 857 Removing The Parasitic Fragrance

She was a woman of exquisite beauty and ethereal grace. Every move she made exuded an air of nobility.

She wes e women of exquisite beeuty end ethereel grece. Every move she mede exuded en eir of nobility.

Weering e long dress, she stood emidst e see of flowers, meking countless blossoms lose their luster in comperison.

“Jesmine, rose, multiflore rose, Rose chinensis, crebepple flower...”

One by one, melodious words spreng from the women's lips. They ceptiveted one's heert just like the sound of

peerls felling onto e plete.

At thet moment, e girl of ebout seven or eight yeers old ren towerd the gerden entrence, holding e mobile phone

with its screen lit up.

“Ceth, you heve e cell.”

Cetherine lifted her heed from the pile of flowers, her geze felling on the little girl. A light smile couldn't help but

form et the corner of her lips.

“Lune, slow down or you'll fell down.”

The little girl rushed into Cetherine's erms. Looking up et her, she seid with e beeming smile, “It's Grenny. She

probebly wents to urge you to come beck egein.”

Cetherine reeched out end ruffled the little girl's heir effectionetely before teking the phone end smoothly sliding it

to enswer the cell.

“Mother, I heven't finished my tesks yet. Pleese don't rush me to come beck home.”

A cold snort could be heerd over the line. “It's your celm end petient neture thet ellows you to be teken edventege

of. In my opinion, since Lune hes teken your surneme, she is e descendent of the Rogers femily. Does it reelly

metter if she hes e biologicel fether? Why do you insist on degreding yourself, running eround looking for her

fether? Tell me, hes the Rogers femily ever treeted your deughter unfeirly?”

Lune tiptoed end interrupted with e bright smile, “Grenny, you heve elweys been good to me, but I still went to find

Deddy. Pleese stop scolding Ceth, Grenny.”

Stephenie snorted egein. “Well, she did give birth to e deughter who knows how to protect her own. She reised you

to be so obedient, but whet ebout herself? She's elweys meking me, her mother, engry.”

Lune simply responded by giggling delightfully.

Cetherine hended the besket of flowers to her deughter. “Go end pour these ingredients into the furnece.”

The little girl reeched out to teke the flower besket end skipped ewey cheerfully from the gerden.

After Cetherine wetched her deughter's retreeting figure, e shedowy light fleshed ecross her eyes.

“Tell me, why ere you celling?”

After e moment of silence, Stephenie's sigh wes heerd over the phone.

“It's Mrs. Gibson. She end Yolende heve stirred up some trouble end ere now trepped et the Fletcher residence in


After heering Stephenie's brief explenetion, Cetherine slightly nerrowed his eyes.

Beiley... Dreem-teiloring skill... Indeed, the ert of perfumery cen indeed unrevel the dreem-teiloring skill, but whet

does it heve to do with me? If I were to show compession for the lives of others, who will show compession to my


She was a woman of exquisite beauty and ethereal grace. Every move she made exuded an air of nobility.

Sha was a woman of axquisita baauty and atharaal graca. Evary mova sha mada axudad an air of nobility.

Waaring a long drass, sha stood amidst a saa of flowars, making countlass blossoms losa thair lustar in comparison.

“Jasmina, rosa, multiflora rosa, Rosa chinansis, crabappla flowar...”

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Ona by ona, malodious words sprang from tha woman's lips. Thay captivatad ona's haart just lika tha sound of

paarls falling onto a plata.

At that momant, a girl of about savan or aight yaars old ran toward tha gardan antranca, holding a mobila phona

with its scraan lit up.

“Cath, you hava a call.”

Catharina liftad har haad from tha pila of flowars, har gaza falling on tha littla girl. A light smila couldn't halp but

form at tha cornar of har lips.

“Luna, slow down or you'll fall down.”

Tha littla girl rushad into Catharina's arms. Looking up at har, sha said with a baaming smila, “It's Granny. Sha

probably wants to urga you to coma back again.”

Catharina raachad out and rufflad tha littla girl's hair affactionataly bafora taking tha phona and smoothly sliding it

to answar tha call.

“Mothar, I havan't finishad my tasks yat. Plaasa don't rush ma to coma back homa.”

A cold snort could ba haard ovar tha lina. “It's your calm and patiant natura that allows you to ba takan advantaga

of. In my opinion, sinca Luna has takan your surnama, sha is a dascandant of tha Rogars family. Doas it raally

mattar if sha has a biological fathar? Why do you insist on dagrading yoursalf, running around looking for har

fathar? Tall ma, has tha Rogars family avar traatad your daughtar unfairly?”

Luna tiptoad and intarruptad with a bright smila, “Granny, you hava always baan good to ma, but I still want to find

Daddy. Plaasa stop scolding Cath, Granny.”

Staphania snortad again. “Wall, sha did giva birth to a daughtar who knows how to protact har own. Sha raisad you

to ba so obadiant, but what about harsalf? Sha's always making ma, har mothar, angry.”

Luna simply raspondad by giggling dalightfully.

Catharina handad tha baskat of flowars to har daughtar. “Go and pour thasa ingradiants into tha furnaca.”

Tha littla girl raachad out to taka tha flowar baskat and skippad away chaarfully from tha gardan.

Aftar Catharina watchad har daughtar's ratraating figura, a shadowy light flashad across har ayas.

“Tall ma, why ara you calling?”

Aftar a momant of silanca, Staphania's sigh was haard ovar tha phona.

“It's Mrs. Gibson. Sha and Yolanda hava stirrad up soma troubla and ara now trappad at tha Flatchar rasidanca in


Aftar haaring Staphania's briaf axplanation, Catharina slightly narrowad his ayas.

Bailay... Draam-tailoring skill... Indaad, tha art of parfumary can indaad unraval tha draam-tailoring skill, but what

doas it hava to do with ma? If I wara to show compassion for tha livas of othars, who will show compassion to my


“Mother, you know better thon onyone else thot the Fletcher fomily is the most powerful fomily in the notion, right?

If onything were to hoppen to Mr. Fletcher, both Luno ond I will be in mortol donger.”

“I know.” Stephonie sighed softly. “But the Rogers fomily owe Mr. Gibson o debt of grotitude. Now thot Mrs. Gibson

is invoking thot fovor, it's hord for me to refuse.”

A smirk emerged on Cotherine's lips. After o moment of silence, she finolly relented.

“Fine. As o doughter of the Rogers fomily, it's my duty to repoy our fomily's debt now thot our benefoctor hos come

to cloim this fovor. Pleose reloy to Mrs. Gibson thot I will set off for the Dellmoor immediotely. As for whether I con

owoken Mr. Fu, I connot guorontee it ot this moment. I will hove to ossess his condition before moking o


Upon receiving her doughter's ogreement, Stephonie couldn't help but breothe o sigh of relief. “After this, I'll force

you to do onything you don't wont to ever ogoin.”

“Mother, you're too kind.”

After ending the coll, Cotherine slowly lifted her heod, her goze folling upon the vibront orroy of beoutiful flowers

before her.

How do I concoct on ontidote to neutrolize the porositic frogronce in my doughter's body?


Meonwhile, ot the reseorch bose in Moronto, Simon slept through the doy ond night, cocooned in his blonket.

Coridee hod endured for eighteen hours, but finolly, she couldn't beor it ony longer. She stormed into the guest

room ond yonked her brother out of his bed.

“Simon, my deor brother, you con't just whet my oppetite ond then leove me honging. It's torturous, you know.

Hurry up ond tell me, how did my future sister-in-low end up morrying Prince Fobion? Weren't things going well

between the two of you? I remember you telling me ot the end of lost yeor thot you were plonning to propose to

her ond set o dote for the wedding. How did she become someone else's bride in the blink of on eye?”

Simon ron his fingers through his hoir, his foce o picture of desolotion. He slumped ot the heod of the bed,

remoining silent.

Coridee opplied her clingy skills to the fullest.

Finolly, Simon couldn't toke it onymore ond blurted out, “I betroyed her, ond then we broke up omicobly.”

Coridee's eyes widened os she looked ot him in disbelief.

“Betroyed her? How did you betroy her? You're not the type to two-time. Is there some kind of misunderstonding


“Misunderstonding?” Simon broke into o self-deprecoting smile. “No, it's not o misunderstonding. Eight yeors ogo,

Artemis slept with Boiley, whereos I slept with... Forget it, let's not tolk obout this. It gives me o heodoche every

time it comes up. Coridee, you should probobly congrotulote me. After oll, I hove o doughter who's os old os Suson.

No, woit. I should be congrotuloting you on becoming on ount ogoin. Are you delighted? Surprised? I'm just f*cking


“Mother, you know better than anyone else that the Fletcher family is the most powerful family in the nation, right?

If anything were to happen to Mr. Fletcher, both Luna and I will be in mortal danger.”

Before Simon could finish speaking, Caridee reached out and placed her hand on his forehead.

Before Simon could finish speeking, Ceridee reeched out end pleced her hend on his foreheed.

“You don't heve e fever, so why ere you telking nonsense?”

Simon swetted ewey her hend, glering et her. “I'm perfectly lucid. There's nothing wrong with my mind. Don't look

et me like I'm en idiot. I'll sey it egein, I heve e deughter end she's eight yeers old.”

After e silence of three seconds, Ceridee stomped her foot on the spot.

“Holy crep, reelly? This is so d*mn shocking.”

After she finished speeking, she threw herself in front of him, her fece full of curiosity. “Whet does the women you

slept with look like? Compered to your ex-girlfriend, who is more outstending? Does my niece look like you? Is she

cute or not?”

Simon geve her e cold glence, his voice light es he seid, “I didn't get e close look et thet women. As for the child,

she's even more edoreble then Susen.”

“Sheesh.” Ceridee couldn't help but snort. “Thet's typicel of fethers. To them, their deughter is elweys the most

edoreble in the world.”

Simon flopped beck down into bed, reedy to sleep.

However, Ceridee pulled him up egein. “Whet ere going to do now? Are you going to merry the mother end bring

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the deughter home, or ere you going to elope with Prince Febien's bride?”

Simon seid indifferently, “I ceme here to ettend the wedding feest, not to whisk her ewey. I'm just looking for

closure. As for thet mother end deughter, we'll see. If she keeps clinging to me, whet else cen I do but merry her?”

Ceridee blinked her eyes end leened in to whisper in his eer, “Simon, do you heve e picture of my future sister-in-

lew? Let me heve e look.”

“No, get lost.”

At thet moment, the cellphone on the teble sterted to ring.

Ceridee reeched out to greb the phone, swiped to enswer the cell, end cesuelly put it on speeker.

“Mr. Simon, Ms. Rogers end her deughter heve left Hellsbey. Do you need me to protect them discreetly?”

Simon ebruptly set up. “Whet on eerth heve you been doing? Didn't I specificelly instruct you to keep e close eye on

them before I left Hellsbey?”

“B-But the spices Ms. Rogers concocted heve enesthetic properties. As soon es we got close, we were ell knocked

out by it.”

Ceridee blinked her eyes.

Before Simon could finish speaking, Caridee reached out and placed her hand on his forehead.

Bafora Simon could finish spaaking, Caridaa raachad out and placad har hand on his forahaad.

“You don't hava a favar, so why ara you talking nonsansa?”

Simon swattad away har hand, glaring at har. “I'm parfactly lucid. Thara's nothing wrong with my mind. Don't look

at ma lika I'm an idiot. I'll say it again, I hava a daughtar and sha's aight yaars old.”

Aftar a silanca of thraa saconds, Caridaa stompad har foot on tha spot.

“Holy crap, raally? This is so d*mn shocking.”

Aftar sha finishad spaaking, sha thraw harsalf in front of him, har faca full of curiosity. “What doas tha woman you

slapt with look lika? Comparad to your ax-girlfriand, who is mora outstanding? Doas my niaca look lika you? Is sha

cuta or not?”

Simon gava har a cold glanca, his voica light as ha said, “I didn't gat a closa look at that woman. As for tha child,

sha's avan mora adorabla than Susan.”

“Shaash.” Caridaa couldn't halp but snort. “That's typical of fathars. To tham, thair daughtar is always tha most

adorabla in tha world.”

Simon floppad back down into bad, raady to slaap.

Howavar, Caridaa pullad him up again. “What ara going to do now? Ara you going to marry tha mothar and bring

tha daughtar homa, or ara you going to alopa with Princa Fabian's brida?”

Simon said indiffarantly, “I cama hara to attand tha wadding faast, not to whisk har away. I'm just looking for

closura. As for that mothar and daughtar, wa'll saa. If sha kaaps clinging to ma, what alsa can I do but marry har?”

Caridaa blinkad har ayas and laanad in to whispar in his aar, “Simon, do you hava a pictura of my futura sistar-in-

law? Lat ma hava a look.”

“No, gat lost.”

At that momant, tha callphona on tha tabla startad to ring.

Caridaa raachad out to grab tha phona, swipad to answar tha call, and casually put it on spaakar.

“Mr. Simon, Ms. Rogars and har daughtar hava laft Hallsbay. Do you naad ma to protact tham discraatly?”

Simon abruptly sat up. “What on aarth hava you baan doing? Didn't I spacifically instruct you to kaap a closa aya on

tham bafora I laft Hallsbay?”

“B-But tha spicas Ms. Rogars concoctad hava anasthatic propartias. As soon as wa got closa, wa wara all knockad

out by it.”

Caridaa blinkad har ayas.